It's crazy the difference in dating between younger and older women


Oct 25, 2017
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Maturity, Life experience, etc.

Or even the stereotype of having such things.

I've had girls question if I was worth their time on Tinder because I was only 30 (too young for them), when the girl was only 28.

Plus, older guys generally know what they're doing in the bedroom better than younger ones. Not saying you don't, I'm just saying what girls might think.

Plus, not trying to burst your bubble, but car salesman isn't really a high status job, or even a respected profession no matter how much you make. It has an aura of sleeze about it.

you guys are smoking crack if you think a 26 year old chick wants a 40 year old man

95% of women want a man within 5 years of their age
May 25, 2017
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Florida, USA
you guys are smoking crack if you think a 26 year old chick wants a 40 year old man

95% of women want a man within 5 years of their age
You obviously know it all. That's why you b1tch on here why you're the perfect man yet no one wants you. While I just heard a Hooters waitress say she likes older guys last week.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2012
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Amsterdam, Netherlands
ive read a few of your posts and you use your looks, achievements and earnings as arguments to mask your own deep insecurities and hatred for the world.

Women dont want to date negative opinionated entitled men.


Oct 25, 2017
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You obviously know it all. That's why you b1tch on here why you're the perfect man yet no one wants you. While I just heard a Hooters waitress say she likes older guys last week.
the average age of marriage in my state is 29 for men and 27 for women

older guys to a lot of 26 year old women is 32, not 40...not to mention I look about 33-35 myself anyways when I have my super manly facial stubble :)


Oct 25, 2017
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ive read a few of your posts and you use your looks, achievements and earnings as arguments to mask your own deep insecurities and hatred for the world.

Women dont want to date negative opinionated entitled men.
hatred for the world? I friggin love my life dude

I wake up everyday and say thank god for everything I have
May 25, 2017
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Florida, USA
the average age of marriage in my state is 29 for men and 27 for women

older guys to a lot of 26 year old women is 32, not 40...not to mention I look about 33-35 myself anyways when I have my super manly facial stubble :)
Well I don't know what your problem meeting women is then. Probably if people saw you in person it might be more obvious, but we don't have that opportunity.


Oct 25, 2017
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Well I don't know what your problem meeting women is then. Probably if people saw you in person it might be more obvious, but we don't have that opportunity.
you saw the picture of me, my face is extremely masculine looking - easily pass for about 33-35...and I look much much much MUCH better than that in real life

Seriously dude, when I go out in the night scene, I look like a million bucks. I have usually a super nice button down shirt, designer jeans, nice dress shoes, nice watch, hair looking perfect, muscles popping out all over, face looking perfect, facial hair looking perfect

If I was born gay or a woman, somebody of my appearance caliber would be worshiped everywhere he went. I hate that I was born a straight man - the hand we were dealt in terms of dating is absolutely fucking terrible
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
you saw the picture of me, my face is extremely masculine looking - easily pass for about 33-35...and I look much much much MUCH better than that in real life

Seriously dude, when I go out in the night scene, I look like a million bucks. I have usually a super nice button down shirt, designer jeans, nice dress shoes, nice watch, hair looking perfect, muscles popping out all over, face looking perfect, facial hair looking perfect

If I was born gay or a woman, somebody of my appearance caliber would be worshiped everywhere he went. I hate that I was born a straight man - the hand we were dealt in terms of dating is absolutely fucking terrible
I meant if we could see how you interact with them.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
why would a man in his 40s have higher SMV than me?

I already have the career/body and I'm not 15 years older than the chicks I want - I'm their age
A few of reasons, you have to understand our 'lizard brains' which drives our mating strategy and is instinctual encoded back when life expectancy was in the 30s.

The only people that lived into their 40s and 50s were the strongest... with the best genes. The lizard brain drives us to mate with the best available option which gives our children the best chance for survival. The chicks lizard brain looks at an older man and see good genes which indicates high probability of survival. Women instinctual do this because they know a man in his middle age can still father children without any problems.

Another reason is a man in his 40s and 50s isn't running around with a perpetual hard-on driven by high levels of testosterone, so he isn't driven by sex and mating to chase women around. A woman has to work harder to get his attention and so she will be more attracted to him.

Just being older doesn't necessarily HELP a man, it just does not hurt him, and many men in their middle ages are more established financially and professionally. An older man that does not have resources or social status will be no more successful than any other man at any other age.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
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Car salesman + dressing like the ultimate playa = untrustworthy sleeze.
I've been reading/following the adventures, and whining, of @bigdave17 and I wondered this same thing a few days ago.

From what I understand, you are a very good salesman, and earn a generous living doing what you do, which is great. However, telling ladies that you sell cars for a living comes with the automatic stigma of sleazy car salesman - not to mention, it's commission based, so the assumption is that there are periods when you will be broke.

From what you have said, the stigma doesn't apply to you, but it is the assumption, until she can get to know you better.

Isn't there some other relevant title you can label yourself for her, until she gets to know you and understands that you are amazing at what you do? Sales Executive? Business development consultant? Business development manager? (I just pulled these off of Google)

"Sales executive manager for Ford"
Sounds so much better then "I sell cars for a living, but I'm really good at it"
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
stop self validating yourself with "i am the richest" "congratulations to RichardTheFrog" "but do you fvck as hot girls as I do".

its not really helping your self esteem. and the attention you get here is fake and virtual anyway
Stop wasting your time analyzing every word of strangers on the Internet. I wasn't talking to anyone but myself anyway.

