Is NYC just a horrible city for minorities?



personally i'd say that it depends on the why of the situation, it can be racist, but it isn't inherently racist.

for example, as a black guy i don't like black girls, but that's not because i have a thing against black people it's because most of the black girls i've ever met were really ugly, really bitchy or both, that doesn't mean that i would turn down rihanna or nikki minaj

so it's not racist unless you're like, turning down 9.5/10 asians to date 6/10 chubby white chicks
It's still not racist. Racism is an inherent belief in superiority over another. You could just *like* white girls more than Asians, because Asian girls have oily faces, round noses, and a different skin tone that neither black or white people are used to. So you're not attracted to them. Doesn't mean you think they are "genetically inferior"

It's a preference. The boner test is not a conscious choice. Racism usually is.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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It's still not racist. Racism is an inherent belief in superiority over another. You could just *like* white girls more than Asians, because Asian girls have oily faces, round noses, and a different skin tone that neither black or white people are used to. So you're not attracted to them. Doesn't mean you think they are "genetically inferior"

It's a preference. The boner test is not a conscious choice. Racism usually is.
well yeah, what i mean is, it's not racist unless (using asian girls as an example) you just dislike asians, like any asian is automatically unattractive to you because the quality of being asian is something you dislike (like, uniformly not wanting to date all people of X race regardless of merits or qualities would be racist, but most people would make all sorts of exceptions to a "I don't date X" policy)

not liking asian hair isn't racist(girls can do all sorts of things to their hair), not liking asian skin isn't racist(you can be asian without looking asian), etc. basically it's not racist if it has some sort of reason behind it, racism usually isn't based off of things like logic or facts. so if asians are unattractive for a reason to you, it's not racist, if you just don't like any asian at all because asians are inherently gross to you that's racist.

i think not dating a race due to racism is extremely uncommon though, i doubt there are many people out there who'd say no to a girl who was otherwise perfect just because they dislike X race that much, i'm sure the old spice guy could date most girls who don't like black guys

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
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It's still not racist. Racism is an inherent belief in superiority over another. You could just *like* white girls more than Asians, because Asian girls have oily faces, round noses, and a different skin tone that neither black or white people are used to. So you're not attracted to them. Doesn't mean you think they are "genetically inferior"

It's a preference. The boner test is not a conscious choice. Racism usually is.
I think in the case of men, most of the times it isn't so racist because we are usually attracted to what we see. Men are generally attracted to women based on their looks alone and nothing else while women are attracted to men more than just on looks alone.

I think that when men have a preference, it is only based on looks and physical attraction, we don't go for certain races because we aren't attracted to their features. For example, we might just not be attracted to girls with red hair and blue eyes so we don't sleep with them, there is rarely anything more to it.

In the case of women, especially white western women, I think the preference is actually rooted in racism as much as you will disagree with me because you probably don't want white women going interracial.

Women are attracted to men based on what they see in media, "status", and those sorts of things. Tons of white girls get with black guys only because of what Hollywood and media tell them, these same white girls will reject an Asian guy because of the stereotypes in their head and most of the times that is racist IMO. She will automatically think "he's Asian, they ALL have small ****s, no thanks, and they're all weak", so she will reject him.

Let me put it this way, when a white man doesn't want to get with an Asian woman it's because he isn't usually attracted to her features, he could care less of the stereotypes because men don't work that way.

When a white women doesn't want to get with Asian men, it's because she applies racist stereotypes to the guy and ignores him because of it.

Of course, in the end, it doesn't matter because women can get away with being racist, men can't.



Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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So last night I meet a Egyptian cutie (arab) married to a Vietmanese guy (South East).... didn't see indians... but saw black/white/yellow together.

If you let that ''ghetto'' mentality of ''my skin is different that's why you better and I suck'' well you'll be what you believe.

Surprisingly people of ''colours'' who are succesful with other ''colours'' will never complain about ''colour been an issue''.

Why ? Cause they improved their frame, they went for the person they wanted and they got it.... like a dream.

To the guy saying he saw in ''south east asia .... ugly white getting all the girls just by standing at the bar''.... well didn't you know South East Asia is known for having the highest ratio of women with ****s (transgender female).... its a known sexual trip area.

These girls want 1) The money 2) A green card 3) The south east asians are not gaming her or are low quality... its normal to see in poor/tourist areas the tourists having more succcess than the local... cause the girls wanna run away.

Interest is Interest like EyeBRolling, a strong frame will increase your odds, confidence too.

