5 Ways Exclusive Relationships Are Better Than Spinning Plates


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
1) Bonding
When you are in an exclusive relationship, you can bond with your partner on a much stronger level than with random babes you just bang. There is more emotion with it. Don't get me wrong, barbaric ape sex is hot and fun, but doing it off of pure lust isn't the same as when you do have emotions for a woman. Read this quote by bigneil:
Lust is the good feeling you have when you have sex with her.

Love is the good feeling you have when you hold her. It is literally a falling, weightless, giddy sensation. Both of you will know it.

Now, the key to "making love" (note I always hated that term while millennials hold up a cross if you say it), is have to sex (lust) with her as you hold her this way (love). There is nothing like it (lust + love = true ecstasy). This is the traditional romantic scene often shown in old movies and cartoons where the man and woman keep saying one another's names over and over.
Some of you may think "I don't need to have feelings towards a woman, only betas do that". That is complete and utter bullsh!t. If you say this, you are in denial. We as humans do long for companionship whether we like it or not. This is how we were able to build the most complex social hierarchy out of every creature on the planet. The strong emotional bond you get in exclusive relationships cannot be found very easily with women who you just sleep with and go home. "ITDG, only doing what FEEELZ good is for faggots". It is, huh? Well why the **** do you even want to have sex then?

2) Kids
If you ever plan on having kids, you better believe that sticking with one woman is the right thing to do. Having more than one woman walking into your house (sometimes at the same time!) will definitely fvck with your kid's psychology. They won't be normal and will be societal deviants. Not to mention that your baby momma will likely be having sex with other men too. If this happens, your kids are ****ed. No ifs, ands, or buts, about it. I've said this before: women are only able to love one man at a time; if she no longer loves this man, she will no longer love his offspring anymore even if they are also hers.

3) Sex whenever you please
You might think that you can have sex whenever you want if you have multiple plates, but if that was really the case, then you wouldn't need to have so many women in the first place. NEXTing wouldn't even be a thing. You don't have an urge to have sex with every single woman you see, you just have an urge to have sex with women in general. In an exclusive relationship, you can have sex whenever you are so inclined (only if you play your cards right; if you are being a fvcking wuss then you're doign it wrong). This ties into point number 1—bonding. It's apart of the empathetic connection you two have for each other. When you want to fvck, so does she.

4) Greater potential for improvement.
Power plays. They will happen. No matter how subtle they may seem, they will happen. It's just how women are. She will slowly try taking more and more control of the relationship. Why though? Because you have made it possible for her to do so. If a woman tries taking more control of the relationship, it's because you flaws within your character allow her to. If you play your cards right though, you can continue to keep her extremely infatuated with you which means she will submit to you. She won't even attempt a power play at all. This ties into my next point.

5) She will care for you more so than other plates
You all are thinking "Bullsh!t, I've had women completely change face after I got with them". This meant that you had a flaw within your character. A woman in an exclusive relationship will care for you more than your plates will because she actually has something to lose. If a woman suddenly changed in a negative way, she did not feel like she had anything to lose. This means that you messed up, not her.

Bonus: Public image
The reason why I put this as bonus instead of having 6 points is because I myself did not come up with this one. It is not societally acceptable to have more than one woman, so in the case of a politician, you may want to only have one woman at a time.

  • How much value everything above has is subjective for each person and what their goals are. E.g. If you don't want to have kids, then #2 doesn't apply to you and you may not feel a need to bond with a female either.
  • The phrase I used is 'exclusive relationship', not 'marriage'. Marriage at least somewhat voids #4 and #5.


Oct 20, 2006
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Good post, though #3 (Sex whenever you please) is sadly not true in marriages.

Note: I am 46 and just figured out #1 last week.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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I was with the same woman for almost 15yrs, she never once said no to sechs with me until the final year when the marriage was on the rocks.

My last LTR of 5yrs never told me no either. In fact she wanted it more than I did.

I really believe a lot of it has to do with the frame you maintain with your woman. I haven't had any woman that didn't want to please me.

I wouldn't be with a woman who doesn't understand the importance of sechs to a man. That's something you need to figure out from the start. Start by quizzing her how she handled previous relationships. Word your questions in a manner that she won't figure out what you are trying to solicit.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Once we started having sex (which was not right away) I never turned down my spouse for sex. He turned me down at times but I never turned him down. Never is a long time in a 16 year relationship/marriage.

