The mind game thread


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
I want to talk about some of the mind games we use on women that work really well. I used to really hate mind games and it used to make me bitter when I was younger. But over time I learned they are just part of the game. I still don't play that many games, but there are times when its necessary to keep women a little off balance. My top three mind games are these:

#1: Not responding when a woman flakes

Lets say you have date plans with a girl and she texts you to say she cannot make it. I always ignore the text. This always freaks them out and they text back later or call to explain themselves more. I don't pick up if they try to call either.

#2: Unpredictable

I make sure I never become too predicable. This isn't just something I do with women, but also in business and life. It keeps people on their toes. They are never totally sure what you will say or how you will act in a certain situation.

#3: Tell me something INTERESTING

On a first date, I kick things off by telling her she looks beautiful and asking her how her day was. Next, I talk casually for 3-5 minutes about my future travel plans, my career ambitions and amazing restaurants I've been to or want to visit (all the STATUS stuff women love).

After talking about all that, I ask the girl to tell me something INTERESTING about herself. Then I just relax, act bored and don't do much talking for the rest of the date. A lot of women get so intimidated/insecure its almost funny. At the very end of the date I either go in for the kiss or try to have sex, depending on my interest level. I always get a second date.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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Don't like the term mind games. They are more communication and manipulation strategies and ploys for power in relationship dynamics. It's nitpicky but "mind games" implies something juvenile like purposely ignoring her so she panics for no reason.

That being said an effective and simple strategy is the reward/punishment system. With women attention is your currency. Should be supplied and withdrawn depending on her behavior. She say something you really didn't like? Become a bit more aloof for th rest of the night. She will quickly pick up on what pleases you and what doesn't.


Jun 23, 2014
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If I play mind games or manipulation's become so natural I don't even notice it. Women provide such as LOW amount of value (sex and companionship only) that I don't believe any techniques, tips, mind games, etc, is worth it.

I play the numbers game. Again, approach 20 chicks, get 12 numbers, date 6 of them, fvck 3 of them, 1 of the 3 might be a relationship candidate (and the relationship can go from 1 month to 5 years).

That's pretty much it for me.


Apr 25, 2016
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Good answers so far ^^^^^^

I would add:

1.) Mirror her timing on texts, calls, etc. If she takes 2 hrs to respond, I take 3. If she takes 3 minutes, I take 20, etc.

2.) Only initiate 30-40% of all communication. Make her invest.

3.) Always appear busy (as you should be). After 4-5 messages back and forth of senseless chit chat, or a few messages of clarifying a date, time and place to meet, give the "Hey I have to run.....I am super busy right now. I'll text you later when I get free".

4.) Always be the first to end text convos and dates.

5.) Pressure- when I show up for EVERY first date, I tell them just a few minutes in that "you only have me for about an hour or so because I have to get back and ______". Sometimes I tell them while texting "You cant keep me out all night because I have to ______ in the morning and I need to get to bed early ;)". This lets her know she is on a time line with me and also makes it a challenge for some chicks to keep me out later. Plus when sechs is involved on the first date it forces them to be more assertive in letting me know she is down to bone.

6.) I always have a "friend" that I refer to as a "she/her" but never by name that I throw into some texts with women. "Hey my friend likes that stuff too....she is always going on and on about it when I talk to "her".

Her: I am going to get my nails done today.
Me: Oh nice....they will look good when we meet up. Where are you getting them done at?
Her: Asian nails
Me: Oh nice. My friend goes there regularly and she loves that place.

It seems to put some competition on them. Believe it or not, woman talk trash about guys that are talking to multiple women but deep down they LOVE the competition and know they need to step their game up to hang around.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2016
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My slim experience:
- Don't let her win verbal fencing. I used to let her win so she feels better. It was mistake. She don't want to win.
- Vacuum -- let her do the work
- push-pull compliment
- Humor is very effective way of "solving" difficult situations. You don't really solve the problem but change attitude of other person towards the situation.


Apr 25, 2016
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I will also add that there is one thing that you can do to blow a hot chick's mind (I never do this on an average to slightly above average woman) and that is to flake on the first date.

Especially a woman who has tons of orbiters and men drooling all over her for dates.

I never flake right at the last minute. That leaves a bitter taste in their mouth. If I flake, I do it about 3 hrs before the date.

"Hey ________, something has come up and I have to reschedule. Let me see what I have going on the rest of the week and I will get back to you".

Then wait until the next day to set up another date (dont flake twice).

Normally they will say "Sure. Is everything ok?"

Me: Oh yeah everything is fine. I will get back to you on a day that I can sneak away.