This thread shows your weak frame, lack of confidence... and its like a self-fulfilling prophecies... its show why you don't get other ''ethnic''.

I could say as a white guy I have a harder time with white chicks (and its true lol)... who cares... just go after what you want until you get it


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2015
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The third world
I'm a black non American who visited NYC a few years back before I discovered this site and the red pill.
With my afc/beta ways I managed to bag a Jewish senior vp at a very popular company in NYC.
It was quite an experience. First time I'd ever seen a black card for instance. She paid for everything.
It wouldn't have lasted given my frame at the time and the fact that she was looking to settle down and get married. It was fun tho.
Last I checked she's married now and has a daughter.

Saying all that to say...from my a man in NYC...your options are pretty much endless. I'm not sure about wife material but having fun shouldn't be an issue.
Oct 6, 2016
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Long time New Yorker here and of any city, I have spent the most time running game in NYC out of any other city.

Most minority groups can do well in the city if they have decent looks and good game but I would say that Middle Eastern, Indian, and Pakistani guys should avoid running game in this city. The one group almost everyone hates in NYC are "brown" people that aren't Hispanic, they definitely have it the worst. Even women of their own race don't date them as much, most younger Indian and Middle Eastern girls I knew went interracial and avoided men of their own race.

As for white girls? Never saw it unless the dude looked completely white. The only Middle Eastern guys I knew who were doing well in the city were those that practically looked white to where you would not have even guessed that they were Arab.

I never saw any hot white girls with Indian or Pakistani guys in NYC. Some West Indian dudes did luck out with black women and occasionally Hispanic women but white women? Not a chance!

One of my friends was a decent looking Indian guy from Toronto, we went out to run night game for a few nights. Every single time he would approach girls, he got that look of disgust and the girls would immediately turn away. I mean they did not even wait to hear what he had to say, they just turned away like that. I have never seen any guy get blown out as hard as he did, never.

The one time I did know a couple that involved an Indian dude with this tall hot blonde, they got stared at a lot. Guy was very good looking compared to most Indian men and the woman was a model 10 but people looked at them like they were gross, one of the girls I was out with even said "why is she going with one of those, she can do way better". Both of them were from Chicago so if you're a brown dude with a thing for white girls, Chicago is a better bet than NYC.

NYC is good for black, Hispanic, and these days even Asian guys that have their **** together. On the other hand, brown guys have it really really bad here. I've talked to cute girls in the city that run in the club scene that have said some very racist **** about brown people behind closed doors and tons of brown girls admit that they will never go for a guy of their race.

I've never in my life met an Indian, Pakistani, or Arab dude have success here. In case of Arab dudes though, if they look completely white they can do well but other than that; not a chance.
Oct 6, 2016
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Most Indian and some Asian men I see don't do themselves any favors with the way they dress and carry themselves. The nerd look - khakis, bad shirts, exposed crewneck undershirt, man purse. On the other hand I'm sure Aziz Ansari (actor) would have his pick of women.

The bottom line is NYC is a smorgasboard...not as "cutthroat" as people think. But you'll have better luck playing the percentages.
Maybe because he is famous but as for any Indian guy that looks like him? Not a chance!

Most Indian guys I met in NYC that assimilated and were relatively good looking for their race had a tough time, at least with white girls. A lot of them had to settle for black women or in some cases Asian women, outside of that, no luck.

People really don't like brown folks there, especially not right now. Most Middle Eastern, Indian, and Pakistani guys I knew put a lot of effort into the game but they struggled like no other.

Black, Asian, and Hispanic men in the city have a niche and group of women open to dating them, brown guys not as much.

That being said, I do have an Indian friend that moved to Florida (hope he is okay lol!) a few years ago, he is getting hot white girls way out of his league there while in NYC he would have been lucky to land a white girl that is a 6.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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Maybe because he is famous but as for any Indian guy that looks like him? Not a chance!
wouldn't resembling a celebrity be a good thing for your game?


Oct 20, 2006
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What?? I once counted 188 straight non-whites walking along Queens Boulevard - as my tax dollars paid to subsidize every one of them.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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What?? I once counted 188 straight non-whites walking along Queens Boulevard - as my tax dollars paid to subsidize every one of them.
You really counted that? Is there a reason why you are racist? Did you have bad experiences? Or you just found stormfront?

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
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Ya, I have to somewhat agree with the guy that said white girls in the city don't like brown dudes too much. I am Asian and have relatives there, even Asian guys I've known who have dated cute white girls have said that a lot of them (especially the hot blonde types that brown guys just love) hate Indian, Pakistani, and Middle Eastern