Now we did have about a 4 week time out after each kid was born but that was only a break from vaginal sex while my body was healing. There are plenty of other ways for a woman to sexually satisfy her man under such circumstances.

Even when things were rocky the sex was always very good. Had the sex not been so good we would have split much sooner. Pick a woman who wants to please you in this way and preferably someone who finds you irresistibly sexy. Sexiness is still my top (but in no way only) criteria.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Another benefit to exclusivity is you avoid being cuckholded.

If you won't be exclusive she knows you are open to sex with other women. The idea that women will grant exclusivity to a man who isn't exclusive to her is a joke unless she is flat out of options. Depending on her character she may or may not actually have sex with other men, but if she's hot and desirable and you won't be exclusive you can bet she is going on other dates, kissing other guys, and perhaps having sex with other guys. And she thinks its none of your business. You are delusional if you think otherwise. Some girls (typically the most desirable ones) won't tolerate plate status at all so you may lose a good girl altogether over this but everyone (men and women) get to exercise choice.

If it's not exclusive (you are spinning plates) and she is seeing you she is also spinning plates. She may push to become exclusive but she isn't until it's official. The only poster I've seen actually be straight up about this here is @bigneil, and people have ribbed him about being honest about this but I'm here to tell you if she is plate...chances are excellent so are you.

I otherwise think the OP's list is a good one. Red Pill Room has some great advice for vetting a wife. I like Ironwood's blog. He is very insightful on male/female relations and the social conditions that frame society. Presumably you could apply that to a LTR but most young women are going to skip men who won't marry.
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Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Another benefit to exclusivity is you avoid being cuckholded.

If you won't be exclusive she knows you are open to sex with other women. The idea that women will grant exclusivity to a man who isn't exclusive to her is a joke unless she is flat out of options. Depending on her character she may or may not actually have sex with other men, but if she's hot and desirable and you won't be exclusive you can bet she is going on other dates, kissing other guys, and perhaps having sex with other guys. And she thinks its none of your business. You are delusional if you think otherwise. Some girls (typically the most desirable ones) won't tolerate plate status at all so you may lose a good girl altogether over this but everyone (men and women) get to exercise choice.

If it's not exclusive (you are spinning plates) and she is seeing you she is also spinning plates She may push to become exclusive but she isn't until it's official. The only poster I've seen actually be straight up about this here is @bigneil, and people have ribbed him about being honest about this but I'm here to tell you if she is plate...chances are excellent so are you.
Sad but true. How men here expect women to automatically commit and call it "cheating" otherwise (after only a few weeks of dating) is beyond me. IMO, until the woman asks the man to be exclusive, expect both parties (especially her) are out scoring. Great to get a woman's insight on this.

It usually progresses like this:

Stage 1) - First month. You have no right talking about her other men.
Stage 2) - Second month. You can joke about her other dates but you know they exist.
Stage 3) - Third month. She tells you about everyone else she is dating and says she likes you the best. She still resents you talking about her other men.
Stage 4) - Fourth month. She asks for a commitment (or remains a lover).


Feb 5, 2016
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LOL! Thanks for the laugh.
That's fine, you don't do relationships. It would be more constructive to the thread if you mention which points of OP's post you disagree with and explain why. Contribute a different perspective instead of brushing off and ridiculing his because it doesn't align with your cynical view of relationships.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Good post, though #3 (Sex whenever you please) is sadly not true in marriages.
Yes, I forgot to put #3 in my endnotes as well. However, a woman's willingness to have sex with you is determinant on you though. Act like a wimp, no sex. Act like a man, someone better call up Brazzers. Howiestern has a good idea on what I mean.
That's fine, you don't do relationships. It would be more constructive to the thread if you mention which points of OP's post you disagree with and explain why. Contribute a different perspective instead of brushing off and ridiculing his because it doesn't align with your cynical view of relationships.
Was thinking the same thing.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
I was with the same woman for almost 15yrs, she never once said no to sechs with me until the final year when the marriage was on the rocks.

My last LTR of 5yrs never told me no either. In fact she wanted it more than I did.

