Is confidence really the only thing that separates guys who get laid vs those who don't??


Oct 25, 2017
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I've come from a point in my life where my confidence with women was absolutely fukking horrific - being fat as a high schooler annihilated my confidence and self esteem - to now, actually feeling pretty good about myself and I see how huge of a difference it is. When you don't think you're good enough or you don't think you're worthy or you don't think you're capable of attracting a woman, it bleeds into every ounce of your being and women can smell that from 50 miles away (no matter how pretty you make the outside package appear)

With that being said, is confidence really the only thing that separates the guys who get laid with attractive women vs those who don't?

I mean I look at all the tangible things - looks, personality, intelligence, character, success and I've known multiple men who were good in everything but were terrible at dating. Not only am I a perfect example but I had a friend who is a pharmacist now named Milos - dude was 5'11 220 lbs very muscular, good looking in the face, super nice guy, very smart, made 160K a year. He dated women 3 levels below himself and he married a nasty **** who is 4 levels below him. He should have been dating 9/10s

When you genuinely believe every woman on the planet would be very lucky to be with you, I think that's way more powerful than any tangible positive trait. It's crazy how many self limiting beliefs most men have. I met another friend 2 weeks ago who is 6'0 handsome all American guy, super cool dude, very likable. We started talking about those super hot fitness babes and the first words out of his mouth was that he didn't make enough money to impress them...even though most fitness babes at your local gym probably make 30K a year. Most men have soooooo many self limiting and self destroying beliefs about dating


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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I've come from a point in my life where my confidence with women was absolutely fukking horrific - being fat as a high schooler annihilated my confidence and self esteem - to now, actually feeling pretty good about myself and I see how huge of a difference it is. When you don't think you're good enough or you don't think you're worthy or you don't think you're capable of attracting a woman, it bleeds into every ounce of your being and women can smell that from 50 miles away (no matter how pretty you make the outside package appear)

With that being said, is confidence really the only thing that separates the guys who get laid with attractive women vs those who don't?

I mean I look at all the tangible things - looks, personality, intelligence, character, success and I've known multiple men who were good in everything but were terrible at dating. Not only am I a perfect example but I had a friend who is a pharmacist now named Milos - dude was 5'11 220 lbs very muscular, good looking in the face, super nice guy, very smart, made 160K a year. He dated women 3 levels below himself and he married a nasty **** who is 4 levels below him. He should have been dating 9/10s

When you genuinely believe every woman on the planet would be very lucky to be with you, I think that's way more powerful than any tangible positive trait. It's crazy how many self limiting beliefs most men have. I met another friend 2 weeks ago who is 6'0 handsome all American guy, super cool dude, very likable. We started talking about those super hot fitness babes and the first words out of his mouth was that he didn't make enough money to impress them...even though most fitness babes at your local gym probably make 30K a year. Most men have soooooo many self limiting and self destroying beliefs about dating
Maybe that 6/10 had a much better personality and treated him better than 9/10's. Dude, the ones who are all image usually aren't that nice to be with.


Oct 25, 2017
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Maybe that 6/10 had a much better personality and treated him better than 9/10's. Dude, the ones who are all image usually aren't that nice to be with.
dude she wasn't no 6/10

she was a 4/10 and a nasty t-w-a-t on top of it

I wouldn't be hating on her if she was a super nice 6/10


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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WHat came first the chicken or the egg?

Genuine confidence in any facet can only be incited by a track record of success in that facet.

Any contrived confidence you put forth without a track record will be sniffed out by socially savvy women.

Hence, you start low, get the ball rolling, and build momentum. In time, you’ll be like me, with young 9s wondering why you’re not calling them and begging for your exclusivity.

The longer I’m in this game, the more I feel sorry for women ... for having met me.


Oct 25, 2017
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WHat came first the chicken or the egg?

Genuine confidence in any facet can only be incited by a track record of success in that facet.

Any contrived confidence you put forth without a track record will be sniffed out by socially savvy women.

Hence, you start low, get the ball rolling, and build momentum. In time, you’ll be like me, with young 9s wondering why you’re not calling them and begging for your exclusivity.

