
May 25, 2017
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Florida, USA
TO, you're not familiar with dermatology. No problem. Educate yourself. You might learn a thing or two. But don't tell a guy who seeks 9s and 10s not to worry about his appearance at 5'7, 130 lbs, with no sense of style or grooming--and to focus only on his game and he'll be 'aight'. Unfortunately, Disneyland concepts don't actualize in the real world.
Except that I do have a sense of style and grooming and weigh more than 130 pounds.

The shirt you said was your go-to looks exactly like half the shirts in my closet.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
RichardtheFrog said:
Nothing is wrong with my social acuity.
Except that I do have a sense of style and grooming and weigh more than 130 pounds.

The shirt you said was your go-to looks exactly like half the shirts in my closet.
Great. You're good then. Nothing left to do. Let us know how it works out for you.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Great. You're good then. Nothing left to do. Let us know how it works out for you.
You've already said your advice on looks. What's your advice on "social acuity?"

Go out and watch drunk girls mouth the words to stupid hip-hop songs as if they're on autopilot?


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
You've already said your advice on looks. What's your advice on "social acuity?"

Go out and watch drunk girls mouth the words to stupid hip-hop songs as if they're on autopilot?
Forget about the gym, nutrition, style, grooming, your face. I'm gave you my recommendations. You choose to do nothing for your appearance, so be it. TO, the social theorist, is more than capable of helping you with social acuity. Ask him.
May 25, 2017
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Florida, USA
Forget about the gym, nutrition, style, grooming, your face. I'm gave you my recommendations. You choose to do nothing for your appearance, so be it. TO, the social theorist, is more than capable of helping you with social acuity. Ask him.
It's been one day. Did you expect me to go get plastic surgery today? Was I suppose to add 10" to my biceps in one day? You have no idea what I eat in the first place.

Do you not work all day like I do?

Btw, how can you still be attracting females with your "ambition" in your 40's? Shouldn't you have the money by now?


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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But I can't change my personality to be extroverted and happy.
I wouldn't sell yourself short. If you have unknown fears of being social, that's going to feel like "not wanting to be social."

At the very least, consider that your social skills can be improved, with practice over time.

Somebody that sucks at basketball is going to not like playing basketball. Somebody that is pretty good will enjoy it.

Trust me, when you talk to a lady, make her smile, laugh, reach over and touch you, give you that look, you'll want to become more social.

But if you're waiting for that to happen FIRST, then you'll be a waiting a while.

I'd recommend auditioning therapists, coaches. Choose a dude who seems relatively clued in (not a PUA coach).

Just tell him, "I want to be better with the ladies but I don't know how. Can you help me, and if so, how?"

Sort through a few until you find a good one.

Then stick with him (weekly or whenever), do whatever exercises they give you, and keep busy getting rich.

In a year or so, IF you work at it, you'll be getting plenty of pvssy. Pvssy that WANTS to be with you.

It will be a long slow process, but it will be worth it.

(THEN you can consider the mysteries of dermatology if you so choose)


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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The Frog posts threads so that you can say stuff that he uses as bait against you. Sad stuff. I thought we already banned bigneil.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I wouldn't sell yourself short. If you have unknown fears of being social, that's going to feel like "not wanting to be social."

At the very least, consider that your social skills can be improved, with practice over time.

Somebody that sucks at basketball is going to not like playing basketball. Somebody that is pretty good will enjoy it.

Trust me, when you talk to a lady, make her smile, laugh, reach over and touch you, give you that look, you'll want to become more social.

But if you're waiting for that to happen FIRST, then you'll be a waiting a while.

I'd recommend auditioning therapists, coaches. Choose a dude who seems relatively clued in (not a PUA coach).

Just tell him, "I want to be better with the ladies but I don't know how. Can you help me, and if so, how?"

Sort through a few until you find a good one.

Then stick with him (weekly or whenever), do whatever exercises they give you, and keep busy getting rich.

In a year or so, IF you work at it, you'll be getting plenty of pvssy. Pvssy that WANTS to be with you.

It will be a long slow process, but it will be worth it.

(THEN you can consider the mysteries of dermatology if you so choose)
I think my mistrust of people is well-founded. I think it would be naive to trust freely.

But back when I talked to this girl in Feb -Jun, when I met all her friends we all went out to a club together and we got drunk. Her friends thought I was "nice," but quiet. It's really just probably not in my personality to talk a lot. I'm not suddenly going to become Mr. Talkative. I just don't see it happening.

Plus, I'm not sure if I'm really interested in "dating" girls. I don't even know what that means, to be honest. If I was truly interested, it would probably happen naturally subconsciously rather than me having to try to force just to utter a word.

Most people say more words without even thinking about what they're saying than I say in a whole year. I talk if there's something to talk about. I'm not good at small talk. I don't see the point in it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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I think my mistrust of people is well-founded. I think it would be naive to trust freely.
Nobody is saying anything about trusting freely. Part of having decent social skills is being able to feel how much to trust whom.

Her friends thought I was "nice," but quiet. It's really just probably not in my personality to talk a lot.
It's not your personality because you don't enjoy it. But if you got better results you would enjoy it. That was my whole point. Do some work on yourself until you can enjoy it NATURALLY without having to force yourself or get drunk.

If I was truly interested, it would probably happen naturally subconsciously rather than me having to try to force just to utter a word.
See above. Fears are very clever at hiding behind rational sounding excuses. Having better social skills will help you feel out who's likely interesting to talk to and who isn't.

I'm not good at small talk. I don't see the point in it.
The point is that it's enjoyable. Like watching movies or listening to music.

