Why "The Dating Market" Sucks


Senior Don Juan
Dec 25, 2014
Reaction score
Personally it seems like feminism has already damaged society to the point of no return, I don't see any way we can go back to the times where the dynamic between men and women was flipped.

And furthermore, it certainly doesn't help that we have these limp-wristed feminist men like Trudeau and Obama enabling the gradual degradation of men in society.

I know I'll do my part. I sure as hell am not going to be like the guys in my office telling me I need to get married just because I'm 31 and "it's what you have to do".

Hell, the older I get I find myself seeking independence rather than co-dependence.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
The other bit is just more demonizing LTRs though (yawn, what a surprise). PUA types contribute to the entitlement attitude of women as much, or more, than anyone else. First off, each guy wants five plates to spin - how do you think THAT affects the supply and demand lol? Then, they will give sex and attention to any woman, no matter how undeserving, and then pat themselves on the back for keeping them at plate status.
Damn straight. You bet I'm demonizing LTR's.

They're generally stupid unless they're somewhat open. I don't teach PUA sh!t. Spinning plates does not harm the market because women care more about LTR's than sex. When a woman is a plate she has to work. She doesn't have some sappy puppy dog faggot at her beck and call to drive her places, buy her sh!t, give her therapy, help her move her furniture, hold her bag when she goes shopping, kill spiders, etc.

I'm a big believer of: "Don't b!tch about it.. do something about it". So if you want me to stop demonizing LTR's you need to provide a good logical argument explaining why they make sense for men. Be specific. So far all I've heard in threads is: "What if I catch a cold?? Who will feed me chicken soup??" And similar gay, fear based, lazy crap.

Give me some good arguments. I'd love to hear them. Otherwise the demonizing will continue.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
They're generally stupid unless they're somewhat open. I don't teach PUA sh!t. Spinning plates does not harm the market because women care more about LTR's than sex.
Meh, I would say the lower quality the woman, the more she wants to casually date, fvck around, have a lot of orbiters, etc. In other words, spin their own plates. So giving these low quality women their freedom by just making them FWB or whatever is just giving them what they want. I agree there is a problem when men reward women who do not deserve it with LTR status.

I don't know what your problem with LTRs is, and I don't really care. You're clearly too biased to have a rational discussion with on the subject. I have always said men should do whatever suits them personally, whether that be spinning plates or LTRs. Going from plate spinning as a learning experience to LTRs is probably the most natural progression.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Damn straight. You bet I'm demonizing LTR's.

They're generally stupid unless they're somewhat open. I don't teach PUA sh!t. Spinning plates does not harm the market because women care more about LTR's than sex. When a woman is a plate she has to work. She doesn't have some sappy puppy dog faggot at her beck and call to drive her places, buy her sh!t, give her therapy, help her move her furniture, hold her bag when she goes shopping, kill spiders, etc.

I'm a big believer of: "Don't b!tch about it.. do something about it". So if you want me to stop demonizing LTR's you need to provide a good logical argument explaining why they make sense for men. Be specific. So far all I've heard in threads is: "What if I catch a cold?? Who will feed me chicken soup??" And similar gay, fear based, lazy crap.

Give me some good arguments. I'd love to hear them. Otherwise the demonizing will continue.
Here ya go Poon, pick it apart:

Benefits of an LTR:

-Greater chances of a higher quality female when open to LTR.
-Deeper connection.
-Sechs is better with somebody I’m connected to.
-More frequent sechs.
-More time to do things of greater value than looking for the next woman to fuhk.
-More time to do things of greater value than maintaining multiple plates.
-More time for building wealth/careers.
-More time for hobbies.
-You can split living expenses.
-Lower risk of STD’s/STI’s.
-Built in support system.
-She can cook/clean/shop for you on a regular basis.

Now its your turn.....list the benefits of spinning plates!
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Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
I don't know what your problem with LTRs is, and I don't really care. You're clearly too biased to have a rational discussion with on the subject. I have always said men should do whatever suits them personally, whether that be spinning plates or LTRs. Going from plate spinning as a learning experience to LTRs is probably the most natural progression.
Chicken sh!t cop-out.

