Why beta males cling to Disney fairy tale LTR's


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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I generally enjoy my LTRs and I m getting better at them. I would think that there is a challenge maintaining frame in an ltr. Surely we embrace challenge here?
What are you doing in your LTR's to keep her interest and desire up?


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
Ok the good
Shared interests

The bad - 2 related issues
She s always trying to spend more time together and I sometimes go with the flow
I struggle to socialize enough without her

I m going to work a bit harder on Pursuing my interests during the week. I tend to get tied up in work and leave socializing until the weekend.

I'm also going to switch to high intensity workouts to create a bit more time in the week.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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- Then explain the 75% single mother rate in the black community, where black women are dating, fvcking, and producing babies with men who have no job, no car, no shelter, no nothing?
because women are stupid and their idea of better doesn't necessarily correlate with actually being better.

as in, a woman will dump a beta for an alpha, who then doesn't commit and goes ghost, and it's only after she has neither guy that she'll consider how stupid that was

i had a girl who dumped me to hit on my better looking and more popular friends... none of which wanted anything to do with her for obvious reasons so that plan didn't work out for her at all.

- Explain why in many cases the woman pays for dates and is the breadwinner of the household?
i had a friend in high school, who was always broke 24/7 and owed everyone money, and yet always had a girl who could spare $5 to buy him lunch.

he was charismatic, popular and good looking though, so that made the women very generous.

- Explain why complete and utter fvcking losers can spin plates with multiple women?.
hypergamy only means that she'll always try to get better than what she has, doesn't mean that her idea of better is anyone else's idea of better, nor does it mean that she can't be tricked.

a woman may dump an actual millionaire for a guy pretending to be a billionaire, but she may not realize it til long after he's already gotten laid and gotten out

a man who has no friends and never gets laid can be charismatic enough and have women convinced that he's some sort of superstar master player that everyone loves, if she thinks you are, and you manage to not break that illusion, it's the same as it being true.

finally, never forget to consider what kind of woman is banging some loser thug from the ghetto, he's probably not banging 3 supermodels


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
because women are stupid and their idea of better doesn't necessarily correlate with actually being better.

as in, a woman will dump a beta for an alpha, who then doesn't commit and goes ghost, and it's only after she has neither guy that she'll consider how stupid that was
They may even be oblivious to how stupid it was.

i had a girl who dumped me to hit on my better looking and more popular friends... none of which wanted anything to do with her for obvious reasons so that plan didn't work out for her at all.

i had a friend in high school, who was always broke 24/7 and owed everyone money, and yet always had a girl who could spare $5 to buy him lunch.

he was charismatic, popular and good looking though, so that made the women very generous.
He could've also been targeting women who are more generous. Or are you saying he had selfish hot girls and they would always be coming out of money?

hypergamy only means that she'll always try to get better than what she has, doesn't mean that her idea of better is anyone else's idea of better, nor does it mean that she can't be tricked.

a woman may dump an actual millionaire for a guy pretending to be a billionaire, but she may not realize it til long after he's already gotten laid and gotten out
You know this happens a lot. They drop the real thing for a player.

a man who has no friends and never gets laid can be charismatic enough and have women convinced that he's some sort of superstar master player that everyone loves, if she thinks you are, and you manage to not break that illusion, it's the same as it being true.
As long as she thinks its true it is true

finally, never forget to consider what kind of woman is banging some loser thug from the ghetto, he's probably not banging 3 supermodels
I tell people that SHE RELATES to this "loser thug from the ghetto", in many cases he is the MALE version of HER! That's why she does it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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I think a-lot of people do get together based out of fear, whether it is the fear of being lonely, the fear of not following their life's plan that they originally thought they would (i.e. I'll be married and have kinds when I'm in my 30's), fear of missing out on regular sex with someone they know and are comfortable with, etc.

I think all of those things make people stay together or pursue people for relationships that they otherwise wouldn't instead of taking care of their own business, finding some type of work they find meaningful all the while still going out and trying to date and meet people. This approach would require patience until you find someone you are actually compatible with.

I do, and this is just my personal opinion here, think this forum is a bit too extreme in the lines of thinking that men don't really need women for anything other than sex and production. That may be technically true but I really do think human companionship is very important to one's overall health and mental well being. I think a long term relationship with a woman who you are really compatible with and who really admires you and accepts you as the leader in the relationship is incredibly beneficial to any man.

So while I agree that you don't need women or anybody else in your life for that matter, finding the right types of people you're compatible with and forming long lasting, strong relationships with them is very important, too.

