POF women are flakes

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Oct 13, 2015
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There is only so much room at the top. Despite the fact that about 40% of the men on this forum claim to be a 3% man, there is only so much room at the top. It's not as easy to get there as you think. Many of the guys here are LYING.
It's extremely difficult, so just give up. Feel better now?


Jun 23, 2014
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This is a big leap and some serious mental gymnastics to claim that this is a "blessing in disguise". This is similar to the claim that this new dating environment is optimal for the man because "there has never been an easier access to sex in history".

Here's what you're missing. Out of all that sex happening:

Top 3% men are having 80% of the sex (elite guys who bang 2 new girls a week)
Next 17% men are having 15% of the sex (well off girls who bang a dozen new girls a year)
80% men: Having the other 5% of the sex (average guys who labor to bang 1-2 girls a year, or NONE)

So yes, it is optimal for the very tall, filthy rich, ripped men, or for men who just fake it VERY well with PUA lines, trick photography (posing in front of a Bugatti that is not yours), etc. The other 80% of men are fighting for scraps.

And this is where you'll say "but here is your motivation to get to the top! Adapt or perish". There are 3 problems I have with that:

Problem One
A. I am not 6'2" or taller and never will be.
B. Despite what the life coaches are telling me "following my passion" will not make me rich
C. I'm not so damn desperate as to fake it with PUA garbage and trick photography
*The only chance I have is to get ripped or eventually inherit money from some well to do relatives

Problem Two
There is only so much room at the top. Despite the fact that about 40% of the men on this forum claim to be a 3% man, there is only so much room at the top. It's not as easy to get there as you think. Many of the guys here are LYING.

Problem Three
Pu$$y is not the be all, end all solution to this societal DECAY we are seeing. Look at @Tenacity , whose not yet a 3% man but has broke the "Next 17% man" bracket and gets lots of cheap, easy lays. He's as miserable as ever because the situation is dire and repugnant.

So in conclusion, there is no underlying "blessing in disguise". The blessing that was evident and didn't need a disguise was when women VALUED AND NEEDED a man. ONE man.

Am I going to go postal or totally give up on women entirely? Fvck no. But I will continue to call it as I see it, try to improve my situation at my own pace, and not enable the hordes of bad women out there.
Amen! I mean every single word in this post is gospel bro! You need to write a book on this topic next!

Legend -- if your logic is true then why are you not dating her seriously?
One misstep on your end and she will blow off your little d*ck off for the next pick of the litter.
Why would any dude want to deal with a ticking time bomb slvt anyway? You are nothing special in her mind since she is showing you how many guys she can have----game over. Matter of time before she is gone.
Because Legend is full of shyt, period.

A chick shows you her inbox FULL of these Top 1% men that Legend keeps talking about, yet, this bytch is still single, not married, not settled down, and not loyal to ANY of these men. But Legend sees absolutely no problem with this and still goes around preaching bullshyt about supply/demand market dynamics, as IF we are dealing with a FAIR/BALANCED marketplace of fair/balanced minded women.

The women in this market have changed and majority are out of their god damn mind, but Legend is preaching about how guys need to try to fit into a WARPED universe?

For example, here's another FACT........most American bytches are bisexual or just flat out lesbian. Go to any nightclub, you will see bytches twerking on each other. Go on social media and bytches are openly flirting with each other, grabbing each other's a.sses, kissing each other, etc.

So I guess Legend will tell the guys that this is somehow their fault as well, and that they need to wear Armani Suits and "improve" themselves and that will make the bytches snap out of being bisexual/lesbian.


It's extremely difficult, so just give up. Feel better now?
No Guru. Read the entire post before you open your chest-beating yap. At the bottom I said I wasn't going to go postal or quit, but I'm also not going to "fake it until I make it" (or just fake it like you and the others).

You guys are all the same.