If you have good points they will stand on their own. Bias doesn't matter. I am happy to debate someone with the most bias opinion on earth because I know I make good points.

Here ya go Poon, pick it apart:

Benefits of an LTR:

-Easier to get higher quality female when open to LTR.
-Deeper connection.
-Sechs is better with somebody I’m connected to.
-More frequent sechs.
-More time to do things of greater value than looking for the next woman to fuhk.
-More time to things of greater value than maintaining multiple plates.
-More time for building wealth/careers.
-More time for hobbies.
-You can split living expenses.
-Lower risk of STD’s/STI’s.
-Built in support system.
-She can cook/clean for you.
Some of these are good. Most of them are not logical. Here is my breakdown:

-Easier to get higher quality female when open to LTR.
Prove it. I know one slutty chick I sport f*cked in college. She saw more sausage than a deli. Now she is married to some dumb faggot who has no clue about her past.

-Deeper connection.

-Sechs is better with somebody I’m connected to.

-More frequent sechs.

-More time to do things of greater value than looking for the next woman to fuhk.
False. How you spend your time is always 100% your choice regardless of relationship status (unless you get married or have kids).

-More time to things of greater value than maintaining multiple plates.
False. How you spend your time is always 100% your choice regardless of relationship status (unless you get married or have kids).

-More time for building wealth/careers.
False. How you spend your time is always 100% your choice regardless of relationship status (unless you get married or have kids).

-More time for hobbies.
False. How you spend your time is always 100% your choice regardless of relationship status (unless you get married or have kids).

-You can split living expenses.
TRUE. It comes down to the mighty dollar in the end doesn't it?

-Lower risk of STD’s/STI’s.
Only if she isn't f*cking other dudes.

-Built in support system.

-She can cook/clean for you


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
-Deeper connection.

-Sechs is better with somebody I’m connected to.

-Built in support system.
Why do you consider these to be "gay"? The other points that Howie made are good as well but yes, they can be "debatable", but I would personally state that these three things in this quote (connection, support system, better sex) are three of the pillars of an LTR that aren't really that much available with the spinning of plates.


Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
One solid reason for exclusivity: more time and focus for building wealth.

Fact: I have five dates this weekend. It took me roughly 3 hours to schedule comprising my open, chit-chat, number, 2- 3 text for rapport, and scheduling.

Fact: Transportation time to each of the dates averages 15 min each way/30 min round trip. Because I double - or -triple book, I only commute to two different places, making 1 hour total travel time.

Out of the five dates, either 1 or 2 might flake or I will dismiss 1 or 2, leaving me with three. Average date is 2 hours, making a total of 6 hours among 3 dates.

I have already invested 10 hours this week toward a new harem. Now by having plates instead of dates, I will most definitely cut my time investment, but plates tend to crash after 2-3 months, and I have to initiate a new harem.

Now, in an LTR, I carve those dating hours strictly for business and wealth-building. In fact, I will work more hours, and my "want" for new relations is tempered while I'm busy building wealth.

Fact: I am self employed and an investor. When I look back to all the times I was single/plate-spinning and the times where I was married or in an LTR, in LTRs my business and real-estate investment productivity had been greater by two fold.

Now the question is: What's of greater importance: new women or wealth. I choose the latter.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I actually mean it kind of literally.

Why would any man want to limit his sexual options in ANY way? When you commit 100% to a woman in a LTR you are basically telling a woman: "I'm so desperate for your companionship that I don't care how often I get laid." This is gay.

I think the ideal situation for normal men is a harem. Men are designed to commit (for child raising), BUT not to be exclusive. Men are NOT designed to be exclusive. The male sexual strategy is to spread his seed. The female strategy is to extract resources and safety for herself and her offspring. The more a woman is able to control a man.. the higher chances of survival for both herself AND her kids as she gets more attention and resources than other women. On the flip side.. the harder it is for a woman to control a man.. the more likely he will spread his seed and resources to more women.

