Living with mom


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2016
Reaction score
Hi all

I'm currently 29, still living with my mom simply because I can save a lot of money and I'm happy here.

But since 30 is just around the corner and it's always a big no sign for woman when you tell them you still live with your mom, how do you deal with this? I studied quite long and am making normal money now, but I just want to save as much as possible before moving out to 'catch' up.

Or should I just suck it up and move out? It would be hard since I'm the last one out of the house and my mom had to go through a lot in her life, especially the death of my father.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
I'm assuming you are a doctor of some sort. Save up for now, maybe a year or so and then get the fvck out.


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2016
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As quoted above, at some point if you stay home for much longer, you are going to wonder what the whole point of life is?

It was your mother's role to look after you until you were able to spread your wings and fly. Which She most probably did well especially if She lost her main support in her role as a parent, her loving husband.

You have most probably saved enough to easily get a morgage or rent an appartment, getting yourself your dream car...whatever you want like! Also, you are pushing 30, go get them chicks before it's too late and bring them home to YOUR place.

Just an opinion. You can still phone or visit your Mother as much as you wish. As a mother She should understand your choice and perhaps has actually been waiting for you to fend for yourself for years now...go knows.

But I'm just another random internet guy with his own opinion. I left home when I was 18 so...


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I'm currently 29, still living with my mom simply because I can save a lot of money and I'm happy here.
Sir, housing is the most expensive recurring monthly expense that most of us have. Every guy in America would "save money" by being a loser and staying with their parent(s) at 30.

Move out now.

But since 30 is just around the corner and it's always a big no sign for woman when you tell them you still live with your mom, how do you deal with this?
You move out and get your own fvcking place.

I studied quite long and am making normal money now, but I just want to save as much as possible before moving out to 'catch' up.
Oh please.

Or should I just suck it up and move out? It would be hard since I'm the last one out of the house and my mom had to go through a lot in her life, especially the death of my father.
Yes, you need to move out immediately. And don't give me that excuse of "I'm keeping my mom company", that's what visitations are for. Tell Mom you have a LIFE and that she also needs to get one as well. If she's retired, tell her to go travel the world, go to the Casino, etc., etc. But you are a GROWN MAN and have no business staying with your parent.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Damn, you guys are keeping it real.

So I moved back officially full time with my parents two months ago. Only reason is because the new contract job I have will not pay for housing. Now I make well above 6 figures and it's been hard living with my parents since its around 30-40 minutes from the city so my commute is horrible sometimes. The only reason I haven't got anything yet is because in a month my contract will be over and I'm for damn sure getting another contract where the housing will be provided.

I've actually been on a cold spell in regards to smashing new chicks. It's always good to smash old chicks but I prefer smashing new chicks. A big reason for this definitely is because of my housing situation. I'm definitely getting something in April when my next contract pays for it.

My advice to you is get your own place. You are just making excuses my friend. Especially if your in the dating scene. If your really not dating like that then go ahead and stay at your moms but for me this is a no-no and a big cvck block.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Damn, you guys are keeping it real.

So I moved back officially full time with my parents two months ago. Only reason is because the new contract job I have will not pay for housing. Now I make well above 6 figures and it's been hard living with my parents since its around 30-40 minutes from the city so my commute is horrible sometimes. The only reason I haven't got anything yet is because in a month my contract will be over and I'm for damn sure getting another contract where the housing will be provided.

I've actually been on a cold spell in regards to smashing new chicks. It's always good to smash old chicks but I prefer smashing new chicks. A big reason for this definitely is because of my housing situation. I'm definitely getting something in April when my next contract pays for it.

My advice to you is get your own place. You are just making excuses my friend. Especially if your in the dating scene. If your really not dating like that then go ahead and stay at your moms but for me this is a no-no and a big cvck block.
Bro, but how are you in need of having to stay with your parents? You was making good money, didn't you store/save/invest?

I don't even have the OPTION of staying with a family member and number two, I'm in a position to NEVER have to stay with one.