*sits back and waits for Poon King to call me a beta ;)*



Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
They may even be oblivious to how stupid it was.
yeah, but even the dumb ones wisen up eventually lol.

there was a long wrong with her, oh boy... these days i like to pretend that i've never even met or heard of her when she comes up in conversation, admitting to having any prior association with that girl embarasses me these days

He could've also been targeting women who are more generous. Or are you saying he had selfish hot girls and they would always be coming out of money?
as far as i know his only criteria with girls he dated was that they had to be hot and single(which ended up causing problems for him numerous times in various ways), whereas he would have plenty of orbiters(if men can even have those) who aren't hot who would also do things for him. so it's definitely closer to the latter.

it's pretty easy to get a girl to be generous, the hard part is getting a whole bunch of girls to be generous to you regularly lol.

You know this happens a lot. They drop the real thing for a player.
well of course, that's the point of game, and it's also why people say that you don't need money or looks to get girls, there is definitely some truth to that.

As long as she thinks its true it is true
doesn't really work for LTRs though, which i guess is why most game focuses on plates and ONS's

I tell people that SHE RELATES to this "loser thug from the ghetto", in many cases he is the MALE version of HER! That's why she does it.
precisely, i have yet to see a low level drug dealer, gangster, petty thief, etc. banging a supermodel.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
This forum is so fvcking toxic. This anonymous "internet hero" gets cheered on for making post after post (saying the same shyt) when all of his substance is one dimensional and "extreme" as fvck.

The anonymous "internet hero" says that getting into relationships with women provide no security WHATSOEVER, because women are always practicing hypergamy?

- Then explain the 75% single mother rate in the black community, where black women are dating, fvcking, and producing babies with men who have no job, no car, no shelter, no nothing?

- Explain why in many cases the woman pays for dates and is the breadwinner of the household?

- Explain why complete and utter fvcking losers can spin plates with multiple women?

There's no way in hell in 2016, that the vast majority of women are practicing hypergamy, the FACTS just don't align with that shyt. But of course you guys will continue to cheer on the bullshyt that Poon King keeps saying in thread after thread.

I can sum up Poon King's posts in one sentence: Spin plates forever with women or you're a beta fag.got.

He's the "king" of "poon" but never posted one pic of any "poon" he's getting. I will bet money that Poon King is most likely an old, bitter, man. I doubt he's 31. I bet you he's in his 50's.
Hold up, hold up.. I thought you said you were leaving SoSuave and you were not going to respond to anymore of my posts?

You lie more than a sick dog. You hate my posts, yet you can't stop reading them.

I no longer take you seriously. Stop trolling and get a life. As usual.. you bring nothing of value to the discussion.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
you are not going to undo 10,000 years of monogamous society and impulses and culture derived thereof just because of 40 years of a change in circumstances.
Only in your mind was society monogamous. I question why you are so ardent in your admiration for the beta male...Throughout history successful, "alpha" men have never been monogamous. You read the Bible. How many of those God fearing Jewish kings had only one wife?

Even now those "alphas" of the world who do opt for monogamy, only do so on paper, unless it is in their best interests to provide the appearance of complete faithfulness and loyalty - e.g. most world leaders or higher ups in government.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2016
Reaction score
It goes a lot deeper than that. Guys(and girls) need to feel loved. Validated. We think that women are capable of love. We hope that our wife will love us just like our mother did. This illusion is the core of the reason why we get married.

Why did Jay-Z got married for example? Why did tons and tons of millionaires got married when they can **** every other chick? Because they want to feel special. They want to feel loved. We all do. And the matrix tricked us into believing that "if she is willing to marry me, she loves me, and from there - I am special." No, you are not special dummy, it's just her plan all along.

This, and of course, biology.


Jun 23, 2014
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hypergamy only means that she'll always try to get better than what she has, doesn't mean that her idea of better is anyone else's idea of better, nor does it mean that she can't be tricked.

a woman may dump an actual millionaire for a guy pretending to be a billionaire, but she may not realize it til long after he's already gotten laid and gotten out

a man who has no friends and never gets laid can be charismatic enough and have women convinced that he's some sort of superstar master player that everyone loves, if she thinks you are, and you manage to not break that illusion, it's the same as it being true.
But listen you guys can't change the definitions to fit whatever narrative you are looking to push. Hypergamy within the Manosphere has ALWAYS been about women dating UP based on money, status, and power....there's no way a broke, loser, bum, with no car and no place to stay can FAKE having money, status, and power.....yet you see scores of beautiful women with these types of guys ALL DAY LONG.

finally, never forget to consider what kind of woman is banging some loser thug from the ghetto, he's probably not banging 3 supermodels
Again, you and your internet hero "the king of poon" should step out into the real dating world of 2016 sometime. Broke, loser, thugs, with 15,000 felonies, no job, no car, and no shelter..........are banging HB7s and higher, with master's degrees, no kids, good credit, etc.

