Not only is it not possible to avoid conflict with women, but it would be terrible if it happened.
Conflict is where you develop passion. Making it through conflict is how you strengthen the bond.
When a man avoids conflict with a woman he is acting female. While a man should never argue with her, complain or explain (except when briefly calling her on her bull****), he should walk away immediately and force her to reel him back in. This is to train her on what is acceptable.
Forget the girl who stays every day. To train women in 2017 it takes months or years. My best relationship is one where I've given her a few weeks space here and there and she always came back more interested than before. It's even better if you can run into her by chance while on a date, after having walked away.
Conflict Example
I realized in this Star Trek episode (perhaps the best ever) that Kirk and Spock are the classic Driver and Analyst personality times, and what it's like for a man to train a woman. (Forgive me if in this analogy Spock is a woman). Captain Kirk, a Driver, boils things down to right versus wrong is quick to anger when things are wrong. Meanwhile, he doesn't hold a grudge. The Analyst Spock boils things down to Logical/Illogical and uses denial and dismissal when things are illogical. The personality types may be reversed.
The Analyst is slow to anger but then lashes out. If you look closely you might see this conflict in your own relationships. Here, Kirk needs to push Spock's buttons to make him angry (something Spock rarely ever is). "I think I know what to do, but it's not without considerable risk... Spock is much stronger than the average human... aroused he could kill... but it's a chance I have to take".