Should Men act like "Robots" to keep women?

May 25, 2017
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Florida, USA
The problem is that they are also easily deceived and emotionally manipulated
How do you see them being deceived and manipulated? Please clue me in. Only way I can get them to do what I want is by paying them.

If you want to know the truth about gender roles in our species, look up sexual dimorphism. For example, in angler fish, the male is so helpless that all it can do is latch on and fuse blood vessels with a female angler fish to survive. It contributes only sperm. Our species is not as sexually dimorphic as the angler fish, but we are definitely highly dimorphic.



Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Yeah but what can you do? If you get mad and show a reaction sometimes this is what they want. You can't touch them. So you have to just not care and or leave them.

It's fvcking ridiculous man. I'm fed up.
You can simply refuse to play with women who do that disrespect "game". It is a game by the way. They are feeding off your angst, pain or frustration.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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You can simply refuse to play with women who do that disrespect "game". It is a game by the way. They are feeding off your angst, pain or frustration.
See here is where many many fail. Men perceive disrespect as the woman imposing upon his masculinity. The reality is a woman's motive behind disrespect (in most instances) is not having a specific need met. Most women communicate covertly ... not overtly. In her overt act of disrespect is a covert message.

I used to react to a woman's disrespect. Sometimes I would verbally react; other times I would walk away. Both were unnecessary.

Now, I open her with, "Hon ... what's up?" Get to the meat of the matter to redress. Otherwise the disrespect will arise again.

It's simple actually once you understand the female mind.
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May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Women are easier to deceive via emotional manipulation relative to men. Its because they're thinking is much more based in emotions rather than logic.
But specific examples of this emotional deception? Cause I really don't see it happening in the world when I go out. I can't see myself emotionally manipulating anyone.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Manipulation isn't always bad. For example like giving her a good time , which makes her happy you see you and causes her to percive you as exciting is still manipulating her emotions. Anytime you influence her emotions intentionally is emotional manipulation.
There are thousands of females on online dating, but apparently not a single one finds me attractive enough to even have a conversation with.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2014
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You can simply refuse to play with women who do that disrespect "game". It is a game by the way. They are feeding off your angst, pain or frustration.
Yep and some live in chaos and must always create it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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OLD is for practice and occasionally keeping your d1ck wet while you're building the rest of your life. Most chicks are constantly turning down offers in real life they r going to be hyper flaky online. However remember that is an opportunity if you can keep your frame on OLD you will be tempered by the fires. And as pook said it's failure that makes a DJ


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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See here is where many many fail. Men perceive disrespect as the woman imposing upon his masculinity. The reality is a woman's motive behind disrespect (in most instances) is not having a specific need met. Most women communicate covertly ... not overtly. In her overt act of disrespect is a covert message.

I used to react to a woman's disrespect. Sometimes I would verbally react; other times I would walk away. Both were unnecessary.

Now, I open her with, "Hon ... what's up?" Get to the meat of the matter to redress. Otherwise the disrespect will arise again.

It's simple actually once you understand the female mind.
I'll work on stronger more matured patient techniques.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
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I wanna if any of you guys advocate yelling and being "mean" with her when you really feel like it. Let's say she's been a biatch lately and you've had enough one day and you just say everything you gotta tell her, maybe even yelling. Ever done that? Advocate for that?

I say this cause if someone makes me mad and I have to repress it, that anger remains within me and it hurts me. So what do I do? Do I let it out on the person who provoked it?


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
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Man, some of you guys are piiisssssed off!

I get it, I really do. But I have to say, it really seems, it REALLY reads as if you are over personalizing the females behavior. Essentially seeing it as a hit in your masculinity, instead of recognizing it as a flaw in her character. It also seems like you guys are frosted being unable to control her. This leads to the anger.

I will also say, from my own perspective, what @guru1000 and @deesade have advocated in this thread feels to me like, not only have they found a way to mentally rise above the general bvllchit that can go on as a matter of male-female Dynamics, they have also learned how to be the one in control of the puppet strings when it comes to dealing with females.

