1.) Nobody was talking about Muslims. Danger was talking about "inner city gangs" by which he or she means "the Blacks."
First of all, telling somebody "what he meant" is the definition of race baiting. You are looking for bigotry or racism where it doesn't exist.
Secondly, I'm talking about Muslims because this "CIA" talking point is a common pivot by people who don't want to talk about worldwide radical Islamic terrorism.
"Muslim kills X people screaming Allahu Akbar again"
"But what about Christians/CIA/KKK/Crusades/white nationslists!?"
And I (and Trump) was talking about the CIA which means we are mostly talking about "Whitey." And while Muslims have killed a lot of people I think Communists, Nazis, Colonialists, the CIA, and inner city gangs can claim more.
Wrong. Communists have killed about 100 million people - some estimates put the Muslim death toll at 270 million when you include Hindus, Buddhists, Pagans, each other, and other ancient religions dating back to Muhammad. Communism is much younger.
Now I'm no fan of "inner city gangs", but even Chicago has nothing on Muslims.
The CIA can claim more? The CIA that was created in 1947 can claim more deaths than a 1,500 year old death cult?
2.) I'm not Black. I'm White.
I don't care. You talk like an anti-white racist with stupid "Whitey" talk, and yes that's possible. In the same way a black racist calls a black conservative an "Uncle Tom". The implication is that he is insufficiently black and thus inferior, and he's being racist towards other black people.
3.) I think you're tortured by your obsessions. One piece of advice, don't google "cuck." You might blow your brains out.
Yeah, yeah. You lost. The "refugee" Trojan Horse is being resisted. I'm not tortured, I'm quite content with the "Muslim ban" (which isn't a Muslim ban, FYI.)
I don't like to use the word "cuck". It's overused by the alt-right losers who I have no use for, but since you brought it up you're the definition of a cuck.
A white man who will attack other white men and bow down at the feet of aggressors because they have darker skin and you want to appear tolerant.