In short.. the more a female follows a male sexual strategy the lower her value. The more a male follows a female sexual strategy, the lower his value. This is why "sluts" are considered failed women and co-dependent betas are failed men. Btw.."slut" doesn't mean easy.. it just means low standards. Just like co-dependent betas have low standards and will commit to anything with a vagina.
Anytime you are Not seeking out other females (I mean, even after the 3rd or 4th fvck), then you are doing the female a favor by sticking with her. Let's be frank. No matter how hot or young a female (of course, over 18), you get bored with her for the plain physical kinda quick. You've already Experienced her and cvmed in her/on her so there's other adventures to explore. It's just how we're wired as males. So if we are "in" a long-term "relationship" with a female, a single exclusive female, WE are doing whoever we're with, a "favor" because it's not in our nature; therefore, the female (ALL females) "should" be TOTALLY worried about keeping a male around, but they are not, these days, like in the past. They, in a sense, are (their brains are) morphed (thru feminism?? the workplace not at home for the greater majority of them? school more than males these days?? independent??) in to male (testosterone-laced) thinking. THEY now are the aggressive ones (the aggressive philanderers). Every male here knows, pretty much, how useless many females are in the workplace (how they get outta work, defer it to the male), though there are a few that can hold their own, to be sure. This charade keeps on going..the welfare, the bennies, the alimony, the child-support (for divorce on a whim - due to Reagan's no-fault divorce law enactment). The ongoing charade (amazing the several decades it has been help up and supported) has morphed females into male-like behavior. They have the support, the "booster," if you will. They go down the slide shouting "weeeeeeee" with their hands up in the air pretty much all there young, young adult and adult lives. One day (don't know how soon) they will slide that slide down into a pile of manure. And you KNOW how all females Hate to be unclean. They clean clean clean clean clean, and spend money clean clean cleaning EVERYTHING and encourage YOU to clean everything as well, but us as males usually say ahhh fvck it I'm not cleaning my bedsheet every god damned week or my toilet every week, or dusting all the time (I'll just buy an air-purifier and hire a maid), or vacuuming/mopping the floor EVERY damn week. When they slide into that manure pit (from a bankrupt economy), they will try to continue on saying "weeeeee" at the males' expense, but it will fall on deaf ears, and they will suffer knawing an knashing of teeth into eternity.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
One solid reason for exclusivity: more time and focus for building wealth.

Fact: I have five dates this weekend. It took me roughly 3 hours to schedule comprising my open, chit-chat, number, 2- 3 text for rapport, and scheduling.

Fact: Transportation time to each of the dates averages 15 min each way/30 min round trip. Because I double - or -triple book, I only commute to two different places, making 1 hour total travel time.

Out of the five dates, either 1 or 2 might flake or I will dismiss 1 or 2, leaving me with three. Average date is 2 hours, making a total of 6 hours among 3 dates.

I have already invested 10 hours this week toward a new harem. Now by having plates instead of dates, I will most definitely cut my time investment, but plates tend to crash after 2-3 months, and I have to initiate a new harem.

Now, in an LTR, I carve those dating hours strictly for business and wealth-building. In fact, I will work more hours, and my "want" for new relations is tempered while I'm busy building wealth.

Fact: I am self employed and an investor. When I look back to all the times I was single/plate-spinning and the times where I was married or in an LTR, in LTRs my business and real-estate investment productivity had been greater by two fold.

Now the question is: What's of greater importance: new women or wealth. I choose the latter.
You and Howie make very good points in relation to that time aspect.

As my Career has progressed, I've found that I have lesser amounts of time to devote to "social stuff" in general. Not saying I don't have a social life, but I just have lesser amounts of times to devote to it.

I don't know how a guy can have TIME to spin plates with 5 women for example, or even go on dates with 10 women over the course of let's say two weeks.......while still:

- Working out on time
- Working let's say 60 hours a week (which is about what most people will have to work to make 6 figures)
- Doing "work for work" or additional training activities
- Sleeping, eating, driving, ironing, etc.

This is another main reason I just want one solid relationship right now, I don't have the time NOR energy anymore to manage multiple women.

