Are you afraid to insult women?


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
Tell you what, how about you both post some pics then lol? Let's eliminate the anonymous B.S. and let's reveal who we are! You guys know who Tenacity is and what he looks like. I posted my Photo Feeler with actual results from women as well, here's another copy below. Let's see your pics! Photo Feeler

Well, what's the reason that you are here? And you're right, I don't like the anonymous shyt I say you BOTH post your pics. Everybody in this thread POST your damn pics as well! DF are you guys hiding for? Use Photo Bucket so your pics won't come up in a Google Search if that's your concern.
I can't imagine if everyone would post their pictures here... what the forum would turn into.

We will have the WWE of who's the hottest forum member and pull girls based on look only.

The good part: Photofeeler market shares will skyrocket.

What's the point of fighting here anyway.
Time to bring back threads that actually help to be better, to recognize female interest, understand and smell redflags, and just be a normal guy.



I love the coping mechanisms of the blue pill CLOWNS on this forum.

Urbanyst says sh*t I don't like and uncovers harsh red pill truth that goes against the cartoon world in my brain. Therefore, Urbanyst must be a loser in real life lol.

Ego protection at its finest.

Truth is I'm good looking. Hit the gym almost every day. My social skills put most people to shame. Which is why I'm so effective at communication on this forum (think about it). I have a nice apartment in NYC.. MONEY.

Don't believe me? Don't care.

Suck it.

The ignore button exists for a reason.

Can't handle red pill truth? Put people on ignore.


Look, I don't like or not like what you write. Like I stated before, some of what you say is very true.

What I find sad is how you communicate for a 33 yr old man.

Now you're telling us how good looking you are, that you work out, that you have great social skills and are so effective at communication, adding lol blue pill clowns and all that.

You are effective at getting lots of replies though, I admit that. But then, that's the point for you right?

I wish you well, good luck with things.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Look, I don't like or not like what you write. Like I stated before, some of what you say is very true.

What I find sad is how you communicate for a 33 yr old man.

Now you're telling us how good looking you are, that you work out, that you have great social skills and are so effective at communication, adding lol blue pill clowns and all that.

You are effective at getting lots of replies though, I admit that. But then, that's the point for you right?

I wish you well, good luck with things.
You should know by now I don't follow blue pill rules. I will LOL if I feel like it.

Wish you good luck as well.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Not at all. And my BF knows it. He thinks I have more good options than he does. Sure he can go get someone younger, he can get someone prettier. He can't find someone better across the board easily at all. And HE knows it.

Aside from that I screen out the ONS and STR men anyway. Because I won't have sex right away. So those guys fall off early without bedding me.

But people get into habits. Habits take some time to change. Last evening he called me up and took full responsibility for his behavior without any prompting whatsoever from me. He told me it has been many years since he has dated a woman with standards that are like mine (which makes perfect sense because he is used to women falling all over themselves for him and accepting his behavior), and therefore he hasn't had to really take a look at himself in a long while. He said "The solution is that the drinking has to stop. Not because you say so, but because it's not who I am, and I'm not showing up as the man I am when I drink". I agreed with him. So either he will adjust his behavior or he won't. But he knows if he wants me or any other woman my caliber to stick around, he can't behave like that. He has lost quality women in the past for similar behavior. So he recognizes the issue. And the flirting gets out of hand in direct proportion to the amount of alcohol he has consumed. He knows that also. The drinking is the root cause. It's bad for him all around.

So I will observe what he does. And if it works? Cool. And if it doesn't? Then that is fine as well. You can shame me, insult me, and swipe at me all you like. It has utterly no affect on my life and my results, which are doing just fine. I have no complaints and life is good.
He is the best you can get at the moment.

No one settles when they don't have to.


Mar 5, 2018
Reaction score
I can't imagine if everyone would post their pictures here... what the forum would turn into.

We will have the WWE of who's the hottest forum member and pull girls based on look only.

The good part: Photofeeler market shares will skyrocket.

