Should Men act like "Robots" to keep women?


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
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@deesade I totally understand what you mean with the "be cool" kind of thing, but it takes the fun out of it.

I deal with women (like most men here, I guess) to have fun, to have a good time, to feel that feminine energy we like. When I am dealing with a woman, I wanna enjoy that energy and you cannot enjoy it like a robot, without expectations and you can't just "disconnect" without any consequence on your mood anytime she decides it's time for **** to hit the fan.

I have tried that, it's just...boring. And I am not saying yelling is a good thing to do, I would preferrably avoid it at any given moment, but some of these women are so stubborn it's insane. I think it has to do with the fact they almost never have had a man in their life that makes them responsible for their actions.

I mean, if I am having a good day and we met last night and we had a good time, but had a disagreement about a certain topic at the end of the night and the next day you start with **** like "Why did you not tell me good morning", that messes with your mood. If you're 5% invested, it will mess with your mood 5% and you just cannot allow someone to say stupid things like that casually.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
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They do and many women have openly ADMITTED they lie and manipulate to get what they want from men.

The fact that people like @guru1000 and shockingly @deesade actually buy this "women can't help themselves" horse sh*t makes me laugh hysterically.

Sometimes I think I have more REAL LIFE experience than anyone else on this forum lol.

No doubt.

But the majority of people's decisions are CONSCIOUS. Both women AND men. Otherwise they would not be able to keep their jobs or function in the world at all.

This is what separates us from the animals sazc lol.
I hear you. And I absolutely agree with you that there are people who do consciously try to manipulate other people. Those are people whom are VERY flawed.

I understand what you are saying when you feel as if @guru1000 and @deesade don't have as much real life experience as you do, but consider that may be they have learned to recognize and dismiss this type of female quicker and/or it is possible that the circles they run in have a very low instance of this type of female.

Much like you, their experiences have shaped their perceptions as well.

Idk .... And I am definitely the type of person who is always looking for the compromise, the middle ground, the explanation, which is why I state the above.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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What evidence do you have that its "not intentional"?

Maybe you have just been successfully manipulated and now you're talking like a typical BLUE PILL white knight saying "Oh its not the women's fault. They can't help themselves" STFU dude lol.
This is like saying how do you know that a lion is acting on instinct and not aware that it commits “murder” upon scavenging a deer.

If some lions did and other lions did not, then you can conclude it’s a conscious choice. When all lions commit “murder” whether those are lions in South Africa or in Asia, whether those are lions 5000+ years ago or lions today (thus we can rule out social/behavioral conditioning), you can safely conclude the behavior is innate.

Urbanyst, not to be a ****, but you are out of your element here. I say this sincerely.

Have a seat and learn something that might actually help you in future dealings with women and potentially have LTRs that last longer than one year, if that is what you desire instead of complaining/whining about women (whom you clearly don’t understand) and the state of the market.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
@deesade I totally understand what you mean with the "be cool" kind of thing, but it takes the fun out of it.

I deal with women (like most men here, I guess) to have fun, to have a good time, to feel that feminine energy we like. When I am dealing with a woman, I wanna enjoy that energy and you cannot enjoy it like a robot, without expectations and you can't just "disconnect" without any consequence on your mood anytime she decides it's time for **** to hit the fan.

I have tried that, it's just...boring. And I am not saying yelling is a good thing to do, I would preferrably avoid it at any given moment, but some of these women are so stubborn it's insane. I think it has to do with the fact they almost never have had a man in their life that makes them responsible for their actions.

I mean, if I am having a good day and we met last night and we had a good time, but had a disagreement about a certain topic at the end of the night and the next day you start with **** like "Why did you not tell me good morning", that messes with your mood. If you're 5% invested, it will mess with your mood 5% and you just cannot allow someone to say stupid things like that casually.
Good Lord, if you are dealing with a female that you barely know who wants to make trouble, move on. Life is too short to create drama from bvllchit.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
This is like saying how do you know that a lion is acting on instinct and not aware that it commits “murder” upon scavenging a deer.

If some lions did and other lions did not, then you can conclude it’s a conscious choice. When all lions commit “murder” whether those are lions in South Africa or in Asia, whether those are lions 5000+ years ago or lions today (thus we can rule out social/behavioral conditioning), you can safely conclude the behavior is innate.

