What is "Alpha" Anyway?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Nobody laugh. I've never seen that movie. Might have to watch it this week. :):rolleyes:
Never seen The Godfather movies!?
The first two are amazing. The third one has its moments, but nowhere near the first two.

IMO, the only gangster movie that may be slightly better is Goodfellas.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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King Leonidas from 300


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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King Leonidas from 300
Agree. I have seen 300. I've also seen Goodfellas. So dark and yet such a brilliant movie.

I also like Sean Connery's character in The Wind & the Lion...but sheesh am I dating myself, lol

Sometimes I forget movies exist...hiding under my rock and all ;)


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
One thing I've noticed about all the big shots I've met in my life is that they've never had to tell anyone "I'm alpha". If you have to tell someone this, then it's pretty obvious you're not what you claim.
Excellent observation, I have also noticed this. None of the cool guys I know ever seriously claim things about themselves, some of them joke though. Some of the worst people I know makes claims about themselves all the time, as if I'd take their words and forget their actions. A very good example of this I find in my mother, she goes on and on about how nice, caring and smart she is, but she constantly shows how she's ignorant, inconsiderate and selfish.

The alpha guy is aware that his actions matters and won't state what everyone can see. It really doesn't matter if we think of ourselves as good, because it has no legitimacy if nobody else believes it.


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
Why is everyone making the definition of alpha so complex?

An alpha is a man who THRIVES in situations most men don't or can't. That's really it.

There is really no such thing as a complete alpha. Figure if you took five so-called alphas and put them in a room where they had to compete in some way.. its safe to assume one would outshine the others right? So do the other men become betas now?

If you are an alpha or not depends on the situation and your male competition at the time. If a plane is going down and you're the only one who can fly it, congrets.. you're an alpha now. If there is a spider in the room and you're the one who isn't afraid to smash it.. congrats, you're an alpha now.
May 25, 2017
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Florida, USA
Why is everyone making the definition of alpha so complex?

An alpha is a man who THRIVES in situations most men don't or can't. That's really it.

There is really no such thing as a complete alpha. Figure if you took five so-called alphas and put them in a room where they had to compete in some way.. its safe to assume one would outshine the others right? So do the other men become betas now?

If you are an alpha or not depends on the situation and your male competition at the time. If a plane is going down and you're the only one who can fly it, congrets.. you're an alpha now. If there is a spider in the room and you're the one who isn't afraid to smash it.. congrats, you're an alpha now.
If I'm in a room full of trained MMA fighters that make only $30,000/year, while I make 10x that much in real estate, am I the alpha in that group? I think so. Especially given the fact that if any of those fighters attacked me, they would be arrested because we live in a society of laws. Some girls would think I was the alpha of that group, while others might not.

Alphas fluctuate constantly even in the animal kingdom. The top mountain goat does not keep his status permanently. It is only until a stronger goat kicks him off of his perch, then the new goat will have access to all the females.

If I drive a Bentley into a place where everyone else is poor, does that make me an alpha at that moment? Perhaps. If I drive it to the wrong area of town where there are no witnesses and someone robs me, does that make the robber the alpha for a brief second? Perhaps. What about if he gets caught and arrested? Then the police, court system, and jail guards are the alpha over him at that moment until he gets released from prison.

Was Winston Churchill an alpha? He caused the death of over 3 million Indians by refusing to feed them during a famine because he hated Indians. He also ordered people in British Kenya to be tortured, including Barack Obama's grandfather. In his early career, he would wage wars in Africa where he and his soldiers would shoot unarmed people. Is that an alpha?

Was Hitler an alpha?

Napoleon was 5'7" by the way, actually taller than the average French person of the time. The rumor that he was short in stature was basically British propaganda that got confused with reality.

Is Albert Einstein alpha? I have no idea. I bet he would lose a fight to most people if there were no laws or witnesses.

Is a stripper an alpha when she cons money out of guys at the strip club? Perhaps. But also remember that she is protected by the law.

So is "the law" alpha? Are the legislators alpha? Even they must be elected, as must the President and every state's governor, as well as all the judges.

What about a military dictator? Are they alpha? They might be the alpha of their own country, but what about when they have to answer to a more powerful country that could easily take them over?

Is/was ISIS alpha? They controlled territory for a time, but now they're getting their ass kicked.

Is the United States military alpha? Obviously they have alpha qualities, but even they can't act in any way they want. They have to obey certain international laws for the most part. They do not have absolute free reign.

Am I alpha? Well I don't take orders from anyone other than the law. I work for myself and will be making a lot shortly. I employ people twice my age. So certainly I have alpha qualities, but if you put me in the middle of the ghetto at 3AM with no witnesses, then obviously things would change.

There are so many variables and different ways to look at this, it's an impossible question to answer. Especially since even in the animal kingdom, the alpha is constantly changing.

Can females be alpha? Not by nature 99% of the time, but given protection under the law and 100 years of stupid feminism, they are starting to think that they are equal to or greater than males. (while at the same time, they do the easy work of the already easy United States service economy.... they honestly think that a jon like waitressing is the definition of "work" while other people slave their asses off all day, especially in poorer countries.... the behavior and thought processes of many of the females in the United States is disgusting and sickening.... but I don't want to get off topic).


