The purpose of the post is to figure out how to get sex from girls on dating apps. It goes no deeper than that.
First step would be to get matches. Common sense would tell me to improve my pictures. But if I'm not good looking to the majority of girls, then there's only so much smoke and mirrors I can put up to try to get them to respond. I look like what I look like.
Richard, I'm going to take the opposite view of most on this thread and state that therapy, alone, is not going to help you.
You have a problem. One that is rooted in your biology. Any man who cannot fulfill his biological imperative and get laid will literally be just as "crazy" as you.
You need to tackle your problems head on.
I gave you six things to work on. Five of the six were 1) working out; 2) diet; 3) style; 4) attitude and social acuity; 5) approach.
Work on those five things for your overall success with women.
As to your quote above relating to OLD success. You couldn't be more wrong. Pictures aren't an actual depiction of your appearance. Photos do not show all dimensions, and vary in lighting, cropping, angles, poses; and lack in person facial mannerisms, physiological standing, attitude, and aura. One pic might rate 2% and another 99%, which highlight these differences
I gave you advice earlier on to be an OLD king. Either commit to it or stay off OLD.