As a master of seduction I will tell you guys right now it has nothing to do with being available 24/7. It has nothing to do with being a challenge. It has nothing to do with anything you can possibly conceive because you read anti-dump's machine or the book of pook.
All GAME is backwards engineering naturals (including anti-dump's machine). And I am a real natural. So I am telling you how it is. So listen carefully.
I value my life and passions over women. So I automatically avoid chicks during the weekdays.
I value my passions and hobbies over everything else. So I automatically only check
text once a day. People respect my time and feel like the sun is shining on them when I focus on them. This is called value.
All Value is self produced. You create your own VALUE. By valuing yourself. This will skip over everyone's heads.
Women don't have the luxury of using their "inner game" to increase their value. They can develop self discipline to work out and increase their sexual value.
But for guys, we are unique in that we are judged on things like PURPOSE, PASSION, AMBITION, etc. So you can literally print your own value and status to people.
ALL ATTRACTION is backwards rationalization. People react to you based on how you express yourself. Do you express yourself as a high value person? Or a total aimless loser? This is something you have TOTAL CONTROL over.
This is why female to male attraction is so unique (and confusing). It is not as simple as be handsome and nothing else.
Women judge you on how much you value yourself.
If you valued yourself, you would not be available to people 24/7.
ALL GAME is backwards engineering what high value guys do.
So just be high value. And value your time. And put all of your focus on your passions and hobbies in life. And place everything and everyone else as SECONDARY. This is how you express yourself as a high value alpha male.
Everything and everyone is secondary to my purpose and passions in life. This is the mindset of a Don Juan.