Why beta males cling to Disney fairy tale LTR's


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
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Who gives a sh*t about a woman's biological imperative? If a man behaves according to his, he will win this little game. That is the only possible outcome.
This. A DJ has to be willing to walk away at a moments notice just as much as the plate does, if not more than she is willing to when following her biological imperative.

We DJs got to go beyond scarcity mindset and believe that the work that we're doing within ourselves is setting us up for an abundance mindset. It won't happen over night just like Rome wasn't built in a day, but damm!t the bricks are being laid into the road--so long as we don't give up on improving ourselves, we will succeed in life with women and our individual pursuits that provide meaning to our lives.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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Governments realized that they needed 2 things to survive. Steady tax income from the common people and a steady population growth to keep that steady tax coming in from the capable men that would provide it.

How did the government's of millennias ago achieve this. They created the institution of marriage wrapped it in religion and programmed men and Women that it is a must that you get married.

Step one. Men you can not have sex until you are married. Doing so would violate the religious beliefs the government wrapped their plan in.

Step two. Force all men to pay tax to support the government including moncharcies. Controling the masses and taking a chunk of their finances would keep them working to survive. Make sure man makes just little enough so they have to continue to work for the better part of their lives. Just like our income tax system wad designed to keep us working today.

Step three. The work force won't last forever. The government needed to keep the cash coming in for generations. Forced into marriage men then procereated creating the next generation who are going to pay taxes. Non married men, millennia ago could not have sex.

Creating the institution of marriage was by design to keep the governments and monarchs alive.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Worrying about a woman's imperative above your own is placing her as the prize. It's scarcity and ultimately pathetic.

Any guy concerned with his own sexuality will naturally deal with women just fine. It's about us all going back to a natural state. I had years of feminist nonsense and being called names such as 'commitment phobe' as a teenager - as if something was wrong with me, when everything was right to begin with.

I really don't give much of a sh*t about a woman's imperative anymore. It's useful as an understanding, but I will get what I want.

Her imperative is only important in so much as it fulfills my own.

Always love yourself above any woman.
This is really everything a man needs to know about "game" in a nutshell.

There is a tendency to "over-think" this sh!t and get caught up in the details of different situations. As I've said before.. when you're the "real deal" and you live on your own terms.. everything else falls into place easily and naturally.

Becoming the real deal starts with the right mindset. Even on this site.. I would say 80% of the men here have the wrong mindset. Even when they get past the brainwashing.. most of them are still ruled by FEAR and they fold under pressure because of it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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But listen you guys can't change the definitions to fit whatever narrative you are looking to push. Hypergamy within the Manosphere has ALWAYS been about women dating UP based on money, status, and power....there's no way a broke, loser, bum, with no car and no place to stay can FAKE having money, status, and power.....yet you see scores of beautiful women with these types of guys ALL DAY LONG.
to the first part, just because a woman is dating up doesn't mean she's dating brad pitt, and how do you not know about women who are mad they were "tricked" by guys, women have been falling for acts for decades

to the second part, i absolutely doubt that you're ever going to see thugs with super hot girls, i have never seen that ever, unless the girl is also part of the gang or something(or has a criminal fetish).

Again, you and your internet hero "the king of poon" should step out into the real dating world of 2016 sometime. Broke, loser, thugs, with 15,000 felonies, no job, no car, and no shelter..........are banging HB7s and higher, with master's degrees, no kids, good credit, etc.
no, no they're not. the closest thing to what you're describing is millionaire rappers who bang HB9's all day long

That's not hypergamy in any form or fashion, what that represents is Feminism to where women are deliberating picking men "lower than themselves" so they can DOMINATE the relationship and DOMINATE the dating environment with said man.
isn't that the beta bucks part of the equation?

Again, you do not have to take my word on it because unlike "the king of poon" I actually bring in evidence to back up everything I say. So here's what I want you to do:

- Go out and date 10 single mothers

- Ask the 10 single mothers about the "status" of their baby father

- About 7 of them will describe their baby father as being a broke, loser, thug, deadbeat dude.
they're not single mothers because they're intelligent women who make great decisions, not to mention that most single mothers aren't hot(and almost none of them are quality), except some of the really young ones who got pregnant by accident

my mom is a single mother and my dad is a deadbeat loser thug, my mom is a fat middle aged woman