The longer I’m in this game, the more I feel sorry for women ... for having met me.

in 2015-2017, I slept with maybe 8 women...2 or 3 of them were in that 7-8/10 range (but were single moms or too old or smokers so I wasn't interested in dating them)

It still didn't help me develop the confidence with young attractive women. It's taken me to this point of looking deep within myself, forgiving what happened in the past and stop torturing myself over my desire to be completely perfect to start to make real progress. I also (and I've started it already) really need to stop pedestrianizing beautiful young women. I'm sure they're just normal people like everyone else


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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in 2015-2017, I slept with maybe 8 women...2 or 3 of them were in that 7-8/10 range (but were single moms or too old or smokers so I wasn't interested in dating them)

It still didn't help me develop the confidence with young attractive women. It's taken me to this point of looking deep within myself, forgiving what happened in the past and stop torturing myself over my desire to be completely perfect to start to make real progress. I also (and I've started it already) really need to stop pedestrianizing beautiful young women. I'm sure they're just normal people like everyone else
Their someones bratty sister.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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in 2015-2017, I slept with maybe 8 women...2 or 3 of them were in that 7-8/10 range (but were single moms or too old or smokers so I wasn't interested in dating them)

It still didn't help me develop the confidence with young attractive women. It's taken me to this point of looking deep within myself, forgiving what happened in the past and stop torturing myself over my desire to be completely perfect to start to make real progress. I also (and I've started it already) really need to stop pedestrianizing beautiful young women. I'm sure they're just normal people like everyone else
Sure it helped your confidence with single moms or old women in the 7-8 range. If you want to be confident with young attractive women you will have to succeed with them, which means (get ready for this), you will have to approach them. :eek:

Another fact you should be aware of: You confident state is strongest immediately following the "sale." This means to be operate most effectively, one has to always be in the "game," at bat, and succeeding.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2016
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every woman i was successful with stated at some point "you are really confident" , "I like your confidence".
This was usually proceeded by a very bold statement, heavy flirt or passing some sh1t test


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2012
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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Your innerworld creates your outer world.
The Egyptians knew this millenia ago.
So if you love yourself, you believe in yourself, you love your life, you send out a positive energy, all these things will be returned to you.
If you hate yourself, see yourself as a victim or not good enough, the world will treat you like ****.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I think Nature intended it that way. Not to sound harsh but your friend is probably a ***** (again, not trying to sound harsh, just being honest and wish i could use another word but that is the only thing that came up) because he doesn't have the balls to stand up for what he truly wants in life. Thus nature rewards him with the 4's. When Nature comes across a man who knows what he wants and won't stop until he gets it and goes for it, he will have 9's and 10's THROWING themselves at him because Nature shows that he has the highest chance of survival. You guys forget that attraction back then is attraction now. Whoever is the most resilient against the forces of nature and time are the ones who get the girls. I promise you, if Justin Bieber lost all his fame and money, NO girls would be after him (unless girls do it to say I banged Justin Bieber). Girls are only after him for his money and fame, not because of him. This a HUGE distinction.
So, if I go skydiving, or do something crazy like that, then magically 9's and 10's will come out of the wordwork because you are playing with nature?

You know I actually looked at that approach back in 2008. I went to an amusement park and went on all the dangerous rides with the belief a 9 or 10 would throw themselves at me. All I got was a couple of random girls joining me on a bungee jump on either side of me, lol! Nothing really magical happened afterwards.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Genuine confidence in any facet can only be incited by a track record of success in that facet.
If you are incited by a track record of success, it's confidence. If you have a track record of failure, it's delusion.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2016
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I havent been in the game for many years but the last year some women have wondered if I am a player, and asked me. I believe this is something you will hear more often when your track record improves


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Your innerworld creates your outer world.
The Egyptians knew this millenia ago.
So if you love yourself, you believe in yourself, you love your life, you send out a positive energy, all these things will be returned to you.
If you hate yourself, see yourself as a victim or not good enough, the world will treat you like ****.
It's a bit more to it. If you see the entire world as your competition, everyone will make it harder for you.
I havent been in the game for many years but the last year some women have wondered if I am a player, and asked me. I believe this is something you will hear more often when your track record improves
I guess that means you know how to act .


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
I havent been in the game for many years but the last year some women have wondered if I am a player, and asked me. I believe this is something you will hear more often when your track record improves
Your current woman gives it up when you want it?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2016
Reaction score
Your current woman gives it up when you want it?
Dated two recently, one was the more shy relationship material-type but was boring in bed and a horrible kisser, simply didnt turn me on enough.

The other one was a bartender and a waitress, extremely social and with a body that makes me fall in love. Big beautiful tits and insane sexual chemistry. Could cream her when I wanted. But ofc, if I find her gorgeous, others will too. In the end I knew I would get feelings and had to let it go, she still had feelings for an ex and she has been fuked by too many anyways. These girls only get feelings for guys who dump them, its sad how fuked they are. Same story all the time.

These young girls are so damaged.

Been chatting with a middle eastern woman lately, want to see if theres some "old family values" left in this one. She lives hours away so its a big problem.