The short version of what I am saying is, they have come to understand, a very good strategy in how to, how to keep a female in their frame.

That's just my perception and perspective based on what I have been reading here. Well that and the ones who don't understand how to be the puppet master are pissed off - and I get that (read empathize with that) as well.


Jan 28, 2017
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The City

The word "fraud" involves "intention" whereas "intention" is a determination and thus a conscious act.

Machinations exacted by women are hardwired and thus innate--not consciously derived. Just as a man feels innately territorial as to his surroundings, women are innately emotionally-designing and -exacting. Within this, the "fraud" and "lack of morality, which is a determinative choice" labels fail.

Think of a lion massacring a deer that crosses its path. Do we call the lion a murderer? We can. But ... reality is the lion is just being a lion acting upon its instinct, absent a premeditated thought of murder.
What evidence do you have that its "not intentional"?

Maybe you have just been successfully manipulated and now you're talking like a typical BLUE PILL white knight saying "Oh its not the women's fault. They can't help themselves" STFU dude lol.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
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@lizardking82 I'll respond to your post about getting angry and lashng out.

That is the exact and only behavior that caused me to end things with my ex. When he got upset with me he would lash out angrily at me wherever we were. In public or in private it didn't matter he was going to take me to task for the Injustice that he perceived.

I talked to him about the situation, and let him know that I was looking for a man who knew how to problem-solve, who knew how to control his aggression, who knew how to deal with his emotion.

Recognize that the large possibility here is that the aggressive male does not know how to deal with his emotion well, so he turns the feelings into aggression, because it is easier to act on aggression.

I also let him know that I found his behavior embarrassing, and that it made me feel as if I could not be out in public with him because he saw no problem causing a scene and bringing embarrassment to me. I never told him this, but his behavior, in my eyes, was very low quality, and low class. It's simply not what I consider the behavior of a top-tier individual.

Consider this, when you are angry take a moment, take as long as you need to sit with the anger and come to understand exactly what it is that is upsetting you. And then when you are calm approach her and explain to her what is going on with you and that situation. Then let her answer you and react as she sees fit. If she takes you seriously and wants to deal with it then you'll know that she takes the budding relationship seriously and has more of a spirit of working through things with you rather than arguing with you.

If you find yourself with a female that consistently upset you to this point, I suggest you reevaluate if this is really the female for you. People are who they are, and I really believe that we should pick someone that we are naturally compatible with. Not someone that we have to consistently Force compatibility with.

Good luck

I will also add that he and I would still be together today if he had just made the decision to do a little personal work and learn how to problem-solve with me better. He saw his behavior as very masculine and very appropriate and saw no reason to change it. He understood that one of the outcomes of that decision was that we were not going to be together. From my perspective, that really sucked, but I had to honor the fact that he felt he was just fine. I had to accept the fact that he and I were just incompatible on that level.
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Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
I agree.

Key is in not joining her in her negative energy, and not allowing that to overwhelm your state.

Easier done when you limit your time with a woman to twice a week... but I digress.

I've used the same sort of way of flipping it around on them.

"Are you having a bad day?"

I think it works well, because you are covertly seperating yourself from her negative emotions, and getting her to invest.

The old "men are the rock; women are the waves" thing.

Worth a try, next time your girl is on her period, and her hormones are all over the place.
You of all people should know better than to fall for this white knight sh*t @guru1000 is saying.

Wow. I thought you were sharper than that lol.

Sure.. "women can't help themselves" and have no control over their behavior.

So you do calibrate to women, then (of course you do).

And would you describe yourself as "a robot"? Or is that just a dismissive term you use for your dislike of other men taking positive steps to improve their sex-lives?

Crabs in a barrel, and all that.
You're a lot like Poon King where you care more about winning the argument than actually knowing what the f*ck you're talking about lol.