Anyone can fvck as hot girls as me if they pay.

If anything can be taken from me talking about money, it's the fact that it yields a lot better results than spending your whole life in the gym. Is a girl that works at Starbucks a hooker because she chooses to offer herself for money on the side?
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Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Business <> Personal

Huge distinction I made long ago.

In business, you put on your business face.

In dating, you put on your dating face.

In LTRs, you put on your LTR face.

This is why I teach you men fluidity.

In business, you sell the customer. The onus falls upon you to close.

With women, the woman should sell you. This is the correct frame that will maximize your game. Until you internalize this Dave, you will continue to fail with EASY women, as they are all easy once this frame is internalized.

Your game sucks. First step is to be conscious of this and accept it. Next, work on it. It BEGINS with the mental paradigm that you are the prize to be won, and they must work to get you, your time, your attention. All else will follow this paradigm.

It’s simple actually. You just make it difficult by pedestal-ing women who neither need nor deserve it.

This is my last post to you.



Apr 25, 2016
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you guys are smoking crack if you think a 26 year old chick wants a 40 year old man

95% of women want a man within 5 years of their age
I am 40, look maybe 30......and I slay 7.5's-9s in their mid to late 20s.

Right now I am spinning a 32 yr old, 36 yr old, 27 yr old and 29 yr old.

Smashing 3 of the 4 and have a "making dinner at my place" with the other one Saturday night. I dont TREAT them the same because they are different in their own ways. The groundwork of flirting, seduction, give and take away....all the same.....but tailored to each. I banged one on the second date, one on the third date and the one for this Saturday night has been getting a waterfall in her panties in the anticipation of coming over this weekend to finalize the thoughts that have been going on in her head (I hung out with her in a group setting on New Years and know her pretty well from before). All educated (Bachelor's being the lowest along with 2 that have doctorates) and outgoing. Lowest is a 7.5 and highest I would consider an easy 9.

All have fun, outgoing personalities as well as other traits that I look for when screening potential plates. In all fairness, the 32 and 36 yr olds are older than I normally would date, but they are actually as much fun as the ones in their 20s and more financially stable for themselves (both making well over $100K). They are also more mature when the time is right to be more mature.

And my last LTR was an easy 8.5, super cute, Master's degree and she is 28 now (she was 24 when I started seeing her and I was 36). It lasted almost 3 yrs.

Its not hard, you just seem to not be able to get out of your own way. You should understand this if you are THAT good of a salesman. The basics of being a good salesperson do not change from customer to customer, but the pitch varies slightly. I bet you dont start off your introduction as "I am the greatest car salesperson in the midwest" because people would flee. I would assume that you start off with a light introduction, find out what it is they do and are looking for (income situation and what they want to spend) and BUILD them up COVERTLY until they cant wait to buy the car of their dreams.

You just cant seem to get this concept when dealing with women and come across as quite incompetent since both skills are highly interchangeable.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
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I am helping my good buddy out by letting him stay at my house - he is divorced and trying to get up on his feet. His ex wife absolutely crippled him financially so he is dead ass broke - I told him he can stay with me for a while and not pay me any rent until he doing a little better. My buddy is also chubby and balding terribly (should shave his head, I dunno why he is holding on to the tiny bit of hair he has left).

So anyways, today he shows me a picture of a woman he is going out with tonight and she is a 40 year old global finance director at Mcdonalds - likely making about 300-500K a year. She is good looking - very good looking for her age actually, in nice shape, masters degree in business, looks about 5 years younger than her real age, super nice person (my buddy said she is awesome)

Meanwhile, if I approach a 25 year old at a bar who makes 30K a year and lives at home with her parents and who is nothing amazing whatsoever for her age appearance wise (maybe a 6.5 to 7/10) and she will inevitably turn her nose up at me and wants nothing to do with me every single time. Isn't this just crazy?? I can't get a girl who is 6 levels below my league to show interest in me meanwhile my buddy can get a girl a 100 levels above his league to go out with him.

When I approach women sometimes who end up being 35-40 (on accident because I think they are my age), they always love me also. My success rate with the 35-40 year olds is like 90% - my success rate with 23-28 year olds is negative 0%

Is it just a f*cked up generation nowadays where the average 24 year old girl has an unbelievably blown up ego and thinks she deserves a 10 when she is a 4 herself? Dating as a mid to late 20s straight man has to be the absolute worst in terms of any demographic out there
Watch out for trolls in your thread, brother.

I disagree with the other replies on this one. Demand for older women is significantly lower than demand for young women. Also, older women aren't as connected to social media, which makes them less likely to be delusional about their looks based on the truck-loads of orbiters online.

That said, OP, you need to evaluate where your weaknesses are in your inner game, physical self, etc.


Jan 14, 2018
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If I were your employer, I would fire you on the principle of what you just stated. No pathetic employees on my team. I hire soldiers that make "IT" happen, or they get the boot.
Gospel truth of a Leader.


New Member
Jan 16, 2018
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I'm new to this site, don't know most of the words you guys are using like smv or ioi. Never the less, I'm gonna give my 2 cents.

I think the big problem isn't women in their 20's. I think it's your attitude. Based on your post here, and there's no way of saying this without being rude but I'm not trying to be, you come of as a prick. Everything you write, the way you write it, the way you talk about yourself, it all just makes you seem so small.

I say this, again, not to be insulting but to maybe make you consider that the problem may be with you.