The biggest lies most of you probably believe


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
If this is a really a red pill site, I think we need to get outside our bubble and question more of the things we believe to be truth about the game. I'm listing stuff that my life experience has told me is total horse sh*t:

#1 There is only one right way to do things

This is the biggest horse sh*t lie around. There is only one right way to approach a girl. There is only one right way to act around a girl. There is only one right way to number close. There is only one right way to text. There is only one right way to date. Its horse sh*t. There are many ways to succeed with hot women that don't follow the script of acting or dressing a certain way.

#2 All women are the same

Another horse sh*t lie. Women are very diverse and they are turned on by different things. Every guy is a type and will attract a certain type of woman. There is no magic formula that makes all women attracted to you

#3 Feminists are the devil

Living in the city, I end up meeting and dating a lot of women with feminist beliefs. Turns out some of these women are among the most fair and reasonable women around. A lot of them are willing to pull their own weight in the relationship instead of just lying on their back waiting for you to do everything. A lot of them also play less games and are more upfront about what they want.

#4 Money and status is not as important as game

Sorry, but game is not that important to women unless they are slutty or very low in the food chain. Women care about your status and their compatibility with you. They only see you as compatible and valuable if you are up to a certain level of status and success. Game is a plus of course, but you need the value before they care about your game.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
#1 No one believes that. The saying on red pill sites is that you are simply adding more tools to your arsenal when it comes to attracting women, and in fact at constantly thrown around how the OPPOSITE of this claim is true. Everyone knows that what works for me might not work for you, and vice versa.
#2 All women are the same. All people are different.
#3 You met egalitarians, not feminists. Egalitarians get a thumbs up in my book, but those hardcore feminazis are bad. Second wave feminism actually was extremely destructive towards men and society. It happened to break up the family unit, get the super rich richer, keep them in power, and keep the masses ignorant.
#4 This is purely cognitive dissonance from a feeling that you are lacking 'game' somewhere within yourself. This contradicts you saying how all women aren't the same. Some women may value money and status over 'game', whereas others are the opposite. Keep in mind that you also stated how there are MULTIPLE ways to do things too. Yet according to you, women "only see you as compatible and valuable if you are up to a certain level of status and success". As we can see here, you are also projecting your own thoughts and feelings onto others. It isn't that it's the "only" way as you put it, it's just that it's the only way YOU can get/keep women. It's your own internal thoughts manifesting themselves onto others to keep your ego intact because you lack self esteem. This is why in your other thread I said that I amongst others wish to become valuable just by existing; it allows you to clear up all internal issues you have because in order to do so, you have to have the strength to face them. In other words, you wouldn't be having cognitive dissonance to rationalize your own internal shortcomings onto others. It comes from a place of weakness. It is a preference like I said before. I desire strength over weakness. But that's just me. Maybe you are different.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2012
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1. I agree. There are different ways of doing things.

2. In the dating world, most are the same. The only girl you can trust is your Wife. (Hopefully)

3. No Comment

4. I disagree. I know a girl who has a good job, her own place, a car, independent. But, she's dating a homeless meth-head! Maybe she's desperate or has major issues.. Its not always about "Money and Looks".


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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#1 There is only one right way to do things
only rookies think this

everyone knows that the reason that all the pros do things differently (Roosh, Mystery, Neil Strauss, the guys at RSD, etc. etc.) is that everyone's game will work a little differently unless you're an exact clone of someone else.

the trick is trying to find the tidbits of other people's game that work for you, while weeding out those that don't, until you've perfected your style.

also side note, I notice that you gave no examples of effective techniques that go against the grain

#2 All women are the same
all women are the same, but all women are also different.

example: two days ago a woman told me she couldn't go out with me because she had a headache with no counteroffer, that means the exact same thing no matter what woman says it: I got blown off.

on the other hand, I've told the exact same joke to several different women and received wildly different responses based upon their individual senses of humor, so what lines you use on a girl are clearly not one-size-fits-all

#3 Feminists are the devil
depends on the feminist, like any other belief system, the people who don't take it too seriously are the most likeable to people who don't share their devotion.

so a hardcore feminist is going to be awful to deal with unless you're a hardcore cuck, however a girl who just calls herself a feminist without necessarily unironically talking about dumb SJW/feminazi nonsense ( like "rape culture", "the patriarchy", "manspreading", "mansplaining", "internalized misogyny", etc. ) is going to be just fine to date.

like, I'm a trump supporter, but I can date someone who doesn't support trump because I'm not a hardcore gun toting redneck nor am I a hillbilly or a racist or a supremacist or neo-nazi or any of that other craziness, I'm just a normal guy with a moderate interest in politics. a normal person who doesn't support trump can date someone who does as long as they aren't a hardcore liberal

#4 Money and status is not as important as game
this is only ever said by guys who either are rich and famous or guys who have terrible game

the former says this because they only ever need to be recognized to get laid and thus they don't know why anyone needs to bother working on their personality

the latter group says this because they assume that girls not liking them is solely because they're not rich and famous and cannot possibly have anything to do with their lack of a good personality

either way this is kind of like saying that negotiation isn't important when buying a car, the truth is that only suckers pay sticker price.
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Mar 12, 2011
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#1 There is only one right way to do things

#2 All women are the same
DISAGREE. They have different goals at different stages of their life, and some are more educated than others. But all women care about is their image in society, and how USEFUL you are to them.

