Just don't go out of your way to respond... I keep my phone on silent, with a couple exceptions (mom, exwife, good friends) and check it 3-4 times throughout the day. I used to be sooo quick to respond, but now I focus on what I am doing unless something important comes up...
If you are at the gym, don't respond
If you are driving, it can wait
If you are out with friends or socializing, it can wait
I don't respond to texts after 9pm, primarily cause I work at 5am, so I set the precedent that I am in bed at 9pm.
The main difference I have employed before visiting this site is that I just don't go out of my way to respond immediately. If I am busy, I don't even look at my phone, hence why I leave it on silent. If a woman gives you grief for not responding for a couple hours, she is telling you everything you need to know.
I don't play games of purposely ignoring people