Go do this and you will see for yourself that women of 2016 are not practicing any type of hypergamy whatsoever. This forum is toxic, one-dimensional, OUT OF TOUCH, and only a place where old, bitter, men like "the king of poon" can come and spread his hatred religious cult-like shyt about women and "beta fag.gots" all day.
why is it everytime you speak about women you sound like you do most of your cold approaching backstage on the maury show?

for the record, most of the girls on shows like maury are not hot


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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From my experience there's a new woman that's in this marketplace, and it's the strong, independent woman who wants to RUN the show. Thugs, losers, deadbeats, broke dudes, etc., are getting deliberately picked in my opinion because a strong, educated, financially well off man will NOT let a woman RUN the show. She will have to pay the stereotypical "submission" role, and far too many of the women in this market are NOT trying to play that role anymore, thus...they deliberately pick a dude that's "below them".
or... a strong independent woman is just code for b!tch and she needs a man not afraid to keep his pimp hand strong to keep her in line


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
For one that is not what I said. I said I would reduce participation but I would stop back in from time to time, here's the link for your review.

- Secondly, you want to talk about "credibility", yet you sit up here and follow an internet hero who has showed you no pics of himself, no pics of any woman he has, no pics of any fitness progression, no pics of a car, no pics of ANYTHING related to this Alpha lifestyle he supposedly has that us "beta fag.gots" don't measure up to. Yet you want to talk about credibility? Whether you like "Tenacity" or not, at least I've fvcking showed you who I was and what I was about.....unlike the "king of Poon".
Oh please, I have reviewed marriages, why they divorce, and the reasons for them as well as why women leave men. Even Pook mentioned how it is surprisingly easy for women to cheat (his very last post on this forum). You do not need very many experiences yourself because you can learn from others (not just online, in real life too). Poon King's credibility is through my own experiences and that of others I have seen. I used to think he was very cynical and almost woman-hating, but now I see that his posts don't attack women, they never have. They state how they are, the secrets of their nature. He tells you to live your life accordingly now having this knowledge. He insults you if you act in spite of it with no logical reasoning and WILLINGLY choose to follow your emotions over your logic, which honestly does make sense. A person who now knows the reason for his mistakes but continues to make mistakes IS an idiot. Choosing to believe whether or not stating the nature of women is an insult is up to you, but personally I don't think so.

And you are pretty much contradicting yourself. You imply that I should put aside whether or not I 'like' you, but you despise Poon King and yet again, hijack another thread. Why? What for? Even if you somehow disprove PK, what can you possibly gain from that? The satisfaction of 'I was right and he is wrong. HA!'? That is so petty dude.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Secondly, you want to talk about "credibility", yet you sit up here and follow an internet hero who has showed you no pics of himself, no pics of any woman he has, no pics of any fitness progression, no pics of a car, no pics of ANYTHING related to this Alpha lifestyle he supposedly has that us "beta fag.gots" don't measure up to. Yet you want to talk about credibility? Whether you like "Tenacity" or not, at least I've fvcking showed you who I was and what I was about.....unlike the "king of Poon".
Your need to "prove yourself" is what makes you a beta.

I don't give a flying f*ck who believes what I say or not because I won't get laid any less if people like you don't believe me. I am simply offering my opinions, wisdom and experiences to others to benefit from. Its your choice to use the information I provide or not.

I'm not going to take "selfies" like a 16-year-old girl so that random men on the Internet believe I'm "credible". I have better things to do and so should you.
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The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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or... a strong independent woman is just code for b!tch and she needs a man not afraid to keep his pimp hand strong to keep her in line
Out of the truly strong independents I've known, none of them were biatches. The ones that I know whom were biatches were never actually strong.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2016
Reaction score
Hypergamy is real and it involves more than just materials/resources. I have banged married chicks that had everything resource wise except their husbands were schlub betas. So in a way that hypergamy was looking for something else, something less bland. It satisfied their hypergamous need for alpha behavior and not so much resources/material items.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2016
Reaction score
To me, hypergamy is DEAD. And I'm not saying that from my keyboard jockey, internet guru armchair theory.....I'm saying that based on actual life experiences of black, white, latino, etc., women who in MASS are fvcking, making babies with, and even MARRYING guys who are broker, slower, stupider, dumber, less kept, and less popular than they are.