I really believe a lot of it has to do with the frame you maintain with your woman. I haven't had any woman that didn't want to please me.

I wouldn't be with a woman who doesn't understand the importance of sechs to a man. That's something you need to figure out from the start. Start by quizzing her how she handled previous relationships. Word your questions in a manner that she won't figure out what you are trying to solicit.
For the people who would disagree, keep in mind this is any exclusive relationship that isn't marriage in the West. If a woman doesn't want to have sex with you in an exclusive relationship or puts up some form of resistance, it is because she isn't infatuated with you anymore (or perhaps she never was to begin with and was just using you). If, like Howiestern said, you hold a strong frame and work on all your internal issues, then you shouldn't have any problems with a woman.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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That's fine, you don't do relationships. It would be more constructive to the thread if you mention which points of OP's post you disagree with and explain why. Contribute a different perspective instead of brushing off and ridiculing his because it doesn't align with your cynical view of relationships.
I didn't want to get sucked into a long, drawn out argument but I'll entertain it. Here's why I believe it is false.

1) "Bonding" just leaves you open to heartbreak. According to OP "There is more emotion with it." Common sense will tell you that "emotions" are a woman's playing field. Once you get sucked into her emotions, logic gets thrown out the door and it's bye bye for you.

2) I don't necessarily disagree with this one because if you want your kids to be stable, generally, you also want a stable relationship. My issue comes with the current climate for fathers but that's another discussion.

3) This one is actually the one that made me laugh because it couldn't be any further from reality. As the level of commitment rises with a woman, the sex is going to dry up faster than pouring water on the sun. If you are getting married because you want to have more sex, you are in for a world of shock.

4) There was no talk of improvement here. Just "power plays". I don't see how that's an improvement. Just sounds like another source of headache.

5) This one stems from a need for external validation and comfort. It is what sends many men to their death traps. You don't "need" any woman to care for you. The moment a woman doesn't feel like she is getting what she wants, she will dip on you faster than you can blink. You will be left wondering "but...but....but...I thought she 'cared' for me". A man doesn't keep plates because he wants them to "care" for him. That's just ridiculous.

Mr. Kalikoat

Don Juan
May 3, 2014
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Why not both?

What I mean with that, is that I spin plates until one of my plates peeks my interest enough that I want to go exclusive with her.

In general I do prefer exclusive long-term relationships, but only when the relationship goes well. When I'm single, I obviously spin plates and I won't go exclusive with the first plate I'm successful with. A man gotta be picky and deal from a position of abundance. Even if you're not actually swimming in pvssy, you have to act like you are, not for the sake of scoring women, but for your own sake, for the sake of making sure that when you do enter an LTR, it's with a good high-quality broad and not the first sleazy chick you managed to pick up.

And when you finally are in a good LTR that makes you happy, make sure that at all times you have 1 foot outside the door, or at least pretend you have. Make sure your partner knows you have no issue picking up new women if she acts up and that she's replaceable. Don't be an ass about it, just make sure it is a known fact.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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The idea that women will grant exclusivity to a man who isn't exclusive to her is a joke unless she is flat out of options.
Personally, I would never respect a woman who was okay with her significant other screwing around. Her being okay with it would suggest that either her self esteem is so low as to be damaged, that she was not really invested in me, or that she secretly wants to screw around herself.

It's a popular idea in the PUA community, and in books like The Sex God Method, that you can collect harems of girls who will be exclusive to you while you bang other women. I'm sure this can be done, but see paragraph one.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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Another benefit to exclusivity is you avoid being cuckholded.
Please explain this, although I get the sense that was just a troll sentence.

If you won't be exclusive she knows you are open to sex with other women. The idea that women will grant exclusivity to a man who isn't exclusive to her is a joke unless she is flat out of options. Depending on her character she may or may not actually have sex with other men, but if she's hot and desirable and you won't be exclusive you can bet she is going on other dates, kissing other guys, and perhaps having sex with other guys. And she thinks its none of your business. You are delusional if you think otherwise. Some girls (typically the most desirable ones) won't tolerate plate status at all so you may lose a good girl altogether over this but everyone (men and women) get to exercise choice.