Blah blah "GFTOW ya beta fagg0t"
blah blah "I lost more than you've ever made"
blah blah "I've had a gun pointed at my throat and the gun melted in fear"
blah blah "I have 46 dates this week with Candy, Sandy, Mandy, June, April, August and my ex"
blah blah "Behold my stripper list you 17 year old gutless cowards"

The point is you're still just an anonymous non-face posturing on a forum. Many of you have thousands of posts or have been banned multiple times and keep coming back where you're not wanted (rather pathetic indeed). If you were actually were a Wolf of Wall Street instead of it being this internet alter-ego, why don't you publish a book about your trials and tribulations and make money off it?????

That goes for any man who can conquer 30 strippers, any man who can write a journal claiming to date 15 girls a week. You'd all be RICH AS FVCK from that product alone and you'd never be seen on SoSuave again.


Oct 13, 2015
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Amen! I mean every single word in this post is gospel bro! You need to write a book on this topic next!

A chick shows you her inbox FULL of these Top 1% men that Legend keeps talking about, yet, this bytch is still single, not married, not settled down, and not loyal to ANY of these men. But Legend sees absolutely no problem with this and still goes around preaching bullshyt about supply/demand market dynamics, as IF we are dealing with a FAIR/BALANCED marketplace of fair/balanced minded women.
Whiner ... one women is not indicative of the whole market, and really has nothing to do with this discussion. I brought this forward so upcoming DJs can better understand why OLD women are more prone to flaking.

Cry Baby said:
The women in this market have changed and majority are out of their god damn mind, but Legend is preaching about how guys need to try to fit into a WARPED universe?
Cry me a river. Waa, waa. The market is lost! Keep crying,and share your poison with good men trying to improve.

Cry Baby said:
For example, here's another FACT........most American bytches are bisexual or just flat out lesbian. Go to any nightclub, you will see bytches twerking on each other. Go on social media and bytches are openly flirting with each other, grabbing each other's a.sses, kissing each other, etc.
Show me a published statistic evidencing this. I'm waiting ... or does this fact only apply to the Laquishas you date, who you go postal on, and who run away from you?

Cry Baby said:
So I guess Legend will tell the guys that this is somehow their fault as well, and that they need to wear Armani Suits and "improve" themselves and that will make the bytches snap out of being bisexual/lesbian.
LOL. You are a clown.

BlueBeta said:
No Guru. Read the entire post before you open your chest-beating yap. At the bottom I said I wasn't going to go postal or quit, but I'm also not going to "fake it until I make it" (or just fake it like you and the others).

You guys are all the same.

Blah blah "GFTOW ya beta fagg0t"
blah blah "I lost more than you've ever made"
blah blah "I've had a gun pointed at my throat and the gun melted in fear"
blah blah "I have 46 dates this week with Candy, Sandy, Mandy, June, April, August and my ex"
blah blah "Behold my stripper list you 17 year old gutless cowards"

The point is you're still just an anonymous non-face posturing on a forum. Many of you have thousands of posts or have been banned multiple times and keep coming back where you're not wanted (rather pathetic indeed). If you were actually were a Wolf of Wall Street instead of it being this internet alter-ego, why don't you publish a book about your trials and tribulations and make money off it?????

That goes for any man who can conquer 30 strippers, any man who can write a journal claiming to date 15 girls a week. You'd all be RICH AS FVCK from that product alone and you'd never be seen on SoSuave again.
Question is why does my success bother you?


Apr 21, 2015
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If any of you are seriously only contemplating becoming a "Top 1%" man to fish for the bottom of the barrel online. LOL. Just LOL.

I don't care how "hot" a chick or chicks are using OLD. They are ALL screwed up. Meet chicks IRL. Chicks who gravitate to OLD are on there not only for attention, cheating, ONS, etc. they are on there because they're a known fck up in their area.

We must improve ourselves for ourselves. Not specifically to get women or delude ourselves were only doing so for ourselves while going into a rage, throwing it all away or giving up because some chick "doesn't approve" of us.

Hell the Top 1% of men have problems with chicks. Improving even IF you get to the top 1% STILL has nil guarantee that you'll have ZERO or even LESS problems with chicks. We see it all the time with billionaires, athletes, movie stars etc. getting sued, divorced, dumped, dealing with nutty chicks, crazed groupies etc. GuruLegend ain't nowhere near that level and sorry to say pretending like problems with the opposite sex just "disappears" or is significantly "reduced" by become a Top 1% dude is laughable at best.

