But you still have to have the money and the looks before personality even comes in to play, right? Nobody cares about nice homeless guys.
When you say you had money, how much was this?
I wish I had the money now so that I could move on to working on personality. I think by the time I have enough income to know that it's enough... I will be too old to get the young girls.
Sigh... You're thinking in extremes...
Nobody cares about a nice homeless guy, that's right. But you don't have to be at the other extreme either. As long as you have enough money to support yourself and a little more to spend on things you enjoy it is good enough. Basically all you really need is a stable personal economy, you don't have to be loaded.
I don't have a fortune sitting in my bank, but I have an income just over $70k a year. It varies because of exchange rates though. This is more than most other guys I see scoring women. Anyways, I never really used money to attract a woman and was still successful.
I know several guys in real life that have trouble with debt and spend money irresponsibly, but still score women. The difference is that women usually don't stick around for long with those guys. Not because they don't get much money out of them, but because their irresponsible economy causes everyday issues in the relationship.
Looks are only important regarding a few things that can relatively easily be fixed. A good haircut, some decent (not necessarily expensive) clothes and keeping your BMI below overweight is enough. Even if genes may not have provided you the optimal features, most of that can be compensated with personality.
I'd say you need the personality before the money, because a great personality is a useful asset to gain money. So don't wait for it, start working on it now. Looks are easily improved at any stage, sooner is better. I've seen many overweight or short men with better game than I had and they do score because of their personality, not their money.