Good thread.
I would say that most things written above are not really mind games, just basic manipulation.
What I do sometimes is acting ignorant.
Great post, but I would put #4 first.
That's how it is done - I act like there is no game. IOI's - I don't get them, sh1t tests - I ignore them, I don't act cool and joke around, I don't react like I'm offended, I just act like I did not understand the jest at all. I intentionally miss the opportunities to get closer that girl gives me, I don't compliment when it is the right moment to do so. The main idea is that you deprive the ability to manipulate you.
That's what some girls do - they act like they don't understand that guy want's to seduce them just to watch him try and have fun. If you dealt with that, you can say that it creates strong attraction. Well, you can do it too!
Then I begin to act like I'm interested, I can do kino, throw in some unexpected compliments, show care. I can even tell girl what a good friend of mine she is. Last one is powerful, you should save that line to the point when it would cause maximum confusion (and lulz for you). The thing is to create a gap between your words - most platonic - and your actions - sexy. You can do the opposite - act like a big pimp and show no interest to the particular girl you are playing with - that's well known pua technique and really is the same thing. That's called 'flipping the script' if I'm not mistaken.
Acting ignorant also lets you get to know the girl better. When you ignore her subtle signals while still being around and giving her what she likes (affection etc.), she will start to make them less subtle, she will tell you more about herself while you act like you miss out most of what she says. And when you unexpectedly bring out what you learned it shocks them. They wonder if you are really so naive or you have no interest and just act nice or you really playing mind games with them. When you see that girl becomes certain of one of the variants, you prove the opposite.
As said above, it works only is there was some level of attraction in the first place. If girls likes you, you will become the mysterious man of her dreams, if not, you will become psycho creep.
That's not the easiest way to make girl fall in love, that's not too reliable, it's easy to overdo, but it is really fun. I did that with couple of girls that were special to me whom I didn't really plan to seduce (I forgot to mention, you have to be free of desire for that girl you want to mindf*ck, but that was written above and it's a bit obvious). It took ages with those girls to get phisycal, but it was a great time. I even had one of them mindf*cking me! What a relationship that was lol. Not like 'locate a dumb chick - portray a cool guy - push-pull - sex on the second date' stuff.
Of course, I did the last with most of the girls I got and it worked (well, with those who didn't blow me off right away, of course). It's not even mind game to me, it's like a rule these days both women and men follow. You don't need to practise anything more than that.