They key is to not base your life around women or their approval. Do for yourself. Don't be a needy, desperate chump. Doesn't mean be a paranoid jaded nitwit either. It's simply means doing and living your life the best you can on the short time you have your life and accepting that life isn't perfect and the universe just doesn't owe you the entitlements you think it does.


Question is why does my success bother you?
The idea of success doesn't bother me, the idea of a perceived 45 year old, lonely, pot belly sitting in a horrible apartment somewhere telling me to just go be a 3% man bothers me. This is the equivalent of Matt Forney giving tips on how to manage your LTR.

And if you are Guru, without going full ad-hominem, one man's "success" in another man's Ponzi scheme.


Jun 23, 2014
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Whiner ... one women is not indicative of the whole market,
But you were using that ONE WOMAN as a supporting detail to the market theory you were pushing.

I brought this forward so upcoming DJs can better understand why OLD women are more prone to flaking.
Your interpretation of that woman is completely off. You are seeing it as this chick is so HIGH QUALITY that she has 572 emails in her inbox with many being Top 1% investment bankers!

I see it (and other guys on here as well) as a manipulating BYTCH who is playing all of you. She is clearly getting in touch with good, hard-working, attractive men, so why isn't the BYTCH settled down, with kids, married, and loyal to one of you guys then?? That's the question. Oh I forgot, the reason she's not is because it's all a GAME to her.

Cry me a river. Waa, waa. The market is lost! Keep crying,and share your poison with good men trying to improve.
"Improve" has to be this guy's favorite word.

Show me a published statistic evidencing this. I'm waiting ... or does this fact only apply to the Laquishas you date, who you go postal on, and who run away from you?
Go on social media you will see this. It's not just black women, it's American Women at large doing that lesbian/bisexual shyt across the board.

Go visit about 5 STRAIGHT nightclubs/bars, I bet you at least 3 out of the 5 will have majority chicks bumping, grinding, and twerking on each other on the dance floor.

Don't take my word on it.......go see for yourself.


Oct 13, 2015
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. GuruLegend ain't nowhere near that level and sorry to say pretending like problems with the opposite sex just "disappears" or is significantly "reduced" by become a Top 1% dude is laughable at best.
Show me where I say this.

9Volt said:
Hell the Top 1% of men have problems with chicks. Improving even IF you get to the top 1% STILL has nil guarantee that you'll have ZERO or even LESS problems with chicks.
Correct. You just have the same "problems" with better-looking women. But you incorrectly state "problems." Women are not problems; once you understand their nature, you accept and enjoy them for who/what they are.
BlueBeta said:
The idea of success doesn't bother me, the idea of a perceived 45 year old, lonely, pot belly sitting in a horrible apartment somewhere telling me to just go be a 3% man bothers me. This is the equivalent of Matt Forney giving tips on how to manage your LTR.
Do you have evidence of this? If you do, bring it forward? I tell you what. Let's trade pics via PM, and let us see which of us is the lonely, pot-belly sitting in an apartment alleging to be whoever. I am calling you out. Are you game princess?

Tenacity said:
Your interpretation of that woman is completely off. You are seeing it as this chick is so HIGH QUALITY that she has 572 emails in her inbox with many being Top 1% investment bankers!
Show me where I said this girl is "high quality"? If you want to argue logically, present accurate points, not straw.
Tenacity said:
I see it (and other guys on here as well) as a manipulating BYTCH who is playing all of you. She is clearly getting in touch with good, hard-working, attractive men, so why isn't the BYTCH settled down, with kids, married, and loyal to one of you guys then?? That's the question. Oh I forgot, the reason she's not is because it's all a GAME to her.
Who cares? And why do you care so much? She's a toy. Why does every girl have to be the next Ms.Tenacity? If you get a hooker, do you complain that she is a hooker, or enjoy her for who she is? Answer this question.