I think quite frankly, if I was ever going forward in a position of where I had to stay with someone (especially one of my "family members") I might just jump out of a damn building like those folks were during the Enron scandal!


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Bro, but how are you in need of having to stay with your parents? You was making good money, didn't you store/save/invest?

I don't even have the OPTION of staying with a family member and number two, I'm in a position to NEVER have to stay with one.

I think quite frankly, if I was ever going forward in a position of where I had to stay with someone (especially one of my "family members") I might just jump out of a damn building like those folks were during the Enron scandal!

I'm not in need at all. I've saved probably 60% of the money I make and keep it in savings. I can afford a place but planned on staying there for this 4 month contract then going on my next contract and having the hospital pay for my next staying arrangement.

I gotta say, I had a date tonight with a bad shorty and wish I had my own place to invite her back to but whatever. Next time I'll go to her house.


Master Don Juan
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Being that I am looking for rooms for rent to finally move out of mom's house myself, I gotta agree with everyone else here. Move out asap.
I make **** (Though it will be at least $9.30 per hour when I move, which is about 1600 a month assuming I can get full time hours) as I work food service. If I made decent money like you say you do I would walk out right now.

My family is trying to get me to stay to "be part of the family," but **** that. Plus I want to grow as a person, get that experience of living away from parents even if it will be hard.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
What's the big deal with living with your mother? At least get out by the time your 33. I don't see it as a big deal, in Europe its quite common. I can see why you should move out, but its really not a big deal. It will be a deal breaker for women, but they are all worthless bags of STDs for the most part.

I love how people in America think being successful is having a car or apartment/ really that's all you can brag about? Stupid Americans working their miserable 9-5 jobs talking about success


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Be smart,dont listen to anyone but yourself. It sounds like this is a strategic move for you, ive been there. Rent is a ***** and family is important, especially parents. I say enjoy your time at home with mama, improve yourself by becoming your best self aesthetically. Work hard and work smart and stack as much $$$ as possible and in the meantime go hard in the gym and build your social life. Take time to enjoy with your mom as well. Once you reach your financial goal, you use the money to go out into the world and make something of yourself and make your mom proud and then come back to her with a ton of success a new hot gf or 5 and all kinds of alpha chit.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
What's the big deal with living with your mother?
Because if you are over the age of 25 doing it as a MAN, you're a loser.

I don't see it as a big deal, in Europe its quite common.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the OP is in America, correct?

I love how people in America think being successful is having a car or apartment/ really that's all you can brag about? Stupid Americans working their miserable 9-5 jobs talking about success
And with this mentality, we as men wonder why women as a group are passing us up? Just read this quote again folks, being a MAN and having your shyt together doesn't mean anything.....but being a LOSER and staying with your mother means you are being "strategic" :rofl:.

And folks want to keep asking why masculinity is in the state that it's in? It's not women fvcking us up, it's other MEN with this very same mentality.

Be smart,dont listen to anyone but yourself. It sounds like this is a strategic move for you, ive been there. Rent is a ***** and family is important, especially parents.
So the logic here is that housing is high, so be a LOSER and stay with your parents until you turn 33 - 35, using the excuse that it brings you "closer" to your parents lol. As if you can't fvcking setup your own place 10 - 40 miles away and DRIVE back over to see your "family" from time to time.

Guys I'm serious, you want to keep talking about feminism/gynocentrism, but one of the big reasons women are fvcking us over today is because WE AS MEN HAVE FALLEN OFF.

This thread is the perfect example, I'm the only guy (the only GUY) in this thread with some ounce of masculinity telling the OP to stop being a loser and establish his own shyt. There are no other guy saying this shyt lol. That's sad. Masculinity is DEAD.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
OP, it is vital for your own independence to have your own property.

I believe renting is dead money. Especially if your wages will remain relatively static over your career.

Research property in your area and save a minimum of a 10% deposit prior to purchase. If your credit is shot work on improving it in order to get the best mortgage deals.