From my experience there's a new woman that's in this marketplace, and it's the strong, independent woman who wants to RUN the show. Thugs, losers, deadbeats, broke dudes, etc., are getting deliberately picked in my opinion because a strong, educated, financially well off man will NOT let a woman RUN the show. She will have to pay the stereotypical "submission" role, and far too many of the women in this market are NOT trying to play that role anymore, thus...they deliberately pick a dude that's "below them".
A lot of truth bombs there, but the first part is wrong. Hypergamy is far from dead, but there are many women that don't pursue it, at least for a period of time. As you said, many women chose to date downwards in order to remain in control and dominant. Primal respect for the man goes down the toilet and the guy becomes feminized, but to her being 'right' all the time is more important than being happy — in a sense it is a clinical form of happiness.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2016
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How many more Billion beta males are there than Alphas? Of course alpha males are overwhelmingly not monogamous.
Not really. Being alpha doesn't necessarily mean that you can't be in an exclusive relationship. Imagine an alpha guy and a beta guy, both married, a hot girl hits on them both. The only thing to wonder is if the alpha guy would cheat on his wife because you already know the beta will never turn down this rare opportunity.


Jun 23, 2014
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No one is changing the definition of hypergamy... it is a woman's nature biological tendency NOT to be loyal to any one man, because evolution has conditioned her to always be on the look out for the next best option......
Is it possible for a man to find a women that will not act on her nature and get into a nice LTR... Sure. But she has to have been socially conditioned to be loyal (good luck finding that in today's America), and her SMV has to be significantly lower than yours... It can be done, but you have to be willing to date down and settle for less than you can get.
So let me get this straight.....okay?

Your theory (which matches that of the king of Poon) is that women are ALWAYS looking out for a better option, thus, every man they get with in a relationship is really just a placeholder until the other option comes along? This, according to you, will remain true until her sexual market value drops to nothing or she has been socially conditioned to do otherwise.

That's your theory? Right?

Okay, now here's my question. I can name 20 women off the top of my head from within my family, associates, and social circle that I personally KNOW......who are in relationships with men who are locked up in prison. These men aren't famous, they aren't rich, they don't own any businesses, they don't have any underground businesses, they have NOTHING. And these women are loyal to these men while they are locked up in prison.

If women are always looking for the next best option, then when those men go off to prison, why don't they leave? Your theory cannot stand correct based on these experiences.

I do believe that we as men are mainly "renting" the pvssy rather than owning it, but this entire notion of women always looking for a better option is where I disagree with you.

But be warned that you can never just relax... you have to be constantly on your guard against you woman's flagging interest. You can never relax, because just as soon as she feels you are no longer meeting her needs and another dude comes along that she believes can you are on your way out...
Then Mike.....based on your theory....why in the hell do you enter into a relationship with women in the first place? Why not just date escorts, or solely keep women in a non-relationship facility on a fvck buddy basis only? If this is your theory, then women are far too much of a damn hassle so why even fvcking bother?

Insert here a bunch of endless babble defending Poon King
Listen I don't think PlayHerMan needs you to defend him and if you want to talk about "petty", calling everybody who disagrees with you a beta fag.got is what's petty, that's what your internet hero does every time.


Jun 23, 2014
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to the second part, i absolutely doubt that you're ever going to see thugs with super hot girls, i have never seen that ever, unless the girl is also part of the gang or something(or has a criminal fetish).
Well, with all due respect, either you don't get out much or you are flat out lying for the Sosuave/Manosphere cartoon audience that's watching.

I routinely run across educated women, who are HB7 and higher, smart, classy, well kept, etc......and she's hooked up with some stupid, bum, loser, dusty, THUG, with more felonies than I have degrees (and I have 4 degrees).

It's why I don't believe that women are always looking for the next best option, I have seen women like I just describe remain LOYAL to these piece of shyt dudes for YEARS. Having multiple of their kids, bailing him out of jail, paying his bills, putting his insurance in her name, buying him clothes, buying him food....I can go on and on and on.

I'm not making this shyt up.

why is it everytime you speak about women you sound like you do most of your cold approaching backstage on the maury show?
Because the women you see on those shows actually reflect the majority of women in today's dating market. Because I'm actually out here DATING a lot of women, I'm being exposed to the entire scope of the market as a whole. Not every woman is like this, you will never hear me say that, but the vast majority of women AND MEN for that matter today are completely fvcked up.

or... a strong independent woman is just code for b!tch and she needs a man not afraid to keep his pimp hand strong to keep her in line
Well, let me tell you something. A lot of women run around talking about, "I need a man that can handle me", and I tell that bytch that I didn't sign up to be ZOO KEEPER. You are a grown a.ss adult, bytch you need to handle your self.