That's not hypergamy in any form or fashion, what that represents is Feminism to where women are deliberating picking men "lower than themselves" so they can DOMINATE the relationship and DOMINATE the dating environment with said man.

Again, you do not have to take my word on it because unlike "the king of poon" I actually bring in evidence to back up everything I say. So here's what I want you to do:

- Go out and date 10 single mothers

- Ask the 10 single mothers about the "status" of their baby father

- About 7 of them will describe their baby father as being a broke, loser, thug, deadbeat dude.

Go do this and you will see for yourself that women of 2016 are not practicing any type of hypergamy whatsoever. This forum is toxic, one-dimensional, OUT OF TOUCH, and only a place where old, bitter, men like "the king of poon" can come and spread his hatred religious cult-like shyt about women and "beta fag.gots" all day.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
- Then explain the 75% single mother rate in the black community, where black women are dating, fvcking, and producing babies with men who have no job, no car, no shelter, no nothing?
Because their natural hypergamy is protected by the government. Hypergamy isn't about who women fvck, it's about what man can provide the most social value and material support... fvcking is just the way to keep the men hooked. Now I'm going to toss out some hard truth.... Black women have low SMV... sorry it's true, their options are limited... the Government can actually provide more to them than any man they could typically get. Black men have to compete with the Government on who can provide the most in terms of resources and Black men will typically loose that battle. So in the twisted urban society today, social value is determined by who is the biggest bad @ss... The ability to provide resources is not relevant to the urban poor female, because the Government has that covered. Feminism and hypergamy is the principle cause of what is happening in the Black community in the US. Single mothers are proof positive that women are not capable of doing ANYTHING on their own without making a mess of things. All these Black women are doing is raising generation after generation of single moms and criminals.

- Explain why in many cases the woman pays for dates and is the breadwinner of the household?
Because men today are more insistent that the woman put at least some effort in the dating process. Besides, often women will pay for dates to eliminate her need for reciprocity.

- Explain why complete and utter fvcking losers can spin plates with multiple women?
I'll answer that question with a question. Why do men continue to chase young beautiful women that are complete idiots and treat them like garbage? Men and women are different, men are attracted to youth and beauty: Women are attracted to strength, confidence, self-control, and resources. We can not help but be drawn to hot young women: they can not help but be attracted to confidence, self-control, and men that make them work for attention. While the confident, challenging loser with no money and no future, might get women attracted to them for awhile, they can not keep them, but the confident loser has figured out that none of that matters, because as women leave... more arrive. And they just get to fvck new women.

There's no way in hell in 2016, that the vast majority of women are practicing hypergamy, the FACTS just don't align with that shyt. But of course you guys will continue to cheer on the bullshyt that Poon King keeps saying in thread after thread.
I do not recall anyone saying all women are practicing hypergamy.... but it is their natural biological tendency. Women can fight their biology, but doing so makes them unhappy.... unless they are convinced they can not do any better.... but unless she believes you will walk out and leave her if she miss-behaves then it will only get worst. None of this ends unless her SMV drops below your perceived SMV.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
The question was: why do BETA men still opt for the LTR.

As far as your argument, it is this: https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/tools/lp/Bo/LogicalFallacies/88/Fallacy-of-Composition
I think you need to reread the definition you just posted. Unless you think you can successfully argue that the majority of powerful men with choice (the power, status and resources to fvck multiple women continuously) have historically opted for extended monogamy then your argument doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Betas through fear, indoctrination and weakness, don't really have a choice in the matter.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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When I was younger and way more hornier living with a woman made more sense because of the close access to poon. Now that I am older with less drives and easier access to women it makes less sense. I think divorced men with children have no business pursuing LTRs at all.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
But listen you guys can't change the definitions to fit whatever narrative you are looking to push. Hypergamy within the Manosphere has ALWAYS been about women dating UP based on money, status, and power....there's no way a broke, loser, bum, with no car and no place to stay can FAKE having money, status, and power.....yet you see scores of beautiful women with these types of guys ALL DAY LONG.