What's the point of fighting here anyway.
Time to bring back threads that actually help to be better, to recognize female interest, understand and smell redflags, and just be a normal guy.
We can cut through a lot of the B.S. arguing on here because people would know who is giving them advice. Like @MidnightCity said that he thinks @Urbanyst is a Steve Urkel look-a-like that couldn't sniff a chick's if they both had pics posted, they would both know what each other looked like and @MidnightCity couldn't make such an accusation.

There's too many anonymous fvckers giving advice on this forum. Grown men are coming here looking for assistance navigating through this gynocentric landscape and there's far too many TROLLS, clowns, fakes, flames, nerds, and flat out unattractive dudes on this board who spit out "advice" and theories all damn day.

- Post a pic of how you look

- Post a pic of you with plates

- Both of the above need to be recently snapped, within 30 to 60 days

- Put both in your signature


Now no one will be able to say someone is "Steve Urkel" behind the screen and instead we can focus on the validity of one another's arguments and theories.

In addition, you mention being a "normal guy", I thought Sosuave was about becoming the DON JUAN? The DON JUAN is the guy with good looks, good finances, and good social skills who has a rotation of plates OR has settled into a relationship with a good looking chick on HIS TERMS. The DON JUAN is not a "normal guy", he is very much the Top 10% to 20% of men in America (like Tenacity ;)).


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
When did we start living in a world where its taboo for a man to be "offended and hurt"?
Since the beginning of time. I remember in kindergarten that no one liked a crybaby.
That only suggests you were offended and hurt, and you responded in turn by attempting to intentionally cause additional harm to her as a result. Where is the true utility in that if you have to respond to criticism/insults vindictively? Shutting up your girlfriend shouldn't be considered a victory. Enough of those "victories" and you'll build unreconcilable resentment, which ultimately leads to various manifestations of new undesirable behaviour over time.

In your specific case, the insult served no long-term benefit. At the end of the day, the intention was to cause harm. If your intentions and insults stem from a place of malice (justified or not), they will only erode your relationships over time.

And if "putting a girl in her place" or insulting a girlfriend seems to improve her behaviour, you don't have a girlfriend... you have a doormat.
Disagree. Insulting a man’s work ethic is insulting his ability to provide particularly for his family. That’s insulting his masculinity almost to the core. And if you let that **** happen, you’re a pushover. There’s a difference between walking away/being the bigger man and being a pushover. Some people just don’t understand until you give them a can of whoop ass.
Employing silence is the most powerful weapon in your arsenal. Demonstrate through actions, not words, as any diatribe even if successful will cause provide closure in the subject if you walk away or resentment if you stay.

If a women is out of order, withdraw your time, attention, and/or emotional investment. This sends her the message clearly and hits her the hardest.
Or they don’t shut up and continue to slander your name. I learned that one the hard way with my own sister lol. Sometimes you gotta prove them wrong, lest you forget about why you did what you did when confronted by others. Then you look like an idiot.
If you're emotionally weak enough to take insults to heart to the point where you want to get into a power struggle, you've got bigger problems than interpersonal relationships.
Very true! But you can’t forget that sometimes you have to look at insults every once in a while and realize that maybe it’s telling you there’s something you can fix about yourself....
That's fair.

I have to admit this holds up. For me.. even on this forum.. some posters will get a reaction out of me while others I will completely ignore the majority of the time.

Case and point I pretty much ignore anything @ImTheDoubleGreatest! says. When he/she posts in my threads I usually pass right over them and when posts from him/her are directed at me, I rarely read them unless they are very short.
You only ignore when I disprove what you say in a way that has no possible form of a counter argument.

But if say I call you a faggot, then you respond hahahaha! Last time you didn’t respond to an insult like that was when you reported me.
Most men on this site are very insecure and blue pill.
Says you when you always feel the need to argue with others you feel you are able to. How ironic and hypercritical. Weak.
Funny thing is.. I've been insulted a lot more on this site than the other way around. I've barely insulted anyone. I insult their ideas, way of thinking and SMV but not much else.

