Should Men act like "Robots" to keep women?


Oct 26, 2017
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It's Naughty Ninja, with another screenname. He gets banned a few times a week. He's on disability, paid by welfare.
I'm a black woman on welfare. Try to get one thing right Neil-lite.

Dash Riprock

Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
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Mile High City, USA
The other side is right that women do desire a stoic(but still aggressive and masculine, depending on the situation really). It's just a fact that this is the most attractive to women, although not universal (some women want to control the man and will leave an "uncaring" stoic. Some just want to be reminded that you care via an emotional outburst). It's also correct that this is an ideal behavior for life in general, so it doesn't hurt to act this way.
Disagree. Nothing is ever 100% but ask any woman and she'll say she wants a man with personality, who can communicate, and has a sense of humor (often #1). The "Stoic" has none of this. He's boring as hell. Most women will dump this guy for someone who excites her, not bores the crap out of her. Once again, not all women, but the vast majority.


Jun 23, 2014
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It's Naughty Ninja, with another screenname. He gets banned a few times a week. He's on disability, paid by welfare.
He was actually a good contributor to the website as 9Volt, but you lobbied to get him banned, why? He's here for self improvement and to discuss this market of women like we all are. I say we stop banning him.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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I remember clearly how my ex embarrassed and disrespected me infront of her family and friends on Christmas Eve 2016..

For the first time in 2 years, I really lost my cool with her, I felt pushed to the edge by her and got ANGRY..

Wrong move.. I should not have gotten angry or called her out..

I should have quietly and confidently left the the dinner table, walked out of her house... And then removed her from my life..

Marmel75 is right.. If a person is displeasing you, talk to them in a calm manner once or twice.. After that DO NOT lose your chit..

Simply push that person out of your life, and make room for someone more worthy!
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May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I remember clearly how my ex embarrassed and disrespected me infront of her family and friends on Christmas Eve 2016..

For the first time in 2 years, I really lost my cool with her, I felt pushed to the edge by her and got ANGRY..

Wrong move.. I should not have gotten angry or called her out..

I should have quietly and confidently left the the dinner table, walked out of her house... And then removed her from my life..

Marmel75 is right.. If a person is displeasing you, talk to the in a calm manner once or twice.. After that DO NOT lose your chit..

Simply push that person out of your life, and make room for someone more worthy!
Why not lose your sh1t? I lose my sh1t at much less, it's just part of my personality.

Why keep everything bottled in? Is it worth it to betray your own emotions just to keep her around?


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
I remember clearly how my ex embarrassed and disrespected me infront of her family and friends on Christmas Eve 2016..

For the first time in 2 years, I really lost my cool with her, I felt pushed to the edge by her and got ANGRY..

Wrong move.. I should not have gotten angry or called her out..

I should have quietly and confidently left the the dinner table, walked out of her house... And then removed her from my life..

Marmel75 is right.. If a person is displeasing you, talk to them in a calm manner once or twice.. After that DO NOT lose your chit..

Simply push that person out of your life, and make room for someone more worthy!
I disagree.

People should always be put in their place when they step out of line. Vagina or no vagina. You don't just let people walk on you and smile.

Obviously don't get violent or out of control. But a strong response should be inflicted and of course you leave them after the fact too.

I can't support this whole "women can do whatever the f*ck they want" but for some reason MEN have to follow all these rules and CALIBRATE everything they do.

Horse sh*t.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I can't support this whole "women can do whatever the f*ck they want" but for some reason MEN have to follow all these rules and CALIBRATE everything they do.

Horse sh*t.
Me neither. This is probably one major reason why I'm not having success.

I would rather die than submit to female rule. What utter nonsense that is that they even have equal rights in the first place when they are clearly not equal.

It is my opinion that they shouldn't even be allowed to vote or own any substantial amount of assets or property.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
I disagree.

People should always be put in their place when they step out of line. Vagina or no vagina. You don't just let people walk on you and smile.

Obviously don't get violent or out of control. But a strong response should be inflicted and of course you leave them after the fact too.

I can't support this whole "women can do whatever the f*ck they want" but for some reason MEN have to follow all these rules and CALIBRATE everything they do.
Horse sh*t.

I kind of get what you are saying Urbanyst.. And sometimes you do feel the NEED to tell a chick how fuking out of order she is.. But seriously they do not care about your outburst or how your feeling..

When I got angry with my ex for disrespecting me in front of her family etc, did my anger make her realise her wrong doing towards me??

Nope.. I got accused by her of being an angry agressive man, and possibly violent too!

This is what getting angry with some females gets you!


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Emotional fluctuation. G/f last night. Cooked for me. Then mentioned she d run into some ex who d gone bald. I told her she should cut him some slack. Probably lots of crappy girlfriends had made his hair fall out.

And at some point she told me I was an angry guy. So in completely bored tone without looking up from my book I told her listening to stupid s*** like that probably would turn me into an angry guy.

It's hard to tell sometimes whether all the crap that comes out of their mouths r s*** tests or just the loose wires and hormones rubbing around.

Anyway once I had finished my workout, threw her on the bed slapped her on the ass and gave her a good seeing to. That shut her up.
Don't know if that is sociopathic behaviour or not but it was fun.


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
That's a bizarre assertion, and simply not how life works.

Any two people in a relationship "calibrate" to each other.

Ironically, I would assert that failure in being able to engage with women (and men) in this way of basic social skills is "being a robot".

Seems quite a misguided thread, this one.
You clearly missed the point lol.

The more you calibrate the weaker your position. OF COURSE everyone adjusts to the people around them on some level. Don't be stupid.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
I kind of get what you are saying Urbanyst.. And sometimes you do feel the NEED to tell a chick how fuking out of order she is.. But seriously they do not care about your outburst or how your feeling..