Set some money aside for furnishings & a rainy day fund.

You cannot stay in a house out of a sense of responsibility, you will hold your own life back.

The best thing you can do for your Mom is move out and support her as an independent man.


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2016
Reaction score
Well I can't consider myself as a true man, far from as you can tell, events of today made this even more clear.

I've been reading this forum for over 5 years, read the book of pook and other ones I found thorugh this site. I tried applying them, but for some reason it has gotten me nowhere, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.


Feb 1, 2015
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Columbus, Ohio
I've been living with my parents since I graduated from college back in 2013 and I'm approaching 30 as well. I agree that eventually you will have to move out. However unless you have a clear goal to work towards, it would be nonsense in contemplating moving out of your folk's house. Because there is no telling the amount of obstacles you will have to overcome and where that will set you back. And believe me, there is nothing worse than "crawling" back to your parent's when you screw up the first go around, especially in your mid-30's.

Do you have a goal you're trying to accomplish? Do you know how much money you will need saved back to move out? More importantly where do you want to live? It is alright to be unrealistic at first. Sometimes these places sound out of reach but are actually affordable once you do a little research.

Also it doesn't hurt to think outside the box. You could always move out temporarily by taking a long vacation somewhere. Then you can come back and create you're next goal from there.

Finally, this is a choice where the best person who knows it is time is you. I would take everyone's advice with a grain of salt because nobody knows your situation better than you.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
tenacity hundreds of millions of guys don't live with mom. its not that dramatic man. you think masculinity is dead, just go to a bar and pick a fight with someone, you'd probably get your ass kicked. people are having sex every second. but listening to you, you'd think you're the only man left in America or something. get over yourself man. you sound like an overcompensating douche. nobody is going to take you seriously when 95% of guys in this thread told him to move out, and I even said its not really possible to have a sex life in your 30s living with mom, and you come out of nowhere like "I'm the only man left in America. I'm the only guy with a job who can afford to be independent." pshhhhhhhhhh. if anything you sound like the most insecure guy in this thread with a chip in his shoulder.
I have to go back and read the responses, I thought I was the ONLY guy telling him to move out?


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
Because if you are over the age of 25 doing it as a MAN, you're a loser.

I don't see it as a big deal, in Europe its quite common.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the OP is in America, correct?

I love how people in America think being successful is having a car or apartment/ really that's all you can brag about? Stupid Americans working their miserable 9-5 jobs talking about success
And with this mentality, we as men wonder why women as a group are passing us up? Just read this quote again folks, being a MAN and having your shyt together doesn't mean anything.....but being a LOSER and staying with your mother means you are being "strategic" :rofl:.

And folks want to keep asking why masculinity is in the state that it's in? It's not women fvcking us up, it's other MEN with this very same mentality.

Be smart,dont listen to anyone but yourself. It sounds like this is a strategic move for you, ive been there. Rent is a ***** and family is important, especially parents.
So the logic here is that housing is high, so be a LOSER and stay with your parents until you turn 33 - 35, using the excuse that it brings you "closer" to your parents lol. As if you can't fvcking setup your own place 10 - 40 miles away and DRIVE back over to see your "family" from time to time.

Guys I'm serious, you want to keep talking about feminism/gynocentrism, but one of the big reasons women are fvcking us over today is because WE AS MEN HAVE FALLEN OFF.

This thread is the perfect example, I'm the only guy (the only GUY) in this thread with some ounce of masculinity telling the OP to stop being a loser and establish his own shyt. There are no other guy saying this shyt lol. That's sad. Masculinity is DEAD.
Wow all I read is a grown man whining through his typing. Guys think they doing it with a 9-5 job an a studio apartment. When did being medicore become the American Dream? I'm trying to be in the 1 percent because honestly, I hate average people....bunch of whining, gossiping idiots with think they got their priorities straight. No wonder Poon King argued with you all the time, you come off as feminine and having something to prove to people on here and probably in real life. You're a emotional b i t c h man up sissy


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Because if you are over the age of 25 doing it as a MAN, you're a loser.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the OP is in America, correct?

