I treat plates differently than dates. When someone you planned a first date or something with cancels and doesn't counter-offer, yeah, I assume there's no interest and I just move on.
A plate on the other hand, as far as I'm concerned, is someone I've already slept with. Someone already in the rotation. Someone who will eventually, at some point, reach out and I will hear from again. I have left things open for them to make a counter-offer at that later point, and I've had women follow through on those offers.
I've also had situations where an immediate counter offer from a plate didn't mean sh*t. I had a plate years ago that cancelled at the last minute and immediately counter-offered. At that time, I did what a lot of guys in this thread are suggesting, i.e., don't act butt-hurt, don't show that it bothers you. etc. So I responded "OK, cool. No problem. See you next week". It actually didn't bother me because I had other plates and I just called one of them instead.
A week later that plate called and cancelled last minute again, immediately counter-offering. "Ok, cool. No problem", and I called another plate.
Another week later that same plate cancelled last minute once again, immediately counter-offering. I never talked to her again, even after repeated texts from her wondering if I was still alive.
This is why I keep it simple and don't overthink the stuff. I'll leave the door open for one more chance, then just let her actions at that point decide if she's in or out. I don't worry about what move to make next in hopes of keeping it rolling or what message this move might imply. I just let them know, in no uncertain terms, that there is some sh*t I just don't put up with, and repetitive last minute cancelling is definitely one of those things.