I got exams in a month, aint it weird how women give meaning to a mans life. Without pssy its meaningless to me. Even a simple date gives everything else a little more meaning. Guess Im addicted cause I was so bad before, but now Im starting from scratch AGAIN lol.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
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Being narcissist through life is no way to live....But when it comes to dealing with the hot shallow women of today some narcissistic delusion is needed. As long as you know when to turn the switch on and off....if your a narcissist around your friends/family/work it will push people away and make you a lonely individual. With women **** yeah its a great trait to have.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
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Dated two recently, one was the more shy relationship material-type but was boring in bed and a horrible kisser, simply didnt turn me on enough.

The other one was a bartender and a waitress, extremely social and with a body that makes me fall in love. Big beautiful tits and insane sexual chemistry. Could cream her when I wanted. But ofc, if I find her gorgeous, others will too. In the end I knew I would get feelings and had to let it go, she still had feelings for an ex and she has been fuked by too many anyways. These girls only get feelings for guys who dump them, its sad how fuked they are. Same story all the time.

These young girls are so damaged. Who cares?

Been chatting with a middle eastern woman lately, want to see if theres some "old family values" left in this one. She lives hours away so its a big problem.

I got exams in a month, aint it weird how women give meaning to a mans life. Without pssy its meaningless to me. Even a simple date gives everything else a little more meaning. Guess Im addicted cause I was so bad before, but now Im starting from scratch AGAIN lol.
Walking away from a woman your extremely attracted to because your afraid of getting hurt is beta behavior. Newsflash- Every chick you ever meet will usually still have feelings for at least one other man, and every chick you ever get with has been ****ed by other men. This is where learning to not take women too seriously, constantly spinning plates, and learning to enjoy the moment comes in handy. Nothing lasts forever my man....that hb8 will not be an 8 forever. Tear that ass up while you can and soak in every second of it. My ex was a 24 year old 8.5 when I met her....she still had feelings for her ex....two years later i dumped her she's a 6 at best. And IMO still probably ****s with her drug dealing ex haha.

**** yeah I remember the great sex when she was a knockout and I knew in the bottom of my heart it wouldn't last with her and she was crazy. Bottom line- life is about taking things as they come and enjoying the moment. And most importantly, NEVER stop spinning plates unless you truly decide you want to marry someone.

Personally the older I get the pickier I am. Unless a girl is an 8 or better, and I find absolutely stunning I won't bother with banging her. Rather rub one out than bang a 7


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
Confidence is 80% of the work
Skills/Techniques/Attitude is 20% of the Work.

Confidence gets you in the door. Eventually you will cross that door of her bed chamber.
Some skills, understanding, techniques, improvement... will increase your winning ratio.... but these only matters if you have to confidence to play the game in the first place


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2016
Reaction score
Walking away from a woman your extremely attracted to because your afraid of getting hurt is beta behavior. Newsflash- Every chick you ever meet will usually still have feelings for at least one other man, and every chick you ever get with has been ****ed by other men. This is where learning to not take women too seriously, constantly spinning plates, and learning to enjoy the moment comes in handy. Nothing lasts forever my man....that hb8 will not be an 8 forever. Tear that ass up while you can and soak in every second of it. My ex was a 24 year old 8.5 when I met her....she still had feelings for her ex....two years later i dumped her she's a 6 at best. And IMO still probably ****s with her drug dealing ex haha.

**** yeah I remember the great sex when she was a knockout and I knew in the bottom of my heart it wouldn't last with her and she was crazy. Bottom line- life is about taking things as they come and enjoying the moment. And most importantly, NEVER stop spinning plates unless you truly decide you want to marry someone.

Personally the older I get the pickier I am. Unless a girl is an 8 or better, and I find absolutely stunning I won't bother with banging her. Rather rub one out than bang a 7
Ofc, in an ideal world I would not have been the 26 year old virgin, but I was. You have to see where I come from and the wounds I am trying to control while becoming better, which I am constantly doing.

Most things I do with women have been carefully thought through. The hb 8,5 or whatever didnt initiate enough, worked 3 jobs, didnt live close by, etc. I wasnt afraid of getting hurt, I knew I was gonna get hurt. I am an emotional man when it comes to women, probably cause of death in my close family. Too attached to my mother who died etc.

To me it feels beta to get feelings for a slut that does not feel anything for you, and keep her around cause you are desperate to fuk. I couldnt win.

Also, girls who make it hard for me to see them? Fuk that. I dont have evergy for that anymore. Too much self respect at this point. I dont care what excuse they have, working 20 jobs or their aunts brother passed away, go snort coke from a dealers dik then and cry when he dumps you lol

Where I live now, with my exams, I cant get a new rotation going so volume is crap and it affects my mind more naturally. Will move to a bigger pond soon and get it going again. Plate spinning is king, mans best cure against evil