Tenacity said:
"Improve" has to be this guy's favorite word.
And complaining is yours.

Tenacity said:
Go on social media you will see this. It's not just black women, it's American Women at large doing that lesbian/bisexual shyt across the board.

Go visit about 5 STRAIGHT nightclubs/bars, I bet you at least 3 out of the 5 will have majority chicks bumping, grinding, and twerking on each other on the dance floor.

Don't take my word on it.......go see for yourself.
Who cares? Have you ever gotten any girl out of the market who you wanted?


Apr 21, 2015
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Show me where I say this.

Correct. You just have the same "problems" with better-looking women. But you incorrectly state "problems." Women are not problems; once you understand their nature, you accept and enjoy them for who/what they are.

Do you have evidence of this? If you do, bring it forward? I tell you what. Let's trade pics via PM, and let us see which of us is the lonely, pot-belly sitting in an apartment alleging to be whoever. I am calling you out. Are you game princess?

Show me where I said this girl is "high quality"? If you want to argue logically, present accurate points, not straw.

Who cares? And why do you care so much? She's a toy. Why does every girl have to be the next Ms.Tenacity? If you get a hooker, do you complain that she is a hooker, or enjoy her for who she is? Answer this question.

And complaining is yours.

Who cares? Have you ever gotten any girl out of the market who you wanted?

So in other words you enjoy women causing you problems. It's just their "nature" to cause you problems.
Sorry son. Not only are you nowhere near the top 1% but to act as if you somehow "know it all" about chicks somehow means you are never going to have a serious problem is laughable.

Every other dude out there including dating "coaches", athletes, billionaires, actors, world leaders have problems with women that cause them serious issues but not "legend" because he just "knows" and everyone should just be him and all is fine in the universe. GTFO


Oct 13, 2015
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So in other words you enjoy women causing you problems. It's just their "nature" to cause you problems.
Sorry son. Not only are you nowhere near the top 1% but to act as if you somehow "know it all" about chicks somehow means you are never going to have a serious problem is laughable.

Every other dude out there including dating "coaches", athletes, billionaires, actors, world leaders have problems with women that cause them serious issues but not "legend" because he just "knows" and everyone should just be him and all is fine in the universe. GTFO
"Problems" are your assertion. YOU have women causing you perpetual problems because you are scraping bottom-of-the barrel SMV. It's ok sweepie, I forgive your indolence.


Apr 21, 2015
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"Problems" are your assertion. YOU have women causing you perpetual problems because you are scraping bottom-of-the barrel SMV. It's ok sweepie, I forgive your indolence.

^^^Sez the dude who uses OLD to meet "quality" women. LOL just LOL.


Apr 21, 2015
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This is a big leap and some serious mental gymnastics to claim that this is a "blessing in disguise". This is similar to the claim that this new dating environment is optimal for the man because "there has never been an easier access to sex in history".

Here's what you're missing. Out of all that sex happening:

Top 3% men are having 80% of the sex (elite guys who bang 2 new girls a week)
Next 17% men are having 15% of the sex (well off girls who bang a dozen new girls a year)
80% men: Having the other 5% of the sex (average guys who labor to bang 1-2 girls a year, or NONE)

So yes, it is optimal for the very tall, filthy rich, ripped men, or for men who just fake it VERY well with PUA lines, trick photography (posing in front of a Bugatti that is not yours), etc. The other 80% of men are fighting for scraps.

And this is where you'll say "but here is your motivation to get to the top! Adapt or perish". There are 3 problems I have with that:

Problem One
A. I am not 6'2" or taller and never will be.
B. Despite what the life coaches are telling me "following my passion" will not make me rich
C. I'm not so damn desperate as to fake it with PUA garbage and trick photography
*The only chance I have is to get ripped or eventually inherit money from some well to do relatives

Problem Two
There is only so much room at the top. Despite the fact that about 40% of the men on this forum claim to be a 3% man, there is only so much room at the top. It's not as easy to get there as you think. Many of the guys here are LYING.