And in addition to the time and energy aspect, I have a budget that I set towards "social stuff". So I'm just not trying to INVEST the money into dates (which includes gas, the date itself, etc.) with women that I really don't like "enough" to want to be in a relationship with.

Spinning plate after plate just wastes so much of your precious time, energy, and finances.


When a woman is a plate she has to work. She doesn't have some sappy puppy dog faggot at her beck and call to drive her places, buy her sh!t, give her therapy, help her move her furniture, hold her bag when she goes shopping, kill spiders, etc.
Sometimes I think you are a little eccentric Poon King, and I don't agree with everything you say, but I appreciate what you're doing. You are a feminist's worst nightmare - brash, unapologetic, and willing to mirror their extremist positions. It's the only thing they understand. We do need more of you.

This little paragraph in particular above is so fvcking brutally true. If every man in the world could get those 2 sentences through their thick skulls and why that stuff doesn't work, the dating game would change in our favor overnight.


Don Juan
Jul 31, 2016
Reaction score
You and Howie make very good points in relation to that time aspect.

As my Career has progressed, I've found that I have lesser amounts of time to devote to "social stuff" in general. Not saying I don't have a social life, but I just have lesser amounts of times to devote to it.

I don't know how a guy can have TIME to spin plates with 5 women for example, or even go on dates with 10 women over the course of let's say two weeks.......while still:

- Working out on time
- Working let's say 60 hours a week (which is about what most people will have to work to make 6 figures)
- Doing "work for work" or additional training activities
- Sleeping, eating, driving, ironing, etc.

This is another main reason I just want one solid relationship right now, I don't have the time NOR energy anymore to manage multiple women.

And in addition to the time and energy aspect, I have a budget that I set towards "social stuff". So I'm just not trying to INVEST the money into dates (which includes gas, the date itself, etc.) with women that I really don't like "enough" to want to be in a relationship with.

Spinning plate after plate just wastes so much of your precious time, energy, and finances.
You've been here for two years, you haven't learned sh*t.

As a black man, you have to take what you get and STOP CHOOSING THE WRONG WOMEN, that's what's wrong with black men is that they subconsciously or consciously choose the women with the wrong qualities. I see this time after time again. You're going for the women that you've described in your last post because deep down that's what you qualify a women, you're familiar with these women. You need to respect yourself as a man. You need to stop going after these women. You know you are, don't play around this.

There's so many good quality females out there but instead you choose the other route. For months I've been watching you b*tch about the same thing but never really having any progress. Stop going after these females, there's plenty of females who don't have these qualities. You need to step out of your comfort zone when it comes to women.

And another thing, life doesn't hand you what you want, you have to go for it. You work hard for what you want. This isn't going to be a handout. Someone isn't going to be waiting for you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
So demand is how much a man wants to be in a relationship with a woman, not how much women there are vs men. With that considered, look at the map(s) here:


This shows the ratio of men to women for each country. If you notice the countries where women tend to be b!tchier (the West), you will notice that they tend to have more females than males. If you notice the countries where women are more docile, you will ntocie the opposite; a greater male to female ratio. I wonder why this is. Just something to think about I suppose.
I think we have to look deeper than a general sex ratio because that includes plenty of women and men who are either taken or too young/old for the dating scene. A more useful comparison is the ratio of single women to single men and limit it to some typical dating age range (say 18 to 45).

Even then, things get skewed with the 80/20 stuff. You can still have one "single" Chad stringing along say four single women. And those women might not be "spinning plates" but hoping Chad commits to her exclusively.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
If you have good points they will stand on their own. Bias doesn't matter. I am happy to debate someone with the most bias opinion on earth because I know I make good points.
I have no interest in selling you on LTRs. Nor am I interested in "debating" with someone who uses the word "gay" as an argument. Besides, since you are making the more outlandish claim (that men who opt for LTRs are "faggots"), the burden of proof falls on you.

My position is, and always has been, that men should do whatever they think is best for them at their particular point in time, whether that be spinning plates or being in a relationship. You don't want to be in a relationship, that's fine with me, I have no interest in convincing you otherwise.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
Damn straight. You bet I'm demonizing LTR's.