Urbanyst, not to be a ****, but you are out of your element here. I say this sincerely.

Have a seat and learn something that might actually help you in future dealings with women and potentially have LTRs that last longer than one year, if that is what you desire instead of complaining/whining about women (whom you clearly don’t understand) and the state of the market.
Dude.. woman are not a different species.

You sound retarded.

Lions? LOL. STFU.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Dude.. woman are not a different species.
Hence, proving my point. If we’re all the same species, if all men are not conscious “frauds,” then how can all women be?


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
I hear you. And I absolutely agree with you that there are people who do consciously try to manipulate other people. Those are people whom are VERY flawed.
Lol. Show me a person who isn't "flawed" sazc.

I understand what you are saying when you feel as if @guru1000 and @deesade don't have as much real life experience as you do, but consider that may be they have learned to recognize and dismiss this type of female quicker and/or it is possible that the circles they run in have a very low instance of this type of female.

Much like you, their experiences have shaped their perceptions as well.

Idk .... And I am definitely the type of person who is always looking for the compromise, the middle ground, the explanation, which is why I state the above.
I doubt it.

They are both single and basically in the same situation as me. Spinning plates and dating different women.

I live in a large city and see all kinds of sh*t. I have a large pool to generalize from. Larger than most.

The difference is how willing you are to make excuses for other people. I make no excuses for other people. Right is right. Wrong is wrong. A lie is a lie. A fraud is a fraud.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
no disrespect intended but if this is how you are handling things with the women in your life then you are failing.

if you are dealing explicitly with debates when it comes to your woman:

Win through Actions, Never through Argument. Any momentary triumph you think you gained through argument is really a Pyrrhic victory: The resentment and ill will you stir up is stronger and lasts longer than any momentary change of opinion. It is much more powerful to get others to agree with you through your actions, without saying a word. Demonstrate, do not explicate.”

-The 48 Laws of Power

there is nothing wrong with healthy debate, disagreements and fights with your girlfriend. its all normal. what isnt healthy is trying to "win" against them. how exactly does that help or further your relationship? you get nothing out of it other than ego redemption.

is your anger going to actually do anything? when has your boss yelling at you actually did anything? did you feel pain?

your problem is your ego and approach to dealing with them. work on it
As an extension of the post, I would suggest that you decide how you want to be treated. Set your standards. If a situation arises, clearly and calmly State your standards and expectations, and allow her to decide if she could rise to that level.

If she cannot rise to that level you know you are dealing with someone who is not compatible with yourself, and, in that case it is better for both of you to move on.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Hence, proving my point. If we’re all the same species, if all men are not conscious “frauds,” then how can all women be?

Men who are frauds are definitely CONSCIOUS frauds lol.

Read about "The Yellow Kid". Very interesting.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score

Men who are frauds are definitely CONSCIOUS frauds lol.

Read about "The Yellow Kid". Very interesting.
You clearly don’t know how to read or comprehend. Reread both posts and bring an intelligible counter.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
Lol. Show me a person who isn't "flawed" sazc.

I doubt it.

They are both single and basically in the same situation as me. Spinning plates and dating different women.

I live in a large city and see all kinds of sh*t. I have a large pool to generalize from. Larger than most.

The difference is how willing you are to make excuses for other people. I make no excuses for other people. Right is right. Wrong is wrong. A lie is a lie. A fraud is a fraud.
Everyone is flawed. There are however people who Embrace that they are flawed, and are willing to do the work.

I hear you on not making excuses for other people. When we do that we are codependent.

I will only add that, if someone has such high standards and expectations, if someone sets a very high bar, they will most certainly never find someone to share their life with. I struggle with this very situation.

Then of course you have to balance that idea with not giving up your core set of standards, when it comes to whom you allow in, to share your life with.

It all gets to be so very complicated.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Where have you got that impression from?

Can you quote the post/comment?

Actually, I can't really tell when they're doing it on purpose, or not. And i'd be interested in hearing if other guys can.
No one can. At least you admit it.

But I know for a fact it is intentional at least SOME large percentage of the time as many women have openly admitted it. One woman even wrote a book about it called "The Manipulated Man". She received death threads from other women for exposing the manipulation women engage in.

However @guru1000 seems to believe comparing women to "Lions" who are just acting on pure instinct makes sense lol.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Everyone is flawed. There are however people who Embrace that they are flawed, and are willing to do the work.