Its a mind blower for someone who has tons of date opportunities. I think it makes them think "What is so special about this guy that he reschedules" and also "what could possibly be more important that meeting up with me?". It definitely creates more value on your end if you pull it off.

Its literally the best way to mind fvck a hot chick.


Master Don Juan
Feb 23, 2012
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Don't attempt mind games with chicks unless your frame is solid. Women have been playing mind games since they were 13 and boys have been trying to f*ck them. You'll get outplayed.

If your frame is solid and you're able to "outplay her," master PUSH/PULL. Push/pull is the basis for all mind games related to attraction. Every piece of good advice above me is a form of push/pull.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Don't attempt mind games with chicks unless your frame is solid. Women have been playing mind games since they were 13 and boys have been trying to f*ck them. You'll get outplayed.

If your frame is solid and you're able to "outplay her," master PUSH/PULL. Push/pull is the basis for all mind games related to attraction. Every piece of good advice above me is a form of push/pull.
The thing is, if a woman is attracted to you.....then you can almost get away with anything. That includes the push/pull, or the c0cky/funny, or the mind games, or not calling her back on time, or not calling her back for 3 days, or flaking on her, or being a challenge, etc.

It's like the Manosphere puts these things as the BASIS for attraction, when in my opinion, attraction is already there and the woman just "tolerates" these things in the man. If a greasy, FAT, short, bald, broke guy tried to do these things, she wouldn't tolerate the B.S. nor would she tolerate him in general.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2016
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The thing is, if a woman is attracted to you.....then you can almost get away with anything. That includes the push/pull, or the c0cky/funny, or the mind games, or not calling her back on time, or not calling her back for 3 days, or flaking on her, or being a challenge, etc.

It's like the Manosphere puts these things as the BASIS for attraction, when in my opinion, attraction is already there and the woman just "tolerates" these things in the man. If a greasy, FAT, short, bald, broke guy tried to do these things, she wouldn't tolerate the B.S. nor would she tolerate him in general.
I don't agree. You basically denied all game. I practiced some techniques like e.g. push/pull and saw massive improvement in my dating life.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Mar 12, 2011
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Don't like the term mind games. They are more communication and manipulation strategies and ploys for power in relationship dynamics. It's nitpicky but "mind games" implies something juvenile like purposely ignoring her so she panics for no reason.
In theory you are right but its not reality. Women will use any manipulation, mind game, technique, to subtly extract information out of the man to destroy when the time is right for them. The only way to counter is to manipulate and use mind games of your own.

Women aren't with men these days for "love" and to create a "large close knit family", they are with men for their own image and use. And if they are not happy, they will DESTROY the man with cherry on top with the backing of the courts, the law, and the system.

You have to play mind games in today's world. If you don't, women will use you, laugh at you, bankrupt you, and society will use you, laugh at you, and bankrupt you.


Jun 23, 2014
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I don't agree. You basically denied all game. I practiced some techniques like e.g. push/pull and saw massive improvement in my dating life.
I could be wrong, but in my opinion I don't think there's a such thing as "game".

I think a woman gets turned on by a guy's personality, his looks, and/or his finances (at least 1 of the 3, 2 of the 3, or all 3 of the 3). From there, now that she's turned on, he can usually get away with being a dyck, a jerk, an a.zzhole, a thug, an alcoholic, bisexual/gay, a druggie, or (insert other negative qualities here).

It's the debate of what came first? The chicken or the egg? Did the game come first and the woman began to find said guy to be attractive? Or, did she find him attractive the moment he walked in the room or opened his mouth, before he did any push/pull or c0cky/funny or not calling her for 3 days?