Problem Three
Pu$$y is not the be all, end all solution to this societal DECAY we are seeing. Look at @Tenacity , whose not yet a 3% man but has broke the "Next 17% man" bracket and gets lots of cheap, easy lays. He's as miserable as ever because the situation is dire and repugnant.

So in conclusion, there is no underlying "blessing in disguise". The blessing that was evident and didn't need a disguise was when women VALUED AND NEEDED a man. ONE man.

Am I going to go postal or totally give up on women entirely? Fvck no. But I will continue to call it as I see it, try to improve my situation at my own pace, and not enable the hordes of bad women out there.

Not for nothing bro but most if not all top 3% of men aren't using OLD because they don't need to. Nor are they "banging everything in sight" as they have extremely busy lives, families, work etc. This theory is a lot of mental masturbation. There's only the so-called "top" in looks on OLD getting most of the replies etc. They ain't the "top 3% of men". Just possibly online. That's not counting the dudes who may have faaaar more going for them but simply aren't as photogenic or aren't using "props" to get replies.

And posing in front of a Bugatti that isn't yours doesn't mean the chick is that retarded that even IF she meets the dude will just "accept" his excuse for not showing up in it or having a Bugatti and then magically sleep with him. A chick like that wants to SEE proof. Not listen to some dude front with words.


Oct 13, 2015
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That's not counting the dudes who may have faaaar more going for them but simply aren't as photogenic or aren't using "props" to get replies.
Sounds like justification for your getting no azz on OLD. Get off the sofa, put down the bonbons, and go to the gym already.


Jun 23, 2014
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Show me where I said this girl is "high quality"? If you want to argue logically, present accurate points, not straw.
We don't need to start playing on words man, you clearly brought up that chick to use as a supporting detail to your theory that if a girl FLAKES, it's the MAN'S fault for not being high quality. My theory says that the girl was going to FLAKE anyway because she's playing the manipulation game.

The girl has 572 emails a week and 2,000 a month with many guys being Top 1% investment bankers with great looks.........and this BYTCH still is single? How is it that you don't see that bytch is a game playing wh.ore?

Who cares?
And why do you care so much? She's a toy.
She's a toy now? Then why did you use a TOY as an example to support your theory? That doesn't even make sense man.

Why does every girl have to be the next Ms.Tenacity? If you get a hooker, do you complain that she is a hooker, or enjoy her for who she is? Answer this question.

Sir, I'm not referring to hookers or "toys", I'm referring to regular, everyday, NON PAID chicks you meet on OLD and the bullshyt games they play.


Oct 13, 2015
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We don't need to start playing on words man, you clearly brought up that chick to use as a supporting detail to your theory that if a girl FLAKES, it's the MAN'S fault for not being high quality. My theory says that the girl was going to FLAKE anyway because she's playing the manipulation game.
She doesn't consciously manipulate you fool. She flakes because she has better options in her inbox. Capiche yet or did I hit a BPD nerve?
Tenacity said:
The girl has 572 emails a week and 2,000 a month with many guys being Top 1% investment bankers with great looks.........and this BYTCH still is single? How is it that you don't see that bytch is a game playing wh.ore?
Yes. Hypergamy is not the end all as you profess. Hypergamy opens the door. Compatibility creates the relationship.

You could have 10 high net-worth investment bankers (IBs) and you. If she feels more chemistry with you, she ends up with you. The only problem with OLD is you cannot create chemistry online, so naturally she will vye toward the IBs and flake on you.

Tenacity said:
She's a toy now? Then why did you use a TOY as an example to support your theory? That doesn't even make sense man.
Her being a "toy" has nothing to do with her being used as an example of why women flake online. Are you retarded, seriously?


Apr 21, 2015
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Sounds like justification for your getting no azz on OLD. Get off the sofa, put down the bonbons, and go to the gym already.

Son I ran circles around OLD when I used it. I know for a fact 99.999% of those chicks are basura. Heard it from their own mouths. Major issues galore. Chicks who use OLD are actually doing dudes a FAVOR by not responding. But since you like dumpster diving I'll let you enjoy the "quality". You in NY too right?