The truth just hurts lol. And the truth is guys who believe in "game" yet can't prove their points for sh*t have a pea brain.
No, you do insult people. I’ve linked about 9 of them to a mod before when he messaged me.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Your advice is one that leads folks to be doormats. Your "turn the other cheek" mentality is what can make guys appear to be doormats. A lot of women are a.ssholes today, if you don't put them in their place it could be bad for you. And I'm not saying put them in their place hoping it "straightens them out".....I'm talking about the chicks could see you as a BYTCH and issues could result from that.
Tenacity stfu. You only think this way because you talk about how you want to start beating and killing women. That’s why you got the first temp ban you mentally unstable ****. Only reason you honk like this is because you couldn’t fight other guys so you have to think to take it or on women. That’s bully behavior right there, and it’s very weak. Man up, fool.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
I love every so often visiting this forum and amusing myself. Constant battle of “No look at ME I have the biggest Penis” ahh humans, strange creatures we are. Strange indeed
Well how big is your ****? I’d like to think mine is decent at least. Probably not like double-surgery bionic **** Richard but you know.


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
Since the beginning of time. I remember in kindergarten that no one liked a crybaby.

Disagree. Insulting a man’s work ethic is insulting his ability to provide particularly for his family. That’s insulting his masculinity almost to the core. And if you let that **** happen, you’re a pushover. There’s a difference between walking away/being the bigger man and being a pushover. Some people just don’t understand until you give them a can of whoop ass.

Or they don’t shut up and continue to slander your name. I learned that one the hard way with my own sister lol. Sometimes you gotta prove them wrong, lest you forget about why you did what you did when confronted by others. Then you look like an idiot.

Very true! But you can’t forget that sometimes you have to look at insults every once in a while and realize that maybe it’s telling you there’s something you can fix about yourself....

You only ignore when I disprove what you say in a way that has no possible form of a counter argument.

But if say I call you a faggot, then you respond hahahaha! Last time you didn’t respond to an insult like that was when you reported me.

Says you when you always feel the need to argue with others you feel you are able to. How ironic and hypercritical. Weak.

No, you do insult people. I’ve linked about 9 of them to a mod before when he messaged me.
Now now, the only person here who knows WHEN to throw an insult back and WHEN to back off.

You'd make a good senior business operation manager.


We can cut through a lot of the B.S. arguing on here because people would know who is giving them advice. Like @MidnightCity said that he thinks @Urbanyst is a Steve Urkel look-a-like that couldn't sniff a chick's if they both had pics posted, they would both know what each other looked like and @MidnightCity couldn't make such an accusation.

There's too many anonymous fvckers giving advice on this forum. Grown men are coming here looking for assistance navigating through this gynocentric landscape and there's far too many TROLLS, clowns, fakes, flames, nerds, and flat out unattractive dudes on this board who spit out "advice" and theories all damn day.

- Post a pic of how you look

- Post a pic of you with plates

- Both of the above need to be recently snapped, within 30 to 60 days

- Put both in your signature


Now no one will be able to say someone is "Steve Urkel" behind the screen and instead we can focus on the validity of one another's arguments and theories.

In addition, you mention being a "normal guy", I thought Sosuave was about becoming the DON JUAN? The DON JUAN is the guy with good looks, good finances, and good social skills who has a rotation of plates OR has settled into a relationship with a good looking chick on HIS TERMS. The DON JUAN is not a "normal guy", he is very much the Top 10% to 20% of men in America (like Tenacity ;)).
Good to have you back, bud.

You're extremely solipsistic - almost to the extent of a female - but I do appreciate your willingness to put yourself out there. Even though I think it's a bit short-sighted and could potentially bite you on the ass one day.

Sosuave has changed many lives over the past 2 decades, and the vast majority of posters have always been anonymous, for obvious reasons.

It's pretty easy for veterans to pick up on who knows their sh1t and who's full of it.

Here's a hint: if all a poster does is create redundant threads looking for attention, they're probably full of sh1t.


Feb 5, 2016
Reaction score
Disagree. Insulting a man’s work ethic is insulting his ability to provide particularly for his family. That’s insulting his masculinity almost to the core. And if you let that **** happen, you’re a pushover. There’s a difference between walking away/being the bigger man and being a pushover. Some people just don’t understand until you give them a can of whoop ass.
What specifically do you disagree with?