Plus with the way the domestic violence laws are today, while you are trying to "keep your woman in line" all it takes is a quick 9-11 dial and you will see very QUICK who is REALLY being kept in line.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
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Trashy black women are now the "entire scope of the market". Tenacity logic at its finest.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
I just don't get it. if all black women r trashy why not try white, Hispanic, Asian, South American or European women. we are talking about the goddamn USA for fcvk sake. it's The Immigrant capital of the world


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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LTR's primarily benefit the woman as women are naturally inclined to exploit male resources for themselves.

Then the question becomes WHY do so many beta males seek security in LTR's with women when such arrangements actually provide no security whatsoever due to female hypergamy?

The answer is perception. Society goes out of its way to convince beta males that LTR's benefit them more than staying single. This is done through social and family pressure to "settle down" along with famous claims like:

  • Happy wife happy life
  • Behind every great man is a great woman
  • You will die lonely and miserable without a woman
  • Married men live longer (correlation does not equal causation)

The false nature of these claims is seen when women say "I don't need a man" in one breath yet find it unsettling when a man stays single for too long.


ALL humans lose incentive to do something when perceived pain is greater than perceived gain. There are no exceptions.

By using fear tactics and social pressure to make the beta male "uncomfortable" with his freedom.. you create a situation where the beta believes LTR's provide him more gain while staying single provides more pain. In reality, women need men more than men need women. Therefore, its important for men to BELIEVE they need women.. otherwise women lose all their power in relationships.

Men "need women" for sex and reproduction. Nothing more. Men who know this enjoy much freer lifestyles and their relationships with women are much more enjoyable as they are not "fear based".

Wake up men. Always check yourself to make sure you're not making FEAR based life choices. Letting fear dictate how you choose to live is gay. Follow logic instead.

It's tradition, there was once a time when Men were in charge, and they ensured that women behaved. If a woman committed adultery both she and the man would be executed. What it ensured was men profited from women and not the reverse.
This practice is stilled carried out in the Middle East.

The issue is not one man one woman (although I am sure that is an issue for you), it is that certain psychological and sociological constructs have been added to society to make it unprofitable for men, whilst those traditions are still upheld.

The solution is not to get yourself an STD, or to end up having sex with as many women as possible, it is to to follow the Anti-Dump method, and then raise your children to be 'alpha'.

All you are doing by being a "poon king" is denying reproductive rights. You may as well be MGTOW - unless you actually plan to have children one day?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
I just don't get it. if all black women r trashy why not try white, Hispanic, Asian, South American or European women. we are talking about the goddamn USA for fcvk sake. it's The Immigrant capital of the world
He didn't say that ALL black women are "trashy". Tenacity's complaints tend to align with the crap that a trashy lady would run you through, definitely not a classy lady. There is "trashy" woman of every nationality and sub group.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Trashy black women are now the "entire scope of the market". Tenacity logic at its finest.
Also.. if you are a man with enough value to engage women of higher social classes then your experiences either "don't count" or you are a lying manosphere cult leader.

Tenacity spends ALL his time dating trash.. then he complains when it stinks.

Just because a woman has a college degree and is "hot" that doesn't mean she's not trash. Tenacity gets manipulated by the woman logic that having a college degree and a good job raises a woman's value lol. Education and class are not the same thing. Any hoodrat can get an education these days.

Tenacity is too emotional to learn much. He is a great example of a man who is paying the price for his own ignorance and lack of foresight.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
He didn't say that ALL black women are "trashy". Tenacity's complaints tend to align with the crap that a trashy lady would run you through, definitely not a classy lady. There is "trashy" woman of every nationality and sub group.
But why entertain trashy hoodrats at all? If a man is that low level that he has no other options but hoodrats then he should be focusing less on poon and more on money, education and power.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Listen I don't think PlayHerMan needs you to defend him and if you want to talk about "petty", calling everybody who disagrees with you a beta fag.got is what's petty, that's what your internet hero does every time.
He doesn't. But that's not the point though. Pointing out hypocrisy on here is. Getting upset at some random stranger on the internet calling you a beta phaggot bothers you. So what you do in return is spam the thread trying to disprove everything everyone says when they agree with him because it makes you feel better when someone you dislike is proven wrong. Bro, you're on the internet. It's not even real life and you are doing this at 33 years old. Come on man.
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