Should Men act like "Robots" to keep women?


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
I keep seeing this horse sh*t advice posted on this site telling guys they need to be robots around women and show no emotion and/or never have any kind of reaction to anything a woman does.

This is CRAP. And its the main reason women run amok these days. No rules for women. Do whatever you want and we just smile and shrug lol. STUPID.

First of all.. you should not be calibrating yourself based on women to begin with. To me.. that just elevates the woman and makes you inferior. Calibration is for the INFERIOR. The person with VALUE does not calibrate. Others are forced to calibrate to THEM.

So this timid, fear based, sh*t advice needs to stop.


May 23, 2013
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[QUOTE="LARaiders85, post: 2484265, member: 133969]

However, bottling up your feelings is likewise incredibly unhealthy and can poison your life, I don't care how much of a hardass you think you are.[/QUOTE]

Yep, any psych professional out there will tell you it’s like wearing a mask and is highly unhealthy behavior.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I keep seeing this horse sh*t advice posted on this site telling guys they need to be robots around women and show no emotion and/or never have any kind of reaction to anything a woman does.

This is CRAP. And its the main reason women run amok these days. No rules for women. Do whatever you want and we just smile and shrug lol. STUPID.

First of all.. you should not be calibrating yourself based on women to begin with. To me.. that just elevates the woman and makes you inferior. Calibration is for the INFERIOR. The person with VALUE does not calibrate. Others are forced to calibrate to THEM.

So this timid, fear based, sh*t advice needs to stop.
Right and what makes even less sense is this "shyt test" stuff they keep talking about. Apparently, a woman is going to DISRESPECT the fvck out of you and in order to show her that you are a "real man", you have to respond in a way that shows her lack of respect didn't "make you upset". Basically, let her disrespect you but you just stand there with a Coke and a Smile.

And we wonder why the fvck women have lost their damn minds today and are completely/utterly ridiculous in a number of ways. I mean we wouldn't let a CHILD do some disrespectful stuff to us like that and "accept it", but we are supposed to tolerate the bullshyt off a grown adult??


Oct 16, 2017
Reaction score
Right and what makes even less sense is this "shyt test" stuff they keep talking about. Apparently, a woman is going to DISRESPECT the fvck out of you and in order to show her that you are a "real man", you have to respond in a way that shows her lack of respect didn't "make you upset". Basically, let her disrespect you but you just stand there with a Coke and a Smile.

And we wonder why the fvck women have lost their damn minds today and are completely/utterly ridiculous in a number of ways. I mean we wouldn't let a CHILD do some disrespectful stuff to us like that and "accept it", but we are supposed to tolerate the bullshyt off a grown adult??
I agree, but if you cry or argue about every little thing she does it wont last long.


May 23, 2013
Reaction score
I agree, but if you cry or argue about every little thing she does it wont last long.
You have to know what your getting realy pissed off level is.
Any of her infractions below that level are small change.…
How high or low that level resides inside you vs. what she wants in a man, is how she judges you.
Too low, you’re a wimp. Too high, you’re an unemotional robot.
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Don Juan
Oct 30, 2017
Reaction score
I agree, but if you cry or argue about every little thing she does it wont last long.
You don’t have to cry or argue, you could just say “I find it disrespectful when you XYZ”. If she respects you it will be hard for her to argue. If you disagree what is or is not respectful, find a new girl.
Playing guessing games by ignoring and smirking is just annoying and wastes everybody’s time.


Oct 26, 2017
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Both sides make good points, honestly.

The other side is right that women do desire a stoic(but still aggressive and masculine, depending on the situation really). It's just a fact that this is the most attractive to women, although not universal (some women want to control the man and will leave an "uncaring" stoic. Some just want to be reminded that you care via an emotional outburst). It's also correct that this is an ideal behavior for life in general, so it doesn't hurt to act this way.

However, bottling up your feelings is likewise incredibly unhealthy and can poison your life, I don't care how much of a hardass you think you are. In that case, yes you are just torturing yourself purely for her benefit. This market of women is not worth doing that, to be frank. How many of us have sat in misery while our gfs acted outrageously because we didn't want to seem "jealous or controlling"? Sometimes it's better to just be open about things rather than artificially prolong them.

My advice would be to be more stoic with the better quality women, because you don't want to risk driving them off. With normal women, be yourself because you really should not be giving her the benefit of the doubt.
Standard, garden variety so suave posers are almost sociopathic and complete potatoes when it comes to self help. I never understood why people think you have to pull off the most ridiculous exercises to interact with people. brb have to try to trick her into smiling so that you can win her over. Pickup game is probably one of the most pathetic, insecure, needy things ever seen. Just be your best self and act like a normal person. The more you do it, the more you'll get better at it and it will come naturally to you. Implementing some autistic tricks that you've been told by some foreveralone loons to perform in an awkward way will just make you look weird as ****e.


Oct 26, 2017
Reaction score
Right and what makes even less sense is this "shyt test" stuff they keep talking about. Apparently, a woman is going to DISRESPECT the fvck out of you and in order to show her that you are a "real man", you have to respond in a way that shows her lack of respect didn't "make you upset". Basically, let her disrespect you but you just stand there with a Coke and a Smile.

And we wonder why the fvck women have lost their damn minds today and are completely/utterly ridiculous in a number of ways. I mean we wouldn't let a CHILD do some disrespectful stuff to us like that and "accept it", but we are supposed to tolerate the bullshyt off a grown adult??
No point in arguing over some perceived slight or real disrespect. You can mention things like a normal person. If they don't get it or refuse to you might as well decide when you've seen enough red flags, learn, grow and move on in a positive direction for you.

