I watched both of the videos all the way through (a rarity for me), I found them interesting. I agree with Frog that they are a little over the top, a little overly pessimistic, but there is definitely a strain of truth in there. A few points:
I've always thought that MGTOW consisted mainly of guys who were unsuccessful with women, so they decided to focus on other things in their lives. These videos seem to support that.
The body language Melania shows toward Trump might indicate that she is angry with him about something, not necessarily that she is physically repulsed by him, but who knows?
My idea of the red pill has always been that the red pill represents reality. These guys seem to see the red pill as meaning "Things are the sh!ttiest they could possibly be". Life isn't all bad, not by a long shot.
As someone who is approaching 60, and can't really deny that my SMV is on the decline, I enjoyed the bit of the effects of aging. Men do age better than women, however, as long as you take care of yourself.
That guy who got his face burned off, man if that doesn't make you thankful for what you have I don't know what to tell you. The
message of this video seems to be that if you don't look like Chad Thunderc0ck, then you might as well give up. That seems a little too dire to me, and I don't agree with it anyway.