The freaky ladies are out there...but they keep monkey branching off
In all seriousness though if I can be the male version of that I'm sure the female version exists too. She's not going to be a virgin of course as long as she's not promiscuous.
I think the problem is inherent, if she likes sex why doesn't she have it?
If you could have as much sex as you wanted, you would. And unless she's ugly or nuts or isolated (all of which have their own sets of problems) she absolutely can have as much sex as she wants, so if she chooses to never/rarely fvck anyone unless they're her boyfriend/she loves them, then she doesn't care much for sex (or calls someone her bf after a day, or falls in love in the first week, etc.)
So finding a kinky high sex drive girl that is somehow chaste and only fvcks guys she cares about within a relationship... Is like wanting to date someone who has lots of money but doesn't have a job... Good luck with that .01% lmao.
Matching this perfectly, most of the girls i know/knew who stand out to me as kinky or high sex drive were also really slvtty and the ones that were all about love and feelings and low numbers usually gave off the distinct impression that sex was an obligation to them at best.
I have met one notable exception for each side
1. A girl who was chaste but not frigid (she had some kink in her and a high sex drive), but she got bored and disappeared on me for other guys suddenly for no reason just like the biggest slvts i knew, so it wasn't any different really.
2. A girl who is a huge branch swinger that replaces her boyfriend essentially weekly but not particularly kinky or sexual... The worst of both worlds.