And with this mentality, we as men wonder why women as a group are passing us up? Just read this quote again folks, being a MAN and having your shyt together doesn't mean anything.....but being a LOSER and staying with your mother means you are being "strategic" :rofl:.

And folks want to keep asking why masculinity is in the state that it's in? It's not women fvcking us up, it's other MEN with this very same mentality.

So the logic here is that housing is high, so be a LOSER and stay with your parents until you turn 33 - 35, using the excuse that it brings you "closer" to your parents lol. As if you can't fvcking setup your own place 10 - 40 miles away and DRIVE back over to see your "family" from time to time.

Guys I'm serious, you want to keep talking about feminism/gynocentrism, but one of the big reasons women are fvcking us over today is because WE AS MEN HAVE FALLEN OFF.

This thread is the perfect example, I'm the only guy (the only GUY) in this thread with some ounce of masculinity telling the OP to stop being a loser and establish his own shyt. There are no other guy saying this shyt lol. That's sad. Masculinity is DEAD.
Tenactiy man, I have to disagree with you on some of this. I did the math. I am currently trying to become a doctor. I will be 29 years old before I make any decent money. And I am one year ahead in my schooling as well. It isn't the fault of the men that there isn't much money for people to move out, it is the system we are all in. In the 50s, you could go straight out of high school earning a middle class salary/wage. There are no more jobs like that anymore that are stable. Yes women are fvcked up along with men as well. But all of that is merely a byproduct of an altered system. The system is corrupt. But doing what you are doing won't make it better. In fact it will make ot worse. Nuclear families were meant to be destroyed so that people could rely more on the state rather than each other. It's why loyalty no longer exists and it's why you can sue someone for $50,000,000 because an employee did not put a lid on your cup (McDonald's, remember? The b!tch only got $25 million, but that's still a big fvcking payout).

Most people cannot make enough money right out of high school and it is because of the system. We don't get any financial advice because the quadratic formula is x =(-b ± √[b² - 4ac])/2a. You see that crap? No it is not useful to us at all, I even talked to math majors and none of them use that either. Fvcking math majors don't even use that crap. We re nding decades of our time being orced to learn stuff that will never be useful. That is not out fault though, how could it be?


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Tenactiy man, I have to disagree with you on some of this. I did the math. I am currently trying to become a doctor. I will be 29 years old before I make any decent money. And I am one year ahead in my schooling as well. It isn't the fault of the men that there isn't much money for people to move out, it is the system we are all in. In the 50s, you could go straight out of high school earning a middle class salary/wage. There are no more jobs like that anymore that are stable. Yes women are fvcked up along with men as well. But all of that is merely a byproduct of an altered system. The system is corrupt. But doing what you are doing won't make it better. In fact it will make ot worse. Nuclear families were meant to be destroyed so that people could rely more on the state rather than each other. It's why loyalty no longer exists and it's why you can sue someone for $50,000,000 because an employee did not put a lid on your cup (McDonald's, remember? The b!tch only got $25 million, but that's still a big fvcking payout).

Most people cannot make enough money right out of high school and it is because of the system. We don't get any financial advice because the quadratic formula is x =(-b ± √[b² - 4ac])/2a. You see that crap? No it is not useful to us at all, I even talked to math majors and none of them use that either. Fvcking math majors don't even use that crap. We re nding decades of our time being orced to learn stuff that will never be useful. That is not out fault though, how could it be?
No, you're 17 or 18 right? My advice to you would be different. I would tell you:

- Stay at home until you are around the age of 23 or 24

- In the meantime, graduate college with a bachelor's degree and get applicable professional experience in something so that by the time you are 25, you can MOVE into a position paying $40k a year at least in a low/average cost of living area.

- THEN you move out.

But if you're already 30 and haven't done this, then it's still time (in my opinion) to move the fvck out because you are too old and too grown to be sleeping in the same bed you were sleeping in when you were 14 lol.