Plenty of guys will marry their "quality woman", and act shocked when she files for divorce too.
Or how about the "quality woman" that monkey swings to another man (had this happen to a friend of mine recently, and had it attempted on me)? Or how about when you start to uncover more of her
real sexual experience, and figure out that she has experimented with lesbian sex (as happened with me recently). Or the "quality woman" that uses mirroring as a dating tactic (
which is gaslighting - and extremely commonplace). Or the myriad of other behaviours that women engage in as par for the course?
When you've gone out with enough women you will start to notice that there are patterns in a woman's sexual behaviour which are very different to those of men. Our culture confuses people by attempting to cover over this. But eventually you will start to figure out that something is "wrong".
What is "wrong" is actually right. It can be looked at and discussed by thousands of people on the internet that all share the same experiences.
Hell, some of the more ruthless game strategies that I've learnt have come from the women in my own life - not men on the internet
Yet, some men hold out hope that there is just that one woman out there that doesn't behave like a woman - "the quality woman unicorn". It's clutching at straws, and I suppose that is what you have to do in order to be crazy enough to actually consider a serious commitment to something like marriage in this century.
However, understanding and accepting this helps you to enjoy their company whilst protecting yourself from their more neurotic and damaging behaviors.