When I talk about CALIBRATING.. I'm talking about letting yourself be controlled by the woman's priorities instead of your own.

I know you're not this stupid.. so stop arguing for the sake of arguing. Don't think I haven't noticed how you take political sides on this forum. Two different people can say the same thing and you will side with the person you like and argue with the person you don't like. Its hilarious to watch lol.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score

The word "fraud" involves "intention" whereas "intention" is a determination and thus a conscious act.
@Urbanyst this is why I asked you for clarification a few days ago.

What I learned from your answer was that you absolutely perceive that the women that you have dealt with make conscious decisions to be frauds.

I'm not going to try and talk you out of that. I understand that the experiences that you have had in your life have led you to that conclusion. Attempting to talk you out of that conclusion is, in a way, invalidating your perception of what has occurred in your life. I won't do that.

I will, however, state that it is well known in psychology that people behave, and make decisions, based on subconscious reflexes. We all do it, none of us are immune from it. I think that is what @guru100 is trying to point out.

Life conditions each person to behave in a certain way. Our behaviors are shaped by our childhoods, and by the traumatic and happy events that befall us throughout our life. We do, subconsciously, make decisions.

Ideally, we should all be self introspective, be able to recognize our faults and shortcomings, and be able to improve ourselves. But the majority of the population is not that way. And sometimes we are subjected to people who suck.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
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@MidnightCity and @sazc thank you for your answers, both very welcome.

The thing is, I never lash out to anyone in public. I don't do scenes and I hang out with women who don't do scenes. We might have an argument in public, but it will be a civilized one in the vocal aspect, no yelling in public. However, I have had women in my life not accept responsability for something ****ed up they did in different cases and when they go on and on and on and on and not only accept they caused the problem, but also try to shoot back on you, it makes me outraged.

When I am talking to someone and they insist on something they cannot explain just for the sake of argument, it makes me mad cause it is stupid and it is a waste of time. It's like, all the women I have known, sooner or later, will argue with you about something they feel is right, but it's absolutely wrong and they cannot even explain anything about it...


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
@Urbanyst this is why I asked you for clarification a few days ago.

What I learned from your answer was that you absolutely perceive that the women that you have dealt with make conscious decisions to be frauds.
They do and many women have openly ADMITTED they lie and manipulate to get what they want from men.

The fact that people like @guru1000 and shockingly @deesade actually buy this "women can't help themselves" horse sh*t makes me laugh hysterically.

Sometimes I think I have more REAL LIFE experience than anyone else on this forum lol.

I'm not going to try and talk you out of that. I understand that the experiences that you have had in your life have led you to that conclusion. Attempting to talk you out of that conclusion is, in a way, invalidating your perception of what has occurred in your life. I won't do that.

I will, however, state that it is well known in psychology that people behave, and make decisions, based on subconscious reflexes. We all do it, none of us are immune from it. I think that is what @guru100 is trying to point out.

Life conditions each person to behave in a certain way. Our behaviors are shaped by our childhoods, and by the traumatic and happy events that befall us throughout our life. We do, subconsciously, make decisions.

Ideally, we should all be self introspective, be able to recognize our faults and shortcomings, and be able to improve ourselves. But the majority of the population is not that way. And sometimes we are subjected two people who suck.
No doubt.

But the majority of people's decisions are CONSCIOUS. Both women AND men. Otherwise they would not be able to keep their jobs or function in the world at all.

This is what separates us from the animals sazc lol.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
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@lizardking82 I'm goad to read that you don't do public scenes.

I just want to start off by saying that I was not trying to accuse you of anything in particular, rather just explaining my personal experience with situations like these.

From what you described, you are dealing with people who are incompatible to the core of Who You Are. As simplistic as it sounds, I would suggest you recognize this and decide not to date them.

That seems like such an easy thing to say, but again, if you are looking for a long-term partner, you've got to try to find somebody that you are easily compatible with.

This is just my opinion