You don't see that now because you've got some deeper issues. (Everybody has deeper issues of some kind)

Once you address those (with a qualified therapist, not dudes online) then you'll slowly start to enjoy small talk when now you don't.

Right now, you may not think you're missing anything, but trust me, you are.

People are nice.

Girls are nice.

Cute girls that like you and enjoy being around is REALLY nice.

If you start now, in a year or two (yes it will take that long) you'll have a lot genuinely friendly people to share all your riches with (if you want) and will be happy that you're around, money or not.

Wouldn't you like to walk into a club, and have a bunch of cuties say, "Hey Richard, we've been waiting for you," and come grab you by the hand and take you to their table?

All that takes is taking the time and effort to learn some social skills.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
You can't help a man who doesn't know what he wants and only knows what he hates about women.

Frog, you need to sit down, put that big brain of yours to work and figure out EXACTLY the kind of woman you actually desire. No cliche bvll****. A list as detailed as possible. What she might look like. Dress like. Hobbies. Career. Interests. Everything.

Only then you can take an honest look at yourself to see what it's actually going to take, what is worth it and what isn't in order to own such a woman.

Then the advice can come. Until then, you're just stumbling around blind in the dark hoping to grab on to a titty at some point.
If I actually allowed myself to have strict standards, there is probably no one that would meet them.

Most girls you see when you go out are obviously trash. A lot of other ones you would just discover are trash after knowing them for 12 hours. They hide it slightly. To call them "trash" is being generous.

Like seriously... Mouthing the words to the latest hip-hop songs like their brain is on autopilot as they drink heavily? Would you even consider that a human being? A waste of space?

If you look at females completely objectively, it is scary how little value you'll find.

Especially when you don't even need them for cooking, cleaning, etc.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Ok.... So what do you WANT in a woman. Don't tell me what you hate. Tell me about a woman you would be interested in. The perfect woman to you: describe her.
There's no such thing.

If I wanted them around and didn't need them for anything, I could probably TOLERATE anyone who was good looking and respectful and not retarded.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Then stop looking for it.

Frog, if all you want is a warm hole, then you don't need advice, you don't need standards and you don't need to change a damn thing about yourself.
To get it for free, I do.

And who wants to fvck ugly girls?


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
It's been one day. Did you expect me to go get plastic surgery today? Was I suppose to add 10" to my biceps in one day? You have no idea what I eat in the first place.

Do you not work all day like I do?

Btw, how can you still be attracting females with your "ambition" in your 40's? Shouldn't you have the money by now?
Don't worry about my work or wealth. Neither will serve you.

Don't listen to TO. He dates women the age of your mother. He doesn't grasp the "physicality" concept because average-looking women in their 50s don't care much about your (or their) appearance.

You want young, hot women, right? Get the plastic surgery. You need it.


Oct 16, 2017
Reaction score
Don't worry about my work or wealth. Neither will serve you.

Don't listen to TO. He dates women the age of your mother. He doesn't grasp the "physicality" concept because average-looking women in their 50s don't care much about your (or their) appearance.

You want young, hot women, right? Get the plastic surgery. You need it.
I disagree. It's serious thing that he might regret for the rest of his life. And his face is not deformed at all.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2014
Reaction score
I really don't think op is in the right frame of mind to be getting plastic surgery. Even if op liked the way he looked he still wouldn't be happy or sociable I don't think.

We haven't even seen a proper picture of op at a good angle yet so we shouldn't be judging him on appearance I'm my opinion.

Richard I feel like you are doing everything you can to build the perfect house on sand. You have an underlying problem that perhaps doesn't seem that big to you but to outsiders it's is very apparent and a little worrying.

It would be wise to be putting all your focus and effort to resolve this but you seem to be dismissing it because it's either too much hard work or you haven't hit rock bottom yet..

I respect the other opinions on this thread but I just feel like we have a responsibility here to make sure we don't send op off in a direction that could potentially backfire..
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I really don't think op is in the right frame of mind to be getting plastic surgery. Even if op liked the way he looked he still wouldn't be happy or sociable I don't think.

We haven't even seen a proper picture of op at a good angle yet so we shouldn't be judging him on appearance I'm my opinion.

Richard I feel like you are doing everything you can to build the perfect house on sand. You have an underlying problem that perhaps doesn't seem that big to you but to outsiders it's is very apparent and a little worrying.

It would be wise to be putting all your focus and effort to resolve this but you seem to be dismissing it because it's either too much hard work or you haven't hit rock bottom yet..

I respect the other opinions on this thread but I just feel like we have a responsibility here to make sure we don't send op off in a direction that could potentially backfire..
That's because I don't know what the underlying issue is.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Who's that guy that used to come in here, posting like this.... LoneWolfLegend, or something. Comes across as having a slight learning disability or something. Possibly same guy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Some guys have asked me if their pics appear too good and refined on OLD (better than you actually appear IRL), will the girls they meet not be interested in them.

A girl not being interested in you is certainly a possibility, whether your pics are great or not. Not every girl is going to like you. I'm a great-looking guy IMO but my pics on OLD represent "Superman" certainly better than I might appear IRL. This has never created a hindrance for the first date.

The Sexual Market Place and SMV are not linear:
  • Different girls have different types;
  • Some personalities accentuate your appearance; others retract;
  • You don't need to be a 9 to attract a 9. Assuming no status/wealth, if you're a 7, you have a shot with any girl.
My goal is to give men insight to maximize options. And I share with you exactly what I have done to schedule 5-10 dates a weekend (if I'm in the mood) with hot women.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I have consultations with 3 plastic surgeons and 3 hair restoration specialists over the next 8 days.

I'll call for nutritionists and style consultants tomorrow.