So what do you guys do when you ask a girl a serious question through text and she is disrespecting you by just ignoring your question? Because I'm a bit at a loss with regards to that. I can think of a few options but every option has its negative drawbacks. The options I thought of are:
1) Ghost or just NEXT her outright:
Seems like the most logical option and the one I often go for. She disrespected me and it seems like she's not super interested, so best to NEXT her, right? Sure, but on the flip-side, it seems like the easy way out. What if everything up to this point was great? Would you really NEXT her and throw away something good over one minor slip-up, even though it's highly disrespectful? Maybe she had a good reason to not reply to your text (e.g. her being busy and then forgetting about the question you asked earlier). So nexting seems like a bit of an overreaction to me, but maybe I'm wrong here. I suppose if you have multiple plates going then this option is a no-brainer but even then it means throwing away 1 plate over something as petty as a f*cking text (or the lack there of).
2) Pretend nothing happened and continue as usual:
This is often an attractive option. It shows you don't really give a f*ck and you'll just continue gaming her and having sex with her, win-win. Except it's not that simple, because it basically means she got away with disrespecting you. Sure, ignoring a text seems like a minor slip-up, but if you don't nib this kind of behavior in the butt early, she might try something more significant the next time. So where do you draw the line?
3) Call her out on it:
Telling her she's being a disrespectful b*tch might seem like a good option. You make it obvious that you have clear boundaries and she just crossed one of them. This could make her respect you more, but it could also backfire horribly. Depending on your frame you might come off as a horribly insecure "beta". Hell, even if your frame was solid up to this point, you might still potentially ruin your frame by reacting this way to her ignoring one of your texts.
So yeah, help me out here guys, which of the 3 options do you think is best? Or do you have other options I haven't considered here yet?