#3 Feminists are the devil
I WOULDN'T SAY THIS. You can be the devil and not a feminist, just as you can be a feminist and not the devil. Beyonce is a feminist, looks good and has 2 kids.

#4 Money and status is not as important as game
DISAGREE. If you don't know how to TALK and ATTRACT women, if you have no FRIENDS, no HOBBIES outside of getting sex from them, money and status won't help you much. No girl wants to be with a Doctor who plays video games Friday and Saturday night.

Bro I thought I liked money. You are absolutely obsessed with money and status. I don't how many times we can say girls DON'T CARE about it. You have to be tall, you have to have lots of hair, you have to talk alot, you have to have hobbies. This is what they care about. You having an extra $100,000 in your account compared to a guy who is well liked, enjoys himself, is witty, tall, and takes care of himself; almost everytime the girl would pick the latter guy.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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1. True Statement: Men need to have the fluidity and charm intrinsic to their own personality. What works best varies from man to man. Honestly a woman's interest level is a huge factor as well. The higher her interest the more latitude you'll have.

2. True Statement: Women are individuals just as men are. You'll see tendencies and trends and behaviors that are consistent across different women I'd suggest on a bell curve distribution, but all women are not cookie cutters of each other, they will have individual criteria they seek just like men do. You are looking for a woman who is a good fit...FOR YOU.

3. It depends: This is one of those words/concepts that has vastly different interpretations. A self reliant woman (who considers herself a feminist for her self reliance) but is otherwise feminine is an entirely different animal than the women's March man hater fem nazis. So Caveat Emptor. Due diligence required.

4. It all matters: Money/Status/Wealth/Game/Appearance/

It ALL matters. Different men have different strengths & weaknesses. Every man is going to get measured against criteria individual to the woman in the interaction, just as each man evaluates a woman based on his individual standards or criteria. The more boxes we tick for one another the better, but every individual is a package. The sum total of the package is much more important that just the "game" piece versus the money piece.

It's not binary nor mutually exclusive. Human interactions are not linear, rather they are organic. Trying to over simplify human interaction is to miss the subtleties that are key to whether or not something is viable.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
4. I disagree. I know a girl who has a good job, her own place, a car, independent. But, she's dating a homeless meth-head! Maybe she's desperate or has major issues.. Its not always about "Money and Looks".
The exception proves the rule.

Don't be the guy that says "I know a dog that never barks, so that means you should assume dogs don't bark".

Splitting hairs dude.

what's the longest you ever dated one?
As long as any other type.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
DISAGREE. If you don't know how to TALK and ATTRACT women, if you have no FRIENDS, no HOBBIES outside of getting sex from them, money and status won't help you much. No girl wants to be with a Doctor who plays video games Friday and Saturday night.

Bro I thought I liked money. You are absolutely obsessed with money and status. I don't how many times we can say girls DON'T CARE about it. You have to be tall, you have to have lots of hair, you have to talk alot, you have to have hobbies. This is what they care about. You having an extra $100,000 in your account compared to a guy who is well liked, enjoys himself, is witty, tall, and takes care of himself; almost everytime the girl would pick the latter guy.
A lot of women want to be with a doctor who plays video games. Some hot women are actually into video games. You are living in some kind of dream land because you are talking horse sh*t. I know from experience.

See #2 of the OP for more details.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
1: Agree.

2: Agree.

3: Agree, although being a 'feminist' could be interpreted as red flag, dependent on context!

4: Disagree, to an extent. EVERYTHING matters to a degree. Money isn't that important though. Your character & personality is far more important than money alone. The aim of a DJ should be to self improve & a byproduct of this is usually an improved financial situation.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
4: Disagree, to an extent. EVERYTHING matters to a degree. Money isn't that important though. Your character & personality is far more important than money alone. The aim of a DJ should be to self improve & a byproduct of this is usually an improved financial situation.
Without money you are living on the street with rats.

I would say its very important.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Without money you are living on the street with rats.
Sure, if you have no family or friends or inheritance and somehow went broke without owning a single thing of your own.

Seems oddly specific of a scenario though.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
#3...subtle, and not so WILL get burned!!!

Proceed at your own risk.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Sure, if you have no family or friends or inheritance and somehow went broke without owning a single thing of your own.

Seems oddly specific of a scenario though.
Family needs money for you to rely on them. Otherwise they are living with rats too.

If you own something.. you bought it with money.

That has absolutely no relevance to my post.
Money is relevant to everything.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Family needs money for you to rely on them. Otherwise they are living with rats too.
but we're not talking about the family, we're talking about the person relying upon that family.

If you own something.. you bought it with money.
unless you inherited it, won it, stole it, built it with your own two hands (like a log cabin or something), found something without ownership and claimed it, etc.