Oct 13, 2015
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Son I ran circles around OLD when I used it. I know for a fact 99.999% of those chicks are basura. Heard it from their own mouths. Major issues galore. Chicks who use OLD are actually doing dudes a FAVOR by not responding. But since you like dumpster diving I'll let you enjoy the "quality". You in NY too right?
Sure you did.

How old are you playboy?


Apr 21, 2015
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We don't need to start playing on words man, you clearly brought up that chick to use as a supporting detail to your theory that if a girl FLAKES, it's the MAN'S fault for not being high quality. My theory says that the girl was going to FLAKE anyway because she's playing the manipulation game.

The girl has 572 emails a week and 2,000 a month with many guys being Top 1% investment bankers with great looks.........and this BYTCH still is single? How is it that you don't see that bytch is a game playing wh.ore?

She's a toy now? Then why did you use a TOY as an example to support your theory? That doesn't even make sense man.

Sir, I'm not referring to hookers or "toys", I'm referring to regular, everyday, NON PAID chicks you meet on OLD and the bullshyt games they play.
Count your blessings that chicks who use OLD flake. TRUST ME they ALL have MAJOR issues. I've spoken to tons while I used it. Court cases, major drug use, STD's, batsh1t insane, bisexual, or combinations. God HELP the dude who is dumb enough to EVER even ATTEMPT to wife up a chick on OLD. Ran through, town nutjobs, Alcoholics, bar rats, multiple kids, some even PREGNANT and using OLD. Some chicks strippers, some looking for sugar daddies, and that's not even counting the amount of chicks with "d1cks" that have been infesting those sites. Some chicks been institutionalized, some kicked out of hospitals for continuing to go to them for "heart attacks" but having panic attacks, some divorced a few times, some broke as hell, jobless, multiple tats. I could go on and on.

If you get upset over that kind of "quality" IDGAF how "good that one looks" any and every one I spoke to or even bothered to meet was even more proof to ME that chicks who use OLD are the bottom of the barrel. A virtual dive bar. Forget "profile" public relations they put up.

White, Latina, black, Asian. mix and match the above negatives and more. THAT is what you get trying to find a diamond in a dump.

No joke.


Jun 23, 2014
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She doesn't consciously manipulate you fool. She flakes because she has better options in her inbox.
I disagree with YOUR INTERPRETATION like I told you, and I've supplied details supporting my claim while you haven't.

You could have 10 high net-worth investment bankers (IBs) and you. If she feels more chemistry with you, she ends up with you. The only problem with OLD is you cannot create chemistry online, so naturally she will vye toward the IBs and flake on you.
Women have a laundry list of reasons as to why they choose a guy.

- Some women have fvcked up internal self esteem issues, daddy issues, and will pick a bum over a successful guy.

- Some women want to run the show and will pick a bum over a successful guy

- Some women are gold diggers/high maintenance and will pick successful guys over bums

- Some women just have good taste, and won't pick a bum

So while you are correct that a woman chooses based on her own internal version of "chemistry", what you aren't analyzing is WHAT is that chemistry based on?

Sometimes the chicks have a WARPED view of the world and pick men based on that WARPED view......but the men who didn't get picked by this WARPED bytch have to listen to Legend tell them that it's all their fault, not the WARPED view of the world that the chick has!

Her being a "toy" has nothing to do with her being used as an example of why women flake online. Are you retarded, seriously?
Sir relax with the name-calling, it's not required.


Apr 21, 2015
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Sure you did.

How old are you playboy?
You in NY right? Guru correct?

I spoke with countless on there. COUNTLESS. Not just flapping at the gums son. I've heard it all. I screen on the phone. When these chicks feel comfortable they will spill it. Perhaps a lot found me attractive. Perhaps my emails were so out of the blue they couldn't resist replying and or a combination.

Most every one loved my accent. NY born and raised. But God as my witness if I'm lying may I drop dead right now. EVERY FRIGGIN ONE had severe issues.

If those are the types of chicks you prefer to bring into your "top 1%" world. LMAO. You ain't talking to some manosphere clown.

You are in NY correct?
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