I know women will act like women and its not that i expect them to ever act like men, my point is that if they can't act like men they shouldn't be able to do everything men can do. That's all i mean. I know women can't act like men so they should have some limitations.
You can not control female behavior, they will act as they act. They will continue to demand more and more, and believe they are just as good if not better than men... this is their nature because this is how we as a culture have trained them to behave, though cow-towing to demands for political expediency and pvssy worship. Telling the to 'step up' and behave rationally and work hard to achieve is like asking the Sun to not be so hot... or shaking your fist at the sky because it is raining. I am all about giving women the opportunity to perform at the same level as men, if they can do the job... then they should not be penalized just because they are women, they should be given the opportunity.
But just like the NORMAL behavior of women, when they can not achieve success, they blame others... men in particular, because women, as a general rule, do not want accountability for their actions. So instead of building a system that provides fairness and equal opportunity, we concern ourselves with 'equity of outcome', and when things are not equal... because they never will be equal, they demand that we lower the standard... dragging men down to the level of women, and men in the USA have allowed them to do this. This does not surprise me... they are acting like women through-out history have ALWAYS behaved. What has CHANGED is that MEN started acting like chicks. A significant number of men... mostly those who can not really compete have bought into the BS.
Social conservatives in the USA are godd@mn morons. They believe that we have to just put everything back in a box and everything will be fine... march everyone to a revival tent and nirvana will be achieved, what a bunch of horse sh!t. No one is going to take the vote away from women, no one is going to make abortion illegal again... it's just not going to happen, until all hell breaks loose and chicks demand we take the wheel again. But that is not going to happen until women start to really suffer... and that is not going to happen until we reach a point where all our resources are exhausted. You want to know how bad it going to have to get before people really get the
message?.... Look at Venezuela, as bad as it is now, it still is not bad enough YET because women can still feed themselves by defaulting to prostitution. When they can no longer sell their bodies for bread THEN they will change.
Men have to just start acting like men. When women demand more, just say no. That's it... no argument... no. They'll then take tot he streets in pick pvssy hats, and march in slut walks... and we as men can not allow yourself to get drug into an emotional argument because you can not win an emotional argument with chicks. You just ignore it... period, and stay on purpose. But instead with have so called 'conservatives' now using chick-like arguments, like men are victims too, and emotional BS. This might make you feel better, but it is anger to no productive purpose because it ultimately will fail.