Money is relevant to everything.
his post was specifically talking about picking up girls, the fact that you'd be homeless if you went broke doesn't necessarily stop you from picking up girls since unless you've been homeless for a long time you won't look, act, seem or smell like a homeless person (it goes without saying that you could pick up a girl without having any money on you and go back to her place to smash instead of your place)


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
but we're not talking about the family, we're talking about the person relying upon that family.
Yes. In the end they are not relaying on the family.. they are relaying on the family's money. Otherwise the family would not be of any help since they would be living with rats on the street.

unless you inherited it, won it, stole it, built it with your own two hands (like a log cabin or something), found something without ownership and claimed it, etc.
If you didn't buy it with money, someone else did.

If you built it with your hands, you used tools that you had to buy with money. If you made those tools yourself you are a caveman and you are not living in the modern world.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Yes. In the end they are not relaying on the family.. they are relaying on the family's money. Otherwise the family would not be of any help since they would be living with rats on the street.
but we're not talking about the family, we're talking about the person relying upon that family.
AKA the person doesn't need money, and the person is the subject of this discussion, their family is a different discussion.

your original quote is: "Without money you are living on the street with rats." which is false if the person in question is the one without money as I have provided numerous examples as to how someone with no money can survive without being on the streets, the only other interpretation of that sentence is "without money (as a concept existing in the world) you are living on the street with rats" which would be equally wrong for different reasons.

If you didn't buy it with money, someone else did.
but that's irrelevant to the discussion as to whether or not you personally can survive without money, as long as you have it in your ownership/possession it does not matter how it got there.

If you built it with your hands, you used tools that you had to buy with money. If you made those tools yourself you are a caveman and you are not living in the modern world.
and if you used to work as a miner or a lumberjack and got the tools for work but kept them, what then?


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
AKA the person doesn't need money, and the person is the subject of this discussion, their family is a different discussion.

your original quote is: "Without money you are living on the street with rats." which is false if the person in question is the one without money as I have provided numerous examples as to how someone with no money can survive without being on the streets, the only other interpretation of that sentence is "without money (as a concept existing in the world) you are living on the street with rats" which would be equally wrong for different reasons.
No dude.

Doesn't matter if you are relying on your own money or someone else's money. You are still relying on money.

but that's irrelevant to the discussion as to whether or not you personally can survive without money, as long as you have it in your ownership/possession it does not matter how it got there.
What matters is that money was a factor at some point.

and if you used to work as a miner or a lumberjack and got the tools for work but kept them, what then?
You sound desperate at this point.

Any tools you get on the job were mass produced. That means they cost money to buy. If you were working as a miner you were getting paid with money to use those tools.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
No dude.

Doesn't matter if you are relying on your own money or someone else's money. You are still relying on money.
that is a fair point within reason.

within reason wouldn't include say, a house inherited from dead people. but within reason would include living on your mom's couch while she pays the bills.

What matters is that money was a factor at some point.
to people who were not you, in a situation that was not this one, doing things that did not involve you.

so yes, irrelevant to a discussion that focuses entirely on one person.

You sound desperate at this point.
hilarious in hindsight considering what your next sentence is

and logically, you're the one making the all encompassing claim, if I can find anything that fits outside of your claim what so ever, I win and you lose. you're the one in the bad position here, I can get as ridiculous as I want to prove my point because you're the one who made the absolute statement

Any tools you get on the job were mass produced. That means they cost money to buy.
also irrelevant and if the company you work for produces its own tools or owns the company that makes the tools (or shares a parent company with the company that makes the tools) then they wouldn't have had to buy it.

If you were working as a miner you were getting paid with money to use those tools.
non sequitur, you being paid in the past doesn't mean you aren't broke now, and money being paid to you to use the tools has nothing to do with you still having your free tools after the job is over and the money is spent


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
to people who were not you, in a situation that was not this one, doing things that did not involve you.

so yes, irrelevant to a discussion that focuses entirely on one person.
Wrong again. It is totally relevant because money was a factor in the current situation of that person. Meaning, without money, that person would be in a worse situation.

logically, you're the one making the all encompassing claim, if I can find anything that fits outside of your claim what so ever, I win and you lose. you're the one in the bad position here, I can get as ridiculous as I want to prove my point because you're the one who made the absolute statement
There is no way for you to win. But you can keep trying if you want.

also irrelevant and if the company you work for produces its own tools or owns the company that makes the tools (or shares a parent company with the company that makes the tools) then they wouldn't have had to buy it.
Money was a factor in improving that person's situation. Therefore, money is important in that situation. Therefore, you are wrong.

non sequitur, you being paid in the past doesn't mean you aren't broke now, and money being paid to you to use the tools has nothing to do with you still having your free tools after the job is over and the money is spent
The tools cost money. You only have them because someone paid for them at some point. It doesn't matter who spent the money. What matters is money is a factor in making the situation BETTER for that person.

There is no avoiding money. Unless you want to be a mountain man living with wolves.

Here in the modern world, money is very, very, very important and it effects all facets of life.

There is no getting around it. Keep trying if you want.