Got bored and took a scroll through her Facebook messages, just to see if there's any reason to permanently cut this off. Firstly, I'm undecided if I should use her for sex since I don't even know if I want to see her. She is toxic as fvck.
Secondly, let this be a lesson to all men here: women fvcking lie. I was not super attached to this girl, but she seemed super into me and like a genuine sweetheart. I don't believe she was seeing anyone behind my back in our city, but she did in her hometown. Here's a list of lies:
1. Went to Italy in the spring for school. Was with her boyfriend (in America). Has messages telling beta looking guys she has a boyfriend. Has messages telling hot Italian dudes she's horny. Claims she has never cheated on a man. Could be true, she could have cut it off with him while away. Could be a lie. At this point, it doesn't even matter.
2. Told me she spent Thanksgiving with a close female friend. Went to her ex-boyfriend's.
3. Told me she only saw her ex at a gas station. Went to his house at 5:30am Friday morning. His messages at about 7am talked about her scent on his body. I don't know if they actually fvcked given the rest of the content, seems like they cuddled, but oh well. He knew she was fvcking me. He's a cuck, but I guess I am too now. At least I didn't know about it and put my foot down. I fvcking ate her out this morning, too. At least he seems like a pvssy and I doubt he's been screwing other chicks gicen how needy he seems with her.
4. Not only talks to her ex, but they also express love for one another and he's sorry for drinking too much and a whole bunch of other crap. She tells him she's trying really hard to fix this, meanwhile playing me.
5. When we met, claimed she had 5 sexual partners. Let this slide, knew it was a lie from the way she sucked ****. As far as I know, she has had 20+ partners.
6. Told me the lie about Tinder, with her and her friend using it.
7. Claimed she slept with two men between her ex and me and that they weren't together over the summer. Just perusing these messages, she has at least sexted with about five guys. Over Facebook. This doesn't even include her Tinder, Snapchat, or texts.
Fortunately I spent a total of maybe $10 on her, I made her buy everything. And at this point, even if she somehow managed to "earn" her exclusivity back, she has told so many lies that trust is utterly destroyed. I have lied to so many women. It's honestly easier not to and just be up front. If they ask if I've cheated, I say yes. I learned from hurting my ex. Wouldn't do it again. But some women seem incapable of learning. I likewise never judge women I'm seeing on sexual history until I have a reason to. Rather date a beautiful girl that screwed 15 guys and knows how to fvck than a virgin. Might marry the virgin, though.
Don't even know if she's worth smashing for fun. It's funny because this girl seems super well-adjusted and comfortable with life. Everyone thought my ex was BPD. My ex would never have done this. Fortunately a previous plate is down to hang out this week, and another girl wants drinks on Tuesday.
Seriously fvck monogamy. Six months is my new minimum before exclusivity. This site has taught me a lot. I don't buy into TRP, but there are undeniable truths within its philosophy. I feel like this site has a good balance of that + real life. This isn't my first account... been learning from this place since maybe 2013. The old me from 2011-2013 would have been absolutely crushed at this behavior. Now I'm more distraught that pvssy won't be served to me on a platter a couple nights per week until I'm balls deep in plates.