The reason to believe in spirituality is because it is a vehicle to self improvement. You become more than just the material. You are a soul whose purpose is to grow and become a more compassionate person. There is no way I can ever prove this and I will not even try. But I have had personal experiences that have pointed me in this direction. I have also researched a lot of near death experiences and stuff like that.
I was definitely playing devil's advocate.
Its female logic. Its girl power.
Explain scientifically a "soul" for argument sake.
As for research into near death experience, care to share with reference/sources. There's arguments that, life after death experience is from DMT, thought to be released by the pineal gland. If you're super
Fascinated, a tea ceremony in Peru sounds about right. I would. I have yet to try but, DMT smoked was pretty enlightening. I felt like I died and was born again.
Peterson spoke of a doctor who had a near death experience from a stroke. The transcendental experience from a stroke was then written in her book.
Peterson made reference to case study where a paralyzed grandpa got up out of wheelchair to save grand son. Returned to chair paralysed again.
There's other case stories of women lifting cars to save their child.
If one was to look for a scientific casr study for a miracle, this comes to mind.
Paralyzed man walking lol scientifically speaking, what if a "__________" said stimuli set off enough fire power to access the part of the brain that was damaged enabling mobility for a short duration. The same scenario could be said of the woman lifting something out of ordinary well beyond her capacity in a short duration.
But you are very right. Women at the peak of their SMV dont need God or anything higher than themselves. Narcissist dont evolve. This is something I overlooked. I forget how real the God complex is for them. They really do live the lives of D list celebrities with all of the attention they get.
Ironically enough, its God that they need more during top form SMV then later.
Its hollow as in, her assumed being special coincides with Hollywood's trash, cratered SMV also known as the #metoo movement.
Notice its not TSwift or hawttttt women 99% of the time crying wolf. Its when she's missed the boat, when the milks gone bad, and its game over. The victim card is played. Her spotlight is gone so she clings to victim narrative status. Anything for attention since she cannot attract it with SMV nor talent.
Classic female logic.