I never once insinuated, to anyone in this thread, that they should let sh!t happen to them and let people walk over them.

I am specifically arguing that you are never required to–nor have to–insult someone in order to stand up for yourself and assert that you are not a pushover, I am arguing that you can stand up for yourself effectively without insults.

I conceded to LARaiders85 earlier in this thread that some may find subjective "utility" in insulting a woman:
Yes, I agree, you can back her off with insults. Yes, I agree, it will give you ability to speak your mind. In this case, we could agree that it's appropriate, in the sense it's appropriate if your goal is to do the former two things. I believe it's not an optimal solution and is unnecessary, especially in LTRs. If you feel it's "appropriate" given your reasoning, and that is the utility for you, then I can't argue that it's not.
LARaiders85 suggested to me was that insults can be merely "appropriate", and he granted me that that does not necessarily mean they are the best possible solution in any given situation, nor required.

LARaiders85 is arguing that insults could be "appropriate" in certain situations, and I conceded that to him, but I'm arguing that you can stand up for yourself without insults.


What specifically do you disagree with?

I never once insinuated, to anyone in this thread, that they should let sh!t happen to them and let people walk over them.

I am specifically arguing that you are never required to–nor have to–insult someone in order to stand up for yourself and assert that you are not a pushover, I am arguing that you can stand up for yourself effectively without insults.

I conceded to LARaiders85 earlier in this thread that some may find subjective "utility" in insulting a woman:

LARaiders85 suggested to me was that insults can be merely "appropriate", and he granted me that that does not necessarily mean they are the best possible solution in any given situation, nor required.

LARaiders85 is arguing that insults could be "appropriate" in certain situations, and I conceded that to him, but I'm arguing that you can stand up for yourself without insults.
@guru1000 said it best. You say more by saying less. You can say more by withdrawing your attention than you can by emitting emotion. Getting emotional just shows that you're fully committed and don't have any other options.

Been there, done that. I will say that it can be difficult to remain stoic in the heat of battle; women sure can push buttons.


A quote from Roissy that has always stuck with me:

You are an oak tree. You will not be manipulated by crying, yelling, lying, head games, sexual withdrawal, jealousy ploys, pity plays, sh1t tests, hot/cold/hot/cold, disappearing acts, or guilt trips. She will rain and thunder all around you and you will shelter her until her storm passes. She will not drag you into her chaos or uproot you. When you have mastery over yourself, you will have mastery over her.


Mar 5, 2018
Reaction score
Tenacity stfu. You only think this way because you talk about how you want to start beating and killing women. That’s why you got the first temp ban you mentally unstable ****. Only reason you honk like this is because you couldn’t fight other guys so you have to think to take it or on women. That’s bully behavior right there, and it’s very weak. Man up, fool.
Can someone please tell me why this GROWN WOMAN under a fake 17 year old's profile is talking to me?? o_O This is exactly why pics need to be posted!! Chick stop messaging me!
Last edited:


Mar 5, 2018
Reaction score
Good to have you back, bud.

You're extremely solipsistic - almost to the extent of a female - but I do appreciate your willingness to put yourself out there. Even though I think it's a bit short-sighted and could potentially bite you on the ass one day.

Sosuave has changed many lives over the past 2 decades, and the vast majority of posters have always been anonymous, for obvious reasons.

It's pretty easy for veterans to pick up on who knows their sh1t and who's full of it.

Here's a hint: if all a poster does is create redundant threads looking for attention, they're probably full of sh1t.
Everything wrong with the Manosphere ties back to the anonymous shyt.

I've heard people compare MGTOW/Manosphere guys to Feminists....but I don't think that's a fair comparison, because Feminists aren't chicken shyt to express their views without being hidden. If you truly STAND BY what you are saying in relation to the retarded shyt women are doing....why is everyone hidden?? I can't stand that shyt.