Trying to talk to, and teach a grown adult how to behave and act like one becomes a waste of your time and investing where its not worth it.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
I keep seeing this horse sh*t advice posted on this site telling guys they need to be robots around women and show no emotion and/or never have any kind of reaction to anything a woman does.

This is CRAP. And its the main reason women run amok these days. No rules for women. Do whatever you want and we just smile and shrug lol. STUPID.

First of all.. you should not be calibrating yourself based on women to begin with. To me.. that just elevates the woman and makes you inferior. Calibration is for the INFERIOR. The person with VALUE does not calibrate. Others are forced to calibrate to THEM.

So this timid, fear based, sh*t advice needs to stop.
It is absolutely terrible advice. I saw your post on the topic and was going to post there but then I saw you had made a specific thread on this. I actually didn't know that was the sort of mentality being recommended now adays but it's absolutely horrible if you true. You want to actually have a personality, not be a boring stiff ****. Women like men that are brimming with passion and zest for life....yes at times it pays to be aloof, like if she does something you don't like and decide to give her a taste of her own medicine (you know how women love to be tight lipped and give the silent treatment when you get them mad) but it's not an attitude you walk around with 24/7. You'll just come across as very stiff, boring, and probably not fun to be around.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
I keep seeing this horse sh*t advice posted on this site telling guys they need to be robots around women and show no emotion and/or never have any kind of reaction to anything a woman does.

This is CRAP. And its the main reason women run amok these days. No rules for women. Do whatever you want and we just smile and shrug lol. STUPID.

First of all.. you should not be calibrating yourself based on women to begin with. To me.. that just elevates the woman and makes you inferior. Calibration is for the INFERIOR. The person with VALUE does not calibrate. Others are forced to calibrate to THEM.

So this timid, fear based, sh*t advice needs to stop.
Agree on the message, whoever changes his behaviour or action to score points with a woman is already losing.

Best option is invest little to zero and do whatever you want, if you lose her no big deal given your insignificant investment.

To change for a woman is a heavy investment not any smaller than spending money/time or sacrifying a job.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
No they shouldn't. I would advise acting like a complete psycho even up to the point of telling her that the only reason you don't punch her in the mouth is because you don't want to go to jail. Fvck these wh0res.

But I do suggest bionic d1cks, but if everyone else has one, then mine isn't as unique.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
The doltish don't understand this rudimentary concept involving people: Calibration.

You calibrate for you, nor for them. More people on your side ==> Greater networks and resources ==> Easier, abundant, and more resourceful life.

This is what fluidity mean. Palm trees flow in the hurricane. Oak trees crack and fall ... and so will you ... if you're a stubborn fool.

LAW 48


By taking a shape, by having a visible plan, you open yourself to attack. Instead of taking a form for your enemy to grasp, keep yourself adaptable and on the move. Accept the fact that nothing is certain and no law is fixed. The best way to protect yourself is to be as fluid and formless as water; never bet on stability or lasting order. Everything changes.
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Oct 26, 2017
Reaction score
No they shouldn't. I would advise acting like a complete psycho even up to the point of telling her that the only reason you don't punch her in the mouth is because you don't want to go to jail. Fvck these wh0res.

But I do suggest bionic d1cks, but if everyone else has one, then mine isn't as unique.
Just think rich. Ex-con, Bionic d1ck, plastic surgery "please recycle" face, act like a robot, violent tendencies and you'll be a Poon Terminator in no time.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
I keep seeing this horse sh*t advice posted on this site telling guys they need to be robots around women and show no emotion and/or never have any kind of reaction to anything a woman does.

This is CRAP. And its the main reason women run amok these days. No rules for women. Do whatever you want and we just smile and shrug lol. STUPID.

First of all.. you should not be calibrating yourself based on women to begin with. To me.. that just elevates the woman and makes you inferior. Calibration is for the INFERIOR. The person with VALUE does not calibrate. Others are forced to calibrate to THEM.

So this timid, fear based, sh*t advice needs to stop.
No, it has nothing to do with being a robot. It has to do with allowing people into your life and forcing others out. A man who respects himself will FORCE people out of his life that don't bring any value to it or cause headaches. Too many guys allow these women to stay around because they are pvssy slaves and think putting up with endless Bullsh!t is worth getting a lay once a month or however many times it happens. This applies to male acquantainces as well(minus the getting laid part).

Well...if you choose to allow these people to stay in your life then you deal with what you get. What are you complaining for? You are the one at fault. This goes back to the laziness I talk about that most guys have when it comes to women. The same way they would rather try and make something work with a woman they got a number from that has no interest instead of going out and trying to find women who are interested is the same laziness that causes them to put up with this bullcrap from women instead of dropping them and finding women who don't bring any. And trust me, they are out there.

I don't choose to allow these people to stay in my life, I force them out. Hence I have no need to "react" to crazy sh!t because the women I choose to allow in my life rarely give me any. This sh!t isn't hard. Guys just make it out to be because they want everything without putting any work into it. Like anything in life, you get out what you put in
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Oct 26, 2017
Reaction score
I don't recall ever talking to you.

But apparently you know who I am.
Ask ponzi who I am. He pulled up his skirt and ran away like a shrieking schoolgirl once he found out I live in nyc after his keyboard callout and now is trying to be awarded points for his tapout proclivities.