If it's not exclusive (you are spinning plates) and she is seeing you she is also spinning plates. She may push to become exclusive but she isn't until it's official. The only poster I've seen actually be straight up about this here is @bigneil, and people have ribbed him about being honest about this but I'm here to tell you if she is plate...chances are excellent so are you.

I otherwise think the OP's list is a good one. Red Pill Room has some great advice for vetting a wife. I like Ironwood's blog. He is very insightful on male/female relations and the social conditions that frame society. Presumably you could apply that to a LTR but most young women are going to skip men who won't marry.
Here's the thing - women always have other men in their lives. If they're not seeing them, they're thinking about them. Case in point: I bet you'll still be thinking about the hot sex you had with your "jerk" ex the day before your date on saturday with Mr Sucker. A woman isn't really exclusive unless you are at the top of her "high score list" and no one else compares to you, which by the way, is the reason the ideal age for a wife to be if you're gonna have one is as young as possible. If she is not fully emotionally invested in you and likely to remain so, you are not exclusive. Guess what? women know that men might know that, which is why they behave so well toward you in the beginning when they still want something from you and think they can get it. The act is to make you think she is not like that, which is usually easy to make men believe since men tend to be quite romantic. The idea that just "making it exclusive" actually does so is a blue pill, blind-fold idea.

No, most young women are not going to skip men who won't marry. They are going to skip guys who don't give them what they want when they want it. Whether that's "alpha" or "beta" depends on her mood, with the sliding scale starting at alpha and tending toward beta as a woman ages.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Another benefit to exclusivity is you avoid being cuckholded.
No surprise that sentence is bringing out the naysayers. Being supposedly exclusive is certainly no guarantee that you won't be cuckholded. But despite what the overly cynical think, not all women are out there screwing around on their husbands.

Some guys here are so bitter it's affected their judgement.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
No surprise that sentence is bringing out the naysayers. Being supposedly exclusive is certainly no guarantee that you won't be cuckholded. But despite what the overly cynical think, not all women are out there screwing around on their husbands.

Some guys here are so bitter it's affected their judgement.
Of course. Not every lottery player goes home with his money lost either. Step right up.

Bitterness has not affected judgement, reality has.


Feb 5, 2016
Reaction score
Of course. Not every lottery player goes home with his money lost either. Step right up.

Bitterness has not affected judgement, reality has.
I'm trying to find out where you stand.

So to summarize your perspective (from what I understand from your last 2 posts), you believe any potential benefits of a relationship are negated by the potential risks due to the nature and "reality" of women. Correct me if I misunderstood you.

You mention that women always have another guy (even if it's just on their mind) unless you're topping their high score list. So what? 1) You'll probably never know where you rank on a girls "high score" list and it shouldn't matter to you, 2) With the assumption that onenitus and pedestalization are not factors, you will likely always have another girl (even if it's just on your mind) too. Why suggest that that makes a women carry more potential risk than you or any other man carries, and use that against them and relationships? If that makes sense.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
I'm trying to find out where you stand.

So to summarize your perspective (from what I understand from your last 2 posts), you believe any potential benefits of a relationship are negated by the potential risks due to the nature and "reality" of women. Correct me if I misunderstood you.

You mention that women always have another guy (even if it's just on their mind) unless you're topping their high score list. So what? 1) You'll probably never know where you rank on a girls "high score" list and it shouldn't matter to you, 2) With the assumption that onenitus and pedestalization are not factors, you will likely always have another girl (even if it's just on your mind) too. Why suggest that that makes a women carry more potential risk than you or any man carries, and use that against them and relationships? If that makes sense.
I don't think a risk should stop you from doing something. The problem is when the risk is more probably going to go bad than good and the more you invest yourself emotionally (the supposed point of a relationship) the worse the bad becomes. Of course, ltrs are the only way to raise (functioning) children, so there's no real choice anyway. You just have to do damage limitation unless you don't want to reproduce/don't give a sh!t about your kids' well-being (neither do women who divorce their husbands for no reason (that they themselves didn't help cause, such as not having sex leading to the man cheating because he otherwise can't get any)).

1) Exactly, you'll probably never know. That's why it's hard to make a calculated risk. No idea why you think that shouldn't matter.

2) Nice try at creating a strawman, but it's not about women vs men, which would be a different discussion. Here, it's about what the smartest thing for me to do is. Other men are not my sexual partners.