XFORCE, I agree with much of the above and, believe me, I have dealt with crazy. I was married to a hot, young BPD for more than 3 years and the experience literally nearly killed me. Crazy women are totally to be avoided at all costs. You simply cannot deal with them and keep your sanity.
With that said, this girl is going through a really tough time that would stress anybody. If you really like her, give her a chance to get through this patch and see what happens. Back off a little, spin a plate or two, if you like, and give her some space without entirely cutting her loose. Things may improve quite a bit once she is through this.
A couple more points:
There are many possible jobs for someone with a law degree. These days many are employed by corporations and have a vastly different work experience than the big law firms. In fact, there are many who work a typical, fairly low stress, 9-5.
Doctors prescribe medications like candy these days and it's a fucking crime. I mean that literally. A general practitioner has absolutely no business prescribing any psychoactive drugs and should have his license suspended immediately. Regardless, it's legal (in the US) and many doctors do it thinking that everything is chemical and can be fixed with a pill. Couple this with the pedestalization of medical professionals and you have a disaster that we see every day.
So, what I'm saying is her doctor put her on these meds and she's desperately looking for a way to ease the stress and pain she's going through. This will pass and hopefully the meds won't be a long term thing.
This calls for a cautious watch and wait from a polite distance.