Ready for the hard word? Because here it comes.
I am a 22 year old professional poker player who lives at home currently. I am a loner, when people say they have no friends they're often joking, I am not.
See this is what we call a "red flag" in terms of a guy this is something similar to meeting a girl who tells you she's cheated on most of her exes, you know there's trouble coming. As a man you need to look at WHY this is.
Anyway she seems to vanish, tells me to give her some space after I leave flowers, perfume, and tea outside her door
It's not surprising she vanished, this is weird behaviour dude, it's way too early to do something like that, at best it shows you are clueless, at worst (as we will get into) it is a sign of something more nefarious.
After this we become very close friends and chatted on the phone almost every day, for hours.
Clueless again, terrible way to go and will guaranteed torpedo ANY woman's attraction for you
I notice she gets a
text saying "Hey you still coming over friday" I casually ask her about it as I figure I cant get too mad seeing as she is just still my friend kinda.
Not "i can't get too mad cos she's kinda my friend". You can't get mad AT ALL because you have NO established commitment whatsoever, so it is none of your business. But you DID get mad didn't you, which is your issue. Not hers.
I would take her to work whenever she needed a lift in, and pick her up whenever she asked which would usually be around midnight but I didnt mind. I was just grateful to see her even if it was just for 20 minutes in the car. One day I'm particularly not proud of is we were out shopping and she saw an expensive lipstick she wanted, she convinced me to buy it for her promising to do whatever I wanted later if I got her that and some office supply stuff she needed, a little weird and not my style but I was so desperate for her I agreed.
You did favours for her hoping to get something in return. This is toxic and manipulative behaviour. It's inauthentic and shows a lack of self respect and self worth. This will also torpedo ANY womans attraction, because they KNOW why you are doing it and they don't like it.
Later that evening we were driving back to my place from dinner and just as we're arriving in my town she says "I've changed my mind, take me home'I of course get very annoyed having wasted my whole day but I do agree,
Predictable as clockwork, she isn't a prostitute and she doesn't "owe you" sex. You "wasting your day" shows that you didn't care about spending time with her nor did you want to "do something nice" for her, you were purely trying to get your own needs met. Manipulative, inauthentic and selfish. Majority of women WILL take the free gifts and favours but won't give you anything in return. The really healthy ones would have gone no contact on you already.
I drive off home and text her saying "I could ruin your life far easier" Referring to all the personal details I know about her and of course the erotic video we made together, disgraceful I know but i was just so angry and she'd pushed me for weeks.
Threats and blackmail, do you not have a shred of honour? Hold yourself to some sort of standards man
I sent a threatening message saying "Look I didnt delete anything, please give me my things back and we wont have a problem" I know this is awful but I was just so done and angry. The next day we meet outside her place, she has my things in a black bag, she explains she's going to the police etc and to take my things back, I apologise for what I've said and leave it at that, we have maybe one more phone call but that's it.
More threats and blackmail, trying to keep contact at any cost by creating drama etc.
She does not block my number though or any form social media so I still kept track of her, .
Creepy, stalkerish behaviour, nice.
Then it hit me, i remembered she had a BPD friend who lived fairly locally who she often spoke about and sort of seemed to be in competition with.
"then it hit me, i can drag some innocent 3rd party into this mess and use her to get my needs met"
A day later I hear from my borderline, she calls me sick, warns her friend to stay away from me etc
She isn't wrong.
She tells me i took advantage of her, tricked her etc which isnt true but she said we were cool and could chat more later.
It is true
I send her a couple of long messages saying she's intimidating and wrong about what she said but I love her and know the real her etc.
You don't love her, you don't know what healthy love looks like. You also don't know the real her, the "real her" is the idealised fantasy you have created of her. If she actually has BPD, the real her is a girl of about 6 years old who is trapped in an adult body and acting out of fear, guilt and shame, with no guidance and nobody who truly cares for her well-being. Considering you're level of emotional maturity, you are nowhere NEAR being a good choice of partner for her. And if you can put your own needs aside for a minute, you might be able to grasp that painful fact.
In the meantime I had been complaining to the other BPD about her as I felt she wad the only one i could talk to who'd understand.
Using her
Why would she block me ? I need answers.
I have given them to you
I'm tempted now she has had 2 weeks to cool off to maybe go to her house with flowers ? or something along those lines ?
So there you have it. I'm not blaming you by the way, your behaviour is a result of your upbringing, but you NEED to snap out of this victim mentality. The almost reverse-feminism of the manosphere would allow you to hide from much of your own responsibility here, and enable you to "blame the borderline" as if this wasn't a two-way disfunctional dance.
GREAT relationships = TWO emotionally healthy adults
FUNCTIONAL relationships = ONE emotionally healthy adult who can carry the load and ONE emotionally not so healthy person who can be supported by the healthy one
DISFUNCTIONAL ****SHOW = TWO emotionally unhealthy adults, aka the blind leading the blind, aka what is happening in this post.