Women act like women... I think this statement illustrates well what I believe is the biggest problem men on this forum have with women. They expect women to behave and act like men.
There are ALWAYS exceptions, not all women are like this, but by and large, women are very different from men. Female politicians, bureaucrats, and feminists are women and as such typically will behave in a way consistent with the female imperative. They can actually do nothing on their own. If you turned all of government over to women they would create a catastrophic mess... so bad that they would demand men take over. Then they would blame men for allowing THEM to be in charge. It is never really their fault because, generally.... they are incapable of doing anything without the help of men.
Just ask women if they would rather work in a company full of women, or men.... if they answer HONESTLY, they would prefer the later.
All men have to do is calmly and rationally say "no", that's it.... there is no need to have emotional political rallies where we engage in chick-like name calling and Twitter fights... we just have to act like men and fathers and tell them no more. The men in USA have become completely feminized to the point where we are acting just like them... all we care about is short term gain... emotional decision making, and the next election cycle.
Kavanaugh's performance after Dr. Ford's testimony sickened me... he should have just calmly and emphatically denied anything happened, instead he went on a chick-like tirade about how he is a 'victim' and being attacked by the left. He should have just said in a calm voice that while Dr. Ford's testimony was emotional and compelling, it did not happen. That this experience has steeled his resolve and made him a better judge concerned more with justice and fairness. That certainly in his teens and college years, like many, engaged in immature behavior in that time of our lives. That he is there to answer questions, then at the end of that, if the Senators do not want to move his nomination out of committee than fine, he'll return to his circuit court and do his job. Then just answer questions calmly with a touch of humor with as little talking as possible, with a touch of humor, the way we talk to chicks.
Senator: "Have you ever been black-out drunk?"
Kavanaugh: "No, not that I recall, but if I was 'blacked out' how would I know?"