They're generally stupid unless they're somewhat open. I don't teach PUA sh!t. Spinning plates does not harm the market because women care more about LTR's than sex. When a woman is a plate she has to work. She doesn't have some sappy puppy dog faggot at her beck and call to drive her places, buy her sh!t, give her therapy, help her move her furniture, hold her bag when she goes shopping, kill spiders, etc.

I'm a big believer of: "Don't b!tch about it.. do something about it". So if you want me to stop demonizing LTR's you need to provide a good logical argument explaining why they make sense for men. Be specific. So far all I've heard in threads is: "What if I catch a cold?? Who will feed me chicken soup??" And similar gay, fear based, lazy crap.

Give me some good arguments. I'd love to hear them. Otherwise the demonizing will continue.
The only good reason to have an LTR is HELP!!!

Help with cooking, cleaning, daily chores etc.

Help with business

Help with making life easier

Help with the human desire to have a companion.

Help with sex

Did I miss anything? (Verbal irony)


Senior Don Juan
Sep 30, 2016
Reaction score
"Hey babe i love you so fvcking much that im going to get the goverment involved,not only that honey im gona spend MY HARD EARNED CASH on your sorry a$$.becoming obese? Who gives a sh1t about that?! I love you the way you are even if you become so fat and ugly that you start using cheats on wii fit,this is how much i love you.oh and if you decide to leave you can have HALF OF MY FVCKING HARD EARNED CASH and keep the custody of my kids."
Relationship? Mybe to have a steady access to sux,while keeping her at the edge of the seat.while also cheating/open relationship.
Marrige?there is no need to add another tragedy to this world.
Now personaly i belive that sux with the same person over and over and over gets boring.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
Personally it seems like feminism has already damaged society to the point of no return, I don't see any way we can go back to the times where the dynamic between men and women was flipped.
::Reads post::

::Joins Keanu on the bench::


The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
I’m totally not against spinning plates, but at this point in my life, it’s not what is best for me. I had pretty good luck with my last LTR(HB8) that lasted almost 5yrs. Its not all doom and gloom like the haters will lead you to believe.

She paid me rent, bought and shopped for the groceries, cleaned the house, paid my phone bill. We split the bill for vacations and going out to eat. She did 80% of the chores around the house. I got sechs any time I wanted it. She always stayed in shape and looked nice. I was the leader of the relationship and she was all about the man being head of house. She even had some assets that benefited me! We took trips together that were way more fun with someone you care about. Because of her I had more time for hobbies and working out. She got a little insecure at times, but the pro’s far outweighed the con’s. The relationship ended because I refused to marry her.

The haters call it being lazy, I call it being smart. I saved money and had more time for fun stuff that really mattered.

If you have a woman that thinks its ok to get fat, deny sechs, and not do her part then I question your skills in picking an acceptable partner as well as the frame you maintain. Out of the 3 LTR’s I’ve had, not once did I have these problems that you haters go on and on about.


Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
She paid me rent, bought and shopped for the groceries, cleaned the house ....
My LTRs do laundry, drop off & pick up dry cleaning, cook, and even assist with my business and investment interests.

No question that a good LTR will better/add to your life. If she doesn't, drop her. Too many men under utilize their partner, and thus fail to capitalize on the synergism: 1+1 = 3.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
She paid me rent, bought and shopped for the groceries, cleaned the house, paid my phone bill. We split the bill for vacations and going out to eat. She did 80% of the chores around the house.

The haters call it being lazy, I call it being smart. I saved money and had more time for fun stuff that really mattered.
She liked you obviously. But just so we're clear, you do have a job, correct? Did she earn more than you?

I take no pride in having a woman finance my bills. You are pimping her out.


Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
She liked you obviously. But just so we're clear, you do have a job, correct? Did she earn more than you?

I take no pride in having a woman finance my bills. You are pimping her out.
Can't speak for Howie, as it depends on the income differential, but for me, very few woman can compete with my level of income, so I utilize women in LTRs to assist in business/investment opportunities which would easily double/triple any of their potential contributions toward rent/mortgage payments.

Operate smartly. Make more money with women. Within this context, yes, I am a pimp. :D