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2017
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Good thread.
I would say that most things written above are not really mind games, just basic manipulation.
What I do sometimes is acting ignorant.
A few off the top of my head:
1. Push/pull - really the foundation of good game.
2. Indirect communication - speaking preferably through actions, or using other more subtle ways of negotiating boundaries in a set.
3. Ignoring women - a massive skill that I'm still working on. Which leads to number 4
4. Playing ignorant
Great post, but I would put #4 first.
That's how it is done - I act like there is no game. IOI's - I don't get them, sh1t tests - I ignore them, I don't act cool and joke around, I don't react like I'm offended, I just act like I did not understand the jest at all. I intentionally miss the opportunities to get closer that girl gives me, I don't compliment when it is the right moment to do so. The main idea is that you deprive the ability to manipulate you.
That's what some girls do - they act like they don't understand that guy want's to seduce them just to watch him try and have fun. If you dealt with that, you can say that it creates strong attraction. Well, you can do it too!
Then I begin to act like I'm interested, I can do kino, throw in some unexpected compliments, show care. I can even tell girl what a good friend of mine she is. Last one is powerful, you should save that line to the point when it would cause maximum confusion (and lulz for you). The thing is to create a gap between your words - most platonic - and your actions - sexy. You can do the opposite - act like a big pimp and show no interest to the particular girl you are playing with - that's well known pua technique and really is the same thing. That's called 'flipping the script' if I'm not mistaken.
Acting ignorant also lets you get to know the girl better. When you ignore her subtle signals while still being around and giving her what she likes (affection etc.), she will start to make them less subtle, she will tell you more about herself while you act like you miss out most of what she says. And when you unexpectedly bring out what you learned it shocks them. They wonder if you are really so naive or you have no interest and just act nice or you really playing mind games with them. When you see that girl becomes certain of one of the variants, you prove the opposite.
As said above, it works only is there was some level of attraction in the first place. If girls likes you, you will become the mysterious man of her dreams, if not, you will become psycho creep.
That's not the easiest way to make girl fall in love, that's not too reliable, it's easy to overdo, but it is really fun. I did that with couple of girls that were special to me whom I didn't really plan to seduce (I forgot to mention, you have to be free of desire for that girl you want to mindf*ck, but that was written above and it's a bit obvious). It took ages with those girls to get phisycal, but it was a great time. I even had one of them mindf*cking me! What a relationship that was lol. Not like 'locate a dumb chick - portray a cool guy - push-pull - sex on the second date' stuff.
Of course, I did the last with most of the girls I got and it worked (well, with those who didn't blow me off right away, of course). It's not even mind game to me, it's like a rule these days both women and men follow. You don't need to practise anything more than that.
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Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Guys.. talk about crazy timing. I was texting one of my girls today to set up a date this week:

Me: I'm free tomorrow after work if you want to grab drinks
Her: Well.. I don't know

So I just ignore her text. Then two hours later:

Her: Just kidding! I'm free


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2017
Reaction score
Guys.. talk about crazy timing. I was texting one of my girls today to set up a date this week:
Me: I'm free tomorrow after work if you want to grab drinks
Her: Well.. I don't know
So I just ignore her text. Then two hours later:
Her: Just kidding! I'm free
Maybe that's a girls who is playing games with you :)

It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
I could be wrong, but in my opinion I don't think there's a such thing as "game".

I think a woman gets turned on by a guy's personality, his looks, and/or his finances (at least 1 of the 3, 2 of the 3, or all 3 of the 3). From there, now that she's turned on, he can usually get away with being a dyck, a jerk, an a.zzhole, a thug, an alcoholic, bisexual/gay, a druggie, or (insert other negative qualities here).

It's the debate of what came first? The chicken or the egg? Did the game come first and the woman began to find said guy to be attractive? Or, did she find him attractive the moment he walked in the room or opened his mouth, before he did any push/pull or c0cky/funny or not calling her for 3 days?
Men and women were f*cking each other long before game existed.

Game was invented by the PUA industry to cash in on desperate men. It provides just enough insight to give a guy marginal results. But not enough that he stops buying PUA books. That's how MONEY is made.

Self-improvement and becoming confident, experienced and successful is the road to abundance with women. Not "game".

Maybe that's a girls who is playing games with you :)
I've never met a girl who didn't play games on some level. Except for total sluts. But even sluts start playing games if they want a relationship.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2017
Reaction score
1. Indirectly let her know of your abundance: this will make theme compete for you and want to be with you just because other girls are

2. Talk to them like you're talking to a little girl

3. The less they know you, the more attracted they are: I've had girls blow me immediately on the first date, but the more they get that personal connection to you the more the intimacy dies.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
#3 probably just means that you are young. As you get older and accumulate life experience you have plenty of facets to your personality so girls will naturally hang around longer in fact after a while you'll always be the one pulling the pin.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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@Urbanyst you are evolving. You recognise that game exists now and it yields marginal results. Your position is less extreme now and more nuanced. The process has begun you will make an outstanding DJ.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
Don't attempt mind games with chicks unless your frame is solid. Women have been playing mind games since they were 13 and boys have been trying to f*ck them. You'll get outplayed.

If your frame is solid and you're able to "outplay her"
The above is hands down the best advice on this thread. Beautiful women who have had to deflect unwanted male attention for their entire lives will naturally & effortlessly deflect you too unless you differentiate yourself somehow in a cool/chill/confident way.

The typical man has no idea the sort of abundance & unwanted attention gorgeous women get All. The. Time.

For this reason gorgeous women are brilliant at game. They have to be in order to sort past the constant white noise.