Again, you and your internet hero "the king of poon" should step out into the real dating world of 2016 sometime. Broke, loser, thugs, with 15,000 felonies, no job, no car, and no shelter..........are banging HB7s and higher, with master's degrees, no kids, good credit, etc.

That's not hypergamy in any form or fashion, what that represents is Feminism to where women are deliberating picking men "lower than themselves" so they can DOMINATE the relationship and DOMINATE the dating environment with said man.
They have a little game they play. The align their mentality with these leeches and broke men... They will use them for sex. Then the guys who are strong earners they will dangle carrots and feed crumbs, while getting what they need financially and in other ways. Having the "bum" in the equation makes them feel better about it all.

Again, you do not have to take my word on it because unlike "the king of poon" I actually bring in evidence to back up everything I say. So here's what I want you to do:

- Go out and date 10 single mothers

- Ask the 10 single mothers about the "status" of their baby father

- About 7 of them will describe their baby father as being a broke, loser, thug, deadbeat dude.

Go do this and you will see for yourself that women of 2016 are not practicing any type of hypergamy whatsoever. This forum is toxic, one-dimensional, OUT OF TOUCH, and only a place where old, bitter, men like "the king of poon" can come and spread his hatred religious cult-like shyt about women and "beta fag.gots" all day.
I disagree. They will have a reliable orbiter who is good at fixing things in the house and the car and he will get no puzzy.

Then another guy, like you said with the "thug" look, who doesn't work or works partially that she uses for sex.

Then the other guy who she fakes as a boyfriend but only uses is financially sound, stable, mature, but she dangles him with carrots and feeds him crumbs in return. She aligns herself with the "leech" thug because that's what she is doing.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
This forum is so fvcking toxic. This anonymous "internet hero" gets cheered on for making post after post (saying the same shyt) when all of his substance is one dimensional and "extreme" as fvck.

The anonymous "internet hero" says that getting into relationships with women provide no security WHATSOEVER, because women are always practicing hypergamy?

- Then explain the 75% single mother rate in the black community, where black women are dating, fvcking, and producing babies with men who have no job, no car, no shelter, no nothing?

- Explain why in many cases the woman pays for dates and is the breadwinner of the household?

- Explain why complete and utter fvcking losers can spin plates with multiple women?

There's no way in hell in 2016, that the vast majority of women are practicing hypergamy, the FACTS just don't align with that shyt. But of course you guys will continue to cheer on the bullshyt that Poon King keeps saying in thread after thread.

I can sum up Poon King's posts in one sentence: Spin plates forever with women or you're a beta fag.got.

He's the "king" of "poon" but never posted one pic of any "poon" he's getting. I will bet money that Poon King is most likely an old, bitter, man. I doubt he's 31. I bet you he's in his 50's.
Women need to provide for their kids. How women do this is by extracting resources from men. Men are superior to women in the sense that we are much physically and mentally tougher than women when it comes to work (resources). Many black men tend to be degenerates in society so they cannot provide for their family. Therefore the woman must provide for herself. Women CAN provide for themselves, but it is best if they don't. They age SO much more quickly if they do, and then they tend to latch onto other men SUPER quickly in an attempt to settle down (and slow the aging). Complete losers can spin plates because FVCKING women is different from keeping them and being in a committed reltionship with them. They engage their primal instincts and know how to activate women's too. It started from a young age where these men built their social skills to understand that. Yours are lacking.

Look, everyone knows that you cannot be 100% dominant and leading all the time and expect to keep women. Women want security in men to be sure they have a full hold on him to be able to extract resources from him, hence why over time they try to break men down. It is up to you to understand when to act strong and when to give in a little if you want to be IN A RELATIONSHIP. Female hypergamy has always existed. People just never knew about it, and still don't. The rich women in the days before the French Revolution acted the same way towards men as the average American female does now.

Now quit trying to indignify others and leave already. You lost all credibility because you said you would leave this place and you still cannot. What's the matter with you?


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Because their natural hypergamy is protected by the government. Hypergamy isn't about who women fvck, it's about what man can provide the most social value and material support... fvcking is just the way to keep the men hooked. Now I'm going to toss out some hard truth.... Black women have low SMV... sorry it's true, their options are limited... the Government can actually provide more to them than any man they could typically get. Black men have to compete with the Government on who can provide the most in terms of resources and Black men will typically loose that battle. So in the twisted urban society today, social value is determined by who is the biggest bad @ss....
They have a little game they play. The align their mentality with these leeches and broke men... They will use them for sex. Then the guys who are strong earners they will dangle carrots and feed crumbs, while getting what they need financially and in other ways. Having the "bum" in the equation makes them feel better about it all.
I'm sorry but you guys continue to change definitions to fit whatever narrative you are pushing. Hypergamy has ALWAYS been about a woman dating "up" a social class, now all of a sudden Hypergamy includes a woman dating "down" in a social class if the guy she's dating down has good social skills or something?