When I got angry with my ex for disrespecting me in front of her family etc, did my anger make her realise her wrong doing towards me??

Nope.. I got accused by her of being an angry agressive man, and possibly violent too!

This is what getting angry with some females gets you!
She is TRASH.

If she can't handle you at your worst, she doesn't deserve you at your best. This is especially true when SHE is the one starting sh*t lol.

I think many guys here (and in general) have tried the "be a doormat" strategy with women and we all know how that goes. Much better in my opinion to be TRUE to yourself and let the woman respond how ever she wants to respond.

She doesn't need to "care" how you feel. She just needs to know she can't sh*t on you and get away with it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2014
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Yeah but what can you do? If you get mad and show a reaction sometimes this is what they want. You can't touch them. So you have to just not care and or leave them.

It's fvcking ridiculous man. I'm fed up.
My ex gave me the silent treatment for 3 hours over misinterpreting something i said. When i asked instead of.communicating like an adult and realizing that she fuccched up.she ignored me for 3 hours then smarted and bullied me in front of her.kid like a.cvnt i asked her to stop 5x she.kept bullying so i stood up and raised my voice and she flipped out and turned it yelling at her in front of her kid!.. haha. What a rumb cvnt.
When i ended things for her horrible behavior all she could admit to was being childish and having temper tantrums..

These are GROWN women with kids and like like a kid

**** these women..


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
The biggest thing is 90% of the time once she knows she has you emotionally involved she will abuse that and any other upper hand she has over you. Most women have no integrity when it comes to romantic relationships.

It's like your post assumes most women are emotionally mature. They're not.
Right? I would give this post 100 likes if I could.

This is EXACTLY how it works in today's sh*t market.

Why do you think I've never had a girlfriend longer than a year? I just respect myself too much to put up with this crap.


May 23, 2013
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Even women who are financially responsible can be emotional children in every other aspect of life. I've seen it more than once.
Then a dam good ass spanking is in order there if they get out of a boundary…


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
It's like your post assumes most women are emotionally mature. They're not.
On the surface, it appears that way.

Many men state women have no emotional maturity. I state that women have extreme emotional maturity and intelligence guised as uncontrolled whimsicality. After all, who could fault a five-year old child for ____; they were just behaving as they should.

Women's emotional intelligence is greater than man's. Women are wired to manipulate (though unconsciously) to level the playing field. Man is physically superior which meant much when protection of borders were paramount and physical labor was required, and, accordingly, women, then, needed to immerse in psychological machinations to impose their will among men's. Stories, although fictional, predate back to Adam and Eve. Even 5760+ years ago, the world understood Eve to manipulate Adam to eat the apple. Eve could not physically force Adam, but with a few manipulative words such as "We can be gods ourselves by eating the apple," she reached the depth of Adam's soul, and imposed her will.

This is not to be confused with women are evil.

Women are simply doing what they are wired to do. Women are not even conscious of their psychological machinations, which are innately wired and buried so deep in their DNA (for survival), such emotional intelligence and force is neither recognized nor acknowledged.

So what do men do with such information?

Recognize the behavioral intent of words which are expressed to identify the implicit motive behind those words. By training your mind to understand the covert message, you can then address the matter appropriately instead of succumbing to another's artful words.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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Women are just women. All women are difficult or exhibit challenging behaviors. That's what happens when you combine emotions with free will. This thread and many like it can basically be summed up by not understanding this very simple concept.

It is no coincidence that the members that are most vocal about the marketplace and relationships also struggle mightily in developing said relationships.)


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
On the surface, it appears that way.

Many men state women have no emotional maturity. I state that women have extreme emotional maturity and intelligence guised as uncontrolled whimsicality. After all, who could fault a five-year old child for ____; they were just behaving as they should.

Women's emotional intelligence is greater than man's. Women are wired to manipulate (though unconsciously) to level the playing field. Man is physically superior which meant much when protection of borders were paramount and physical labor was required, and, accordingly, women, then, needed to immerse in psychological machinations to impose their will among men's. Stories, although fictional, predate back to Adam and Eve. Even 5760+ years ago, the world understood Eve to manipulate Adam to eat the apple. Eve could not physically force Adam, but with a few manipulative words such as "We can be gods ourselves by eating the apple," she reached the depth of Adam's soul, and imposed her will.

This is not to be confused with women are evil.

Women are simply doing what they are wired to do. Women are not even conscious of their psychological machinations, which are innately wired and buried so deep in their DNA (for survival), such emotional intelligence and force is neither recognized nor acknowledged.

So what do men do with such information?

Recognize the behavioral intent of words which are expressed to identify the implicit motive behind those words. By training your mind to understand the covert message, you can then address the matter appropriately instead of succumbing to another's artful words.
A very long and complex way of basically saying "Women are FRAUDS".

Which is what I've been saying for a while now lol.

What is a man to do? The same thing you do with any fraudulent person. You look for the truth and the FACTS and ignore the bullsh*t.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
A very long and complex way of basically saying "Women are FRAUDS".
Soflobro said:
If we are to assume this is true then a simpler way to state this would be the women have no morals and shouldn't be taken very seriously.
Definition of Fraud = wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain
Definition of intention
1 :a determination to act in a certain way
The word "fraud" involves "intention" whereas "intention" is a determination and thus a conscious act.

Machinations exacted by women are hardwired and thus innate--not consciously derived. Just as a man feels innately territorial as to his surroundings, women are innately emotionally-designing and -exacting. Within this, the "fraud" and "lack of morality, which is a determinative choice" labels fail.

Think of a lion massacring a deer that crosses its path. Do we call the lion a murderer? We can. But ... reality is the lion is just being a lion acting upon its instinct, absent a premeditated thought of murder.
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