I hear you on not making excuses for other people. When we do that we are codependent.

I will only add that, if someone has such high standards and expectations, if someone sets a very high bar, they will most certainly never find someone to share their life with. I struggle with this very situation.

Then of course you have to balance that idea with not giving up your core set of standards, when it comes to whom you allow in, to share your life with.

It all gets to be so very complicated.
My standards are not even that high lol.

Really my only standards are to be HOT, under 30 and consistent.

My list is only three things and most women cannot do the last one. But this is expected of women under 30 (and people in general maybe). But to me.. there is really no point of something like "marriage" if a person cannot be trusted to be consistent. Hens my long marriage thread asking people why marriage is "SMART". It can only be smart if people are consistent.. which most people are not.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
You are ignoring completely the environment that men and women interact in and how it has a huge influence on gender dynamics. Women are given to much free attention, relationship, validation, and protection that it has created a large number of vapid, narcissists.

No man will always be in control 100% of the time in his relationship with a girl. Thats ridiculous and any man who claims or acts like he does this is a liar. Talk is cheap and it is easy to say the right things. Implementing them is very different.

Most women are low quality and not worth the effort. Gender dynamics are very unbalanced right now and its a direct result of feminism.
The environment that women and men interact in " is what it is ".

Maybe you have some information that I do not have, but it doesn't look like that is changing anytime soon. In fact with the amount of women who are vocally claiming sexual harassment, it appears as if women are moving towards not being afraid to grab even more power.

IMO you can spend time complaining about the situation, and burn your time, or try to learn how to work with it.

Your approach is on you.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Hence, proving my point. If we’re all the same species, if all men are not conscious “frauds,” then how can all women be?
Because we're a sexually dimorphic species and they have to in order to survive. Maybe not always the extreme of "fraud," but even wearing makeup and trying to get things based on their looks is a form of manipulation. It is the only way they can survive.



Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
Really my only standards are to be HOT, under 30 and consistent.
Forgive me if I chuckle a bit, to me those seem like very high standards :D

Those three ideals, at least the "being consistent" part seems in congruent to being hot + being 30 :D

You are looking for the rare needle in the haystack my friend


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
You can't understand a men's perspective anyways so you're in no position to tell any man to stop complaining.

Like you expect that men aren't going to have complaints? If they do your argument is " there is something wrong with you for not just taking the bullsh!t and just goin along with it" lol. Typical female logic
I'm not sure what you are going on about. I have never told anyone on this board to "stop complaining" and have CERTAINLY never told anyone here to "go along with the bvllchit"

When you can discuss topics without adding narrative to my words, I am happy to engage you in a back and forth. Until then, go find someone else to attempt to bvllchit.

Good day


Senior Don Juan
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
You can't understand a men's perspective anyways so you're in no position to tell any man to stop complaining.

Like you expect that men aren't going to have complaints? If they do your argument is " there is something wrong with you for not just taking the bullsh!t and just goin along with it" lol. Typical female logic
She's right, being a woman has nothing to do with common sense, things are the way they are and no amount of debate on an internet forum will change anything. You have to learn to use the current conditions and people's personal proclivities to your advantage, this thread just like most I've seen lately are plain idiotic in their premises.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
How is that high standards at all? Are serious? High standards would be hot, under 30, has hobbies, educated, down to earth and a decent job.

You are ridiculous and probably not hot if you think those are highstandards.
You are woefully ignorant.

Take some time to read more on these boards before you lay down comments that make you look foolish.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Because we're a sexually dimorphic species and they have to in order to survive. Maybe not always the extreme of "fraud," but even wearing makeup and trying to get things based on their looks is a form of manipulation. It is the only way they can survive.
Dual point. The differences between men and women are innate and biological. Conscious decisions derive from a thought process, which is shaped, conditioned, and indoctrinated by social and biblical constructs.

To simplify to those you can’t understand my analogies or $10 words: If ALL women from South Africa or Australia, from 5000 years ago or today (thus ruling out social/biblical conditioning) have a specific behavior, then we can conclude the behavior is innate.

If some women did and some some did not, then we can conclude a conscious decision.

The simple statement of, “ALL women are frauds,” already implicitly demonstrates innately-derived behavior as what applies to ALL means not even one could choose differently.

Do you guys get it or am I singing to the choir?