This is only the case if you are BIG and have a low bodyfat percentage. The guy isn't even 200 lbs. Most people who get to 5% with the visible striations and all that are pro bodybuilders who likely weigh over 300. Trust me, there's a difference. Anorexic people for example don't have any striations and don't even look like they have muscle at all, yet they're sub 5% and look less muscular than Phelps. Not only that, but all the pics you guys see are when they're flexed. Check this guy below at 2% bodyfat (Helmut Strebl). In the first, he resembles someone at 8-10% bodyfat, but that is because he is barely flexing any muscle at all. In the second when he actually is flexing, he shows all those striations and the extreme muscle definition in the delts and whatnot; he actually exhibits similar musculature to the dude in the 1-4% bodyfat pic, yet at the same time he isn't as BIG.
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They're paraphrasing what his trainer said, it doesn't have to be in quotations. 5% at 194 looks vastly different from 5% at 300. Your grasping onto straws here with that argument. And like I said above, most people you see are flexing. They don't show you what it's like to not be flexing.