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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If I'm in a room full of trained MMA fighters that make only $30,000/year, while I make 10x that much in real estate, am I the alpha in that group? I think so. Especially given the fact that if any of those fighters attacked me, they would be arrested because we live in a society of laws. Some girls would think I was the alpha of that group, while others might not.

Alphas fluctuate constantly even in the animal kingdom. The top mountain goat does not keep his status permanently. It is only until a stronger goat kicks him off of his perch, then the new goat will have access to all the females.

If I drive a Bentley into a place where everyone else is poor, does that make me an alpha at that moment? Perhaps. If I drive it to the wrong area of town where there are no witnesses and someone robs me, does that make the robber the alpha for a brief second? Perhaps. What about if he gets caught and arrested? Then the police, court system, and jail guards are the alpha over him at that moment until he gets released from prison.

Was Winston Churchill an alpha? He caused the death of over 3 million Indians by refusing to feed them during a famine because he hated Indians. He also ordered people in British Kenya to be tortured, including Barack Obama's grandfather. In his early career, he would wage wars in Africa where he and his soldiers would shoot unarmed people. Is that an alpha?

Was Hitler an alpha?

Napoleon was 5'7" by the way, actually taller than the average French person of the time. The rumor that he was short in stature was basically British propaganda that got confused with reality.

Is Albert Einstein alpha? I have no idea. I bet he would lose a fight to most people if there were no laws or witnesses.

Is a stripper an alpha when she cons money out of guys at the strip club? Perhaps. But also remember that she is protected by the law.

So is "the law" alpha? Are the legislators alpha? Even they must be elected, as must the President and every state's governor, as well as all the judges.

What about a military dictator? Are they alpha? They might be the alpha of their own country, but what about when they have to answer to a more powerful country that could easily take them over?

Is/was ISIS alpha? They controlled territory for a time, but now they're getting their ass kicked.

Is the United States military alpha? Obviously they have alpha qualities, but even they can't act in any way they want. They have to obey certain international laws for the most part. They do not have absolute free reign.

Am I alpha? Well I don't take orders from anyone other than the law. I work for myself and will be making a lot shortly. I employ people twice my age. So certainly I have alpha qualities, but if you put me in the middle of the ghetto at 3AM with no witnesses, then obviously things would change.

There are so many variables and different ways to look at this, it's an impossible question to answer. Especially since even in the animal kingdom, the alpha is constantly changing.

Can females be alpha? Not by nature 99% of the time, but given protection under the law and 100 years of stupid feminism, they are starting to think that they are equal to or greater than males. (while at the same time, they do the easy work of the already easy United States service economy.... they honestly think that a jon like waitressing is the definition of "work" while other people slave their asses off all day, especially in poorer countries.... the behavior and thought processes of many of the females in the United States is disgusting and sickening.... but I don't want to get off topic).
If they attacked you, they might be arrested but you'd be dead. Being right doesn't always equate to be being smart.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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The other thing of interest in regard to an "alpha" or dominant man is how he interacts with people who are important in his life.

He is respectful of those who deserve his respect, he leads those who seek his leadership, he ignores those who do not merit his attention. He is calibrated & intelligent enough and socially aware enough to know who is who.

A woman who such a man chooses to spend time with has importance to him. He never needs to tell her she's important or he likes her...the fact that he chooses to communicate with her or spend time with her is indicative in and of itself.

In other words a man's actions tell the story. I never worry about whether or not a man likes me. If he is electing to spend his most valuable asset (his TIME) with me then obviously he likes me enough to do that.

Many women are so insecure & self absorbed that they miss this simple fact. The best response you can give a woman who is pestering you with "Do you like me?" talk is to say simply "I'm here".

Another thing about the way such men behave in relation to a woman is decisiveness. He makes decisions and invites the woman he chooses along.

He will say things like "We are joining friends of mine for dinner at 7. I'll pick you up at 6:30".

The woman is then expected to be ready to go to dinner when he arrives at 6:30. Easy & simple.

He doesn't ask things like "What do you feel like doing?" or "Where do you want to go?" He already has a plan.

Instead he'll say things like "I feel like steak. What's the best steak place?" (And he will expect her to know or find out the answer.)...he will assign tasks in this way and expect the woman to comply and assist him. Notice how this naturally asserts the man in the leadership/dominant/alpha role and requires the woman to comply/assist/submit? It's subtle but it's there.

Men like this also retain leadership when they ask for information to make a choice. So if she says there are 2 good steak places, he will give additional criteria or ask additional questions and then he will make a decision.

Now he may consider the woman's preferences or suggestions and choose to accommodate her, let's say she says she always wanted to try a particular place, but he may not. This is fine.

A smart woman simply appreciates the time with him & doesn't get hung up on getting her way or imposing her will, for that will simply put off a man who expects to lead the interaction.

And all of this is assuming that the woman feels privileged to be in the company of the man, which again further promotes his leadership and her compliance.


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2017
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Alpha is the individual mans true authentic state.

It's individual, not cookie cutter.

A homeless man can be alpha, a CEO can be alpha. Neither would think of themselves with the term or pride themselves on it. Hubris is not Alpha.