matters little, one thing you need to read is what will turn the crazy switch up and don't let it go down, I ahd this on both ends, one was more willing to do my bidding, and pushed and grabbed her its was all nice and ok, with another I was not feeling it (not really that atractive to me but hey was easy pulling) then well the bed was not so good, she was not that much into it because I was not too much into it, I could see she was willing and hot when we was starting but in the middle of it her switch was down so I did notice she was not so much on it then I just wraped it up and move on,
I guess the problem here is you reading what she feel like doing and keep her up to it, its happens time to time something like you feel the obligation in doing it, in the end in bed or in the all things you lead she follows, if you are tired make her work but you still need to lead