What is the damn definition of Hypergamy guys? You guys remind me of the Black Lives Matter folks who changed the definition of what "racism" is, to fit whatever narrative they are pushing.

To me, hypergamy is DEAD. And I'm not saying that from my keyboard jockey, internet guru armchair theory.....I'm saying that based on actual life experiences of black, white, latino, etc., women who in MASS are fvcking, making babies with, and even MARRYING guys who are broker, slower, stupider, dumber, less kept, and less popular than they are.

From my experience there's a new woman that's in this marketplace, and it's the strong, independent woman who wants to RUN the show. Thugs, losers, deadbeats, broke dudes, etc., are getting deliberately picked in my opinion because a strong, educated, financially well off man will NOT let a woman RUN the show. She will have to pay the stereotypical "submission" role, and far too many of the women in this market are NOT trying to play that role anymore, thus...they deliberately pick a dude that's "below them".

You lost all credibility because you said you would leave this place and you still cannot. What's the matter with you?
- For one that is not what I said. I said I would reduce participation but I would stop back in from time to time, here's the link for your review.

- Secondly, you want to talk about "credibility", yet you sit up here and follow an internet hero who has showed you no pics of himself, no pics of any woman he has, no pics of any fitness progression, no pics of a car, no pics of ANYTHING related to this Alpha lifestyle he supposedly has that us "beta fag.gots" don't measure up to. Yet you want to talk about credibility? Whether you like "Tenacity" or not, at least I've fvcking showed you who I was and what I was about.....unlike the "king of Poon".


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
I'm sorry but you guys continue to change definitions to fit whatever narrative you are pushing. Hypergamy has ALWAYS been about a woman dating "up" a social class, now all of a sudden Hypergamy includes a woman dating "down" in a social class if the guy she's dating down has good social skills or something?
No one is changing the definition of hypergamy... it is a woman's nature biological tendency NOT to be loyal to any one man, because evolution has conditioned her to always be on the look out for the next best option, because to do otherwise would mean her death. They can not help this any more than men are genetically conditions for dominance and competition.

Can women be socially conditioned to not ACT on their hypergamous nature... sure they can. But it is becoming increasing difficult to socially sham women into loyal behavior because our society actually rewards women for acting on their nature.

Is it possible for a man to find a women that will not act on her nature and get into a nice LTR... Sure. But she has to have been socially conditioned to be loyal (good luck finding that in today's America), and her SMV has to be significantly lower than yours... It can be done, but you have to be willing to date down and settle for less than you can get.

But be warned that you can never just relax... you have to be constantly on your guard against you woman's flagging interest. You can never relax, because just as soon as she feels you are no longer meeting her needs and another dude comes along that she believes can you are on your way out... or she will morph into a b!tchy shrew. Truth is this is how many women who have been conditioned for loyalty will act. They turn themselves into wreaks so they will not be tempted by their own nature, then they resent YOU for what they have done.

Man... just go to a restaurant and look at all the married couples you see there... it's pathetic... women that look like holy hell, they are fat and miserable and the man look like they've been drug out and whipped. This IMO is not LTR success.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
No one is changing the definition of hypergamy... it is a woman's nature biological tendency NOT to be loyal to any one man, because evolution has conditioned her to always be on the look out for the next best option, because to do otherwise would mean her death.

But be warned that you can never just relax... you have to be constantly on your guard against you woman's flagging interest.

Man... just go to a restaurant and look at all the married couples you see there... it's pathetic... women that look like holy hell, they are fat and miserable and the man look like they've been drug out and whipped. This IMO is not LTR success.
Insightful post, RangerMike. Pretty much the same observations I'm seeing. I've been realizing based on my past failed relationships, current SMV state and what I'm learning here that it would pointless to get into a LTR right now while still growing and maturing.

I have enough external interests to keep her IL level for a while, yet I do realize there are a lot of other dudes with their financial act put together solid and are thriving in business that makes their SMV higher than mine...

For now (or for a few years) I'll ride her hypergamy train and stick to having fun in STRs. :D