Mar 5, 2018
Reaction score
i dont know what this obsession is you have with other peoples looks but if youre that insecure, let me put your fears to rest tenacity. i am better looking than you. and im no where near as narccissitc as you but i can objectively say that i am.

some of us also value our anonymity. for various reasons that need no explanation

lastly, urbanyst is a big boy (lol). he doesnt need a lawyer or for you to come to his rescue. its on him to defend himself from whatever i throw at him. not you.

but if you or him really wants to meet me face to face, your best bet is the gym where i train 2 nights a week. im the 5'10 hispanic guy thats there during after work hours. you'll know its me exactly when you see me. i'll be more than happy to give you directions. its the only boxing gym on 4th avenue in brooklyn

how bout that instead of your pic requests? if you "Cant" or arent willing to do that, then id shut up about it.

oh and dont worry, it isnt some threat or call out. nothing is gonna happen. i might even teach one of your goofy asses how to throw a proper punch. cause im a nice guy like that

and as far as why im here, my post history speaks for itself
Kool what city Bro?


Everything wrong with the Manosphere ties back to the anonymous shyt.

I've heard people compare MGTOW/Manosphere guys to Feminists....but I don't think that's a fair comparison, because Feminists aren't chicken shyt to express their views without being hidden. If you truly STAND BY what you are saying in relation to the retarded shyt women are doing....why is everyone hidden?? I can't stand that shyt.
Everything wrong my ass. You don't see any feminist careers being ruined over something they said online. As a man in today's world, especially a white man, there's a target on your head. It's like a video game to these sjw slags. How many lives can they ruin? All for the liberal cause, though, right?


Mar 5, 2018
Reaction score
Everything wrong my ass. You don't see any feminist careers being ruined over something they said online. As a man in today's world, especially a white man, there's a target on your head. It's like a video game to these sjw slags. How many lives can they ruin? All for the liberal cause, though, right?
But what exactly are we saying in the Manosphere that's "so bad" to where our career can be ended?

- We are discussing how the Family Court is out of control

- We are discussing how marriage isn't what it used to be and is a bad deal today for many

- We are discussing how dating dynamics have changed today

- We are discussing how the family is broken up

What is so bad about this? Sosuave in particular would be 1,000% better if it wasn't anonymous. And again, you could always use the Photobucket link. I would just love to know who the hell I'm talking to when I discuss things on this board lol.

* Some of these folks are 20 year old KIDS who haven't even moved out of their parents basement yet nor experienced life yet, trying to tell a grown man in his 30's what LIFE is all about.

* Then some are women posing as dudes.

* Then some are women period.

Like I want to know who the HELL I'm talking to lol! I mean the pure absurdity of a 20 year old giving a 35 to 40 year old man "advice" on ANY thing in life is just mind-boggling to me. That 20 year old better be some kid genius or some shyt, which none of them on the Manosphere are. It's just dudes fresh out of high school, without even a fvcking credit report history nor ANY asset or liability in his name....telling GROWN A.SS MEN what "life" is all about. Make that make any sense :rofl:
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Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
What specifically do you disagree with?

I never once insinuated, to anyone in this thread, that they should let sh!t happen to them and let people walk over them.

I am specifically arguing that you are never required to–nor have to–insult someone in order to stand up for yourself and assert that you are not a pushover, I am arguing that you can stand up for yourself effectively without insults.

I conceded to LARaiders85 earlier in this thread that some may find subjective "utility" in insulting a woman:

LARaiders85 suggested to me was that insults can be merely "appropriate", and he granted me that that does not necessarily mean they are the best possible solution in any given situation, nor required.

LARaiders85 is arguing that insults could be "appropriate" in certain situations, and I conceded that to him, but I'm arguing that you can stand up for yourself without insults.
The best defense is a good offense. Sometimes that applies to social situations as well. The vast majority of the time insults just don’t work, but there are times where people DON’T learn unless you REALLY give it to them.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Can someone please tell me why this GROWN WOMAN under a fake 17 year old's profile is talking to me?? o_O This is exactly why pics need to be posted!! Chick stop messaging me!
Go cry again about how not even your own mother wants you. This is a man’s site. Pansy **** like that isn’t allowed if you’re gonna spam about it. If there’s any woman on this board, it’s you with your emotional and overly sensitive ‘poor me’ attitude. You got banned for a reason. You’re not welcome here.

Just like you were never welcomed anywhere else irl.