The culture creators have turned women into non spiritual beings. I am totally against religion. I grew up babtist and went to a catholic schools for most of my life. I am not advocating religion. I am advocating believing in something bigger than one self. An aspect of spirituality that gets over looked is moral self improvement. Recognizing that you have a soul allows you to improve morally. It makes you evaluate your behavior and try to become a better person. When I was an athiest I was a good person but I did not have the impetus to rise above my Darwinian instincts for self preservation. It justified a me first attitude.
Many educated women from the upper Northeast have this non religious, materialistic cold perspective on life. This translates into their behavior. They exhibit even more selfish behavior because they fall into moral nihilism. This is totally unfeminine. The female is supposed to be moral and warm.
I am not saying that religion or spirituality ( new age movement, buddhism etc) makes you a good person. What spirituality does is help to increase self awareness and introspection. It also increases your empathy for others because one of the main tenets of spirituality is your connection to the world and self improvement.
Lets not devolve into a debate about religion. I am simply saying atheist non spiritual women have a certain coldness about them. They also exhibit and arrogant demeanor of having it all figured out.
Many educated women from the upper Northeast have this non religious, materialistic cold perspective on life. This translates into their behavior. They exhibit even more selfish behavior because they fall into moral nihilism. This is totally unfeminine. The female is supposed to be moral and warm.
I am not saying that religion or spirituality ( new age movement, buddhism etc) makes you a good person. What spirituality does is help to increase self awareness and introspection. It also increases your empathy for others because one of the main tenets of spirituality is your connection to the world and self improvement.
Lets not devolve into a debate about religion. I am simply saying atheist non spiritual women have a certain coldness about them. They also exhibit and arrogant demeanor of having it all figured out.