- Fmylife best story since 2009
Personally, all the girls I've been with, asked me to wear a condom.
Anyway... I freak out about STD even if I have a condom.
Now, you hear about some STD (herp, pap virus) that the condom only "increase your chances of protection". Cause they skin to skin.
Also, now in Canada... Herpes STD test are being " privatize" and we are told they usually aren't effective (blood or physical evaluation by MD) or they don't work unless you have outbreaks. (And sometimes they give false results)
So basically you could have caught it without ever knowing and than infect the "dream girl aka wife aka LTR aka mother of your child" without knowing.
Every time I have a ONS or a plate.. I think about these STD. That kills me and my stress explode/anxiety.. And I get sick.
So I guess, I'll limit to the LTR sex lol. Also that's the only time I went RAW. LTR the only place for that in my opinion. My exs had no issue and wear all on birthcontrol since they were in no hurries to lockdown (booming career, doing Masters at Uni)
I know so many "professionnals" who after a ONS became parents lol.
According to studies: Semen/sperm has healthy effects on Female.. It act has a High..
Sperm for female is
1) a natural anti-depressant,
2) it improve sleeps
3) gives you anti-oxydant, vitamins C, anything that beneficial to the body and increase your "feel good"
4) lower blood pressure and stress
It actually been proven that Cosmetic companies and Spa use sperm/semen in their products and treatment to increase relaxation and efficiency.
So I guess the girls who want it RAW have issues and are in need of a "fix" ... like getting HIGH on SEMEN (it can last 1 week) instead of "weed/coke"
My ex was allergic to my semen. I got lucky on that lol
So semen is the new drug... and you wonder why White Male sperm has been reduced by 75% from historic findings.
Unprotected sex is sooo irresponsible, even if STD might be more rare than we think.. They are still around and you sleep with someone past that you don't even know.
I wonder sometimes if Escort are cleaner than your average bar hoe/plate.
I've know a ex-GF of a friend (already 10 years ago)... they were 8 years together. She got pregnant 3 times and got 3 abortions.. He eventually dumbed her and the girl became crazy.
He told me she was always telling him that she took the "pill" but guess she was lying.
I am sure the guy asked for it, so he ain't 100% clean either but thats weird behaviour of the girl (lying about being on the pill). They were 21 back than.
I know a teenager (17) who got pregnant 2 times from 2 different guys both times she was forced to abort. She dreamed of having the kids... yet we told her about how kids force you to be "adult" and do a "pause" on your "fun".. she wouldn't believe us (like she could still live like she's alone, have fun, do what she wants when she wants.. With a kid..). Major lack of somethink.
People forget responsabilities and I heard it too that STD are becoming more and more MD resistant.
Always wear a condom.. Tell her you'll last longer and be able to climax her more.
Use your brain