It's crazy the difference in dating between younger and older women

Dash Riprock

Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Mile High City, USA
you guys are smoking crack if you think a 26 year old chick wants a 40 year old man

95% of women want a man within 5 years of their age

I will swear, with the creator as my witness, that I had sex with a HB8 last weekend 20+ years my junior. And NO, I'm not posting pictures of her though I have plenty she's texted me.

Women are f*ucking SICK of wimps. I've found most women will have sex with and consider a relationship with a man 10, 15, 20 years older if all the pieces are there. My last LTR of 9 years was 12 years younger, gf over the summer was 17 years younger, date last Thursday was 20 years younger, and chick I banged Friday was 20+ years younger and I'll leave it at that. And no, there was no money exchanged with any of them other than what I paid for willingly when we go out, lol.

To my benefit, I do look 10 years younger than my age, have a pro athlete's physique, my own business, and have some $$. So yes, I do have some advantages and women know it--by the way I carry myself. Plus, I've been around the block and don't act beta and frankly don't give a f*uck if a woman is interested or not. I do have the "next batter up" mentality at all times.

So BigDave17, with all due respect my friend, you couldn't be more wrong.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
you come of as a prick
this is why he cant attract a woman, women dont like people like this , they like ****y and funny c+f

you should have read his post about his 270 dollar shirt a while back,

Bigdave out ...richard the frog to stay............. i like richardthefrog


Aug 22, 2017
Reaction score
Watch out for trolls in your thread, brother.

I disagree with the other replies on this one. Demand for older women is significantly lower than demand for young women. Also, older women aren't as connected to social media, which makes them less likely to be delusional about their looks based on the truck-loads of orbiters online.

That said, OP, you need to evaluate where your weaknesses are in your inner game, physical self, etc.
yeah they are pretty normal. if they are on dating app for 80% sure you know they wanna date and not boost confidence


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Land of slow.
There's just so much stuff to watch out for... I don't see much guys trying to make out for what they have. The use of red flags is usually a must for determining a woman. There are also many types of women not all are open to easy love. Some wait it out until marriage. Commenting about the girl that makes 300k or so must be successful type. But expect baggage as well and know how to gauge the amount of baggage. When knowing how many red flags a girl has always a keeper has more benefits than red flags. Know her percentage of interest makes or breaks a relation. Even if she lives at home with parents doesn't mean it's a write off. Remember in some movies you meet the parents. My recommendation is be more open before just outright writing off or putting phony excuse girl is Bpd because it's just made up and recently they included in the bible. But in the original DJ bible there was no talk of bpd. Live on!


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Land of slow.
Watch out for trolls in your thread, brother.

I disagree with the other replies on this one. Demand for older women is significantly lower than demand for young women. Also, older women aren't as connected to social media, which makes them less likely to be delusional about their looks based on the truck-loads of orbiters online.

That said, OP, you need to evaluate where your weaknesses are in your inner game, physical self, etc.
Too many guys on here talking on about bpd. When in fact they're not using red flags to make or break their decision. That's step one of assessing what guys are going through on here. Also we've made too much about red pill it's become something else. Systems like percentage of interest are not so much in use. It's like we all made some crafty system around using shyness as an advantage from pook. Last thing is there has to be a different system of judgement. There are hundreds of types of women not all sleep with you. Some wait it out until marriage which I just said but it's just to open up the consciousness about it. So many types of women including older women.

OP search is your friend when it comes to similar topics


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
When a chick is in love with you... she wants ALL your attention. ALL OF IT.... But the problem is if you give this to her, she will become uncomfortable. If you are too available then it makes her unhappy. There really is nothing you can do to get a chick to be content with you... If you are not available... she will be ticked off: if you are she will be 'uncomfortable'.

The only thing a man can do it drive on with what you are doing and stop worrying about pleasing her. Do what you want... sure she will get ticked, but that only makes the time she has with you better. Chicks like emotional chaos, they love the roller-coaster ride of up and down because she lives in the moment so she can not truely appreciate the good times unless she has a near term reference of when she was unhappy... this is why make-up sex is so good for her. For us guy, we really don't give a fvck when and how the sex happens, we just care that it does... so why not make it good for her by giving her some negative sh!t to deal with... she will love you for it.
Women you can't please, are usually called b!tches. Stay the fukk away.


Oct 25, 2017
Reaction score

I will swear, with the creator as my witness, that I had sex with a HB8 last weekend 20+ years my junior. And NO, I'm not posting pictures of her though I have plenty she's texted me.

Women are f*ucking SICK of wimps. I've found most women will have sex with and consider a relationship with a man 10, 15, 20 years older if all the pieces are there. My last LTR of 9 years was 12 years younger, gf over the summer was 17 years younger, date last Thursday was 20 years younger, and chick I banged Friday was 20+ years younger and I'll leave it at that. And no, there was no money exchanged with any of them other than what I paid for willingly when we go out, lol.

To my benefit, I do look 10 years younger than my age, have a pro athlete's physique, my own business, and have some $$. So yes, I do have some advantages and women know it--by the way I carry myself. Plus, I've been around the block and don't act beta and frankly don't give a f*uck if a woman is interested or not. I do have the "next batter up" mentality at all times.

So BigDave17, with all due respect my friend, you couldn't be more wrong.

Preference doesn't mean exclusion

I strongly prefer Mediterranean women over asian women but I would date a hot asian woman if everything was in line. Most women prefer men within 5 years of their age but they will date a hot guy 15 years older if everything is perfectly in line - not to mention you said you look 10 years younger than your age and are in phenomenal shape