The other lady I was seeing came back and we did meet up again and had sex. Surprisingly, out of no where she complained that I didn't send a taxi to pick her up. Just said, you cannot be serious. Not this again. She then dropped it and was pleasant again. She then came down with a cold yesterday, but still wanted to see me today. I was weary since I am still recovering, so I declined. She then said she may only be able to see me next weekend, I said, ok. As I was writing another message, stating why not come by and I'll cook us a meal meal and we can watch Netflix. Then she gave me this whole two paragraph text on how she wants to still see me and be friends, but not exclusive (we were never exclusive). Then, she said, oh, I can do that. That sounds like fun. I said, you know what, that's a great idea, parting ways, not coming over. She then came back and said, so we can be friends and hang out and be non-exclusive? Nope I said. Take it easy, it's been an experience. She then couldn't believe my response, and say, why can we still just hang out? I still want you in my life. I think I am done, ciao. She continued on, and I said, I'll make this easy for the both of us, I am uninstalling this app. She then send a message as I was uninstalling and saw the notifications, I hope you change your mind. I was tempted to just reply, I won't, but it was pointless. Low and behold, she was back on OLD minutes later. TBH, the main reason why I kept her around was that she was close, but in the end, it didn't help seeing her more. I won't be going back. Too much of a rollercoaster. She started to say she also wanted to be treated like a princess.
I am chatting with three other ladies, two seem to want to meet up for drinks. I just find it hard to balance more than one or two ladies at a time; especially if I am having sex with them. How do I break free of this mentality?
I am chatting with three other ladies, two seem to want to meet up for drinks. I just find it hard to balance more than one or two ladies at a time; especially if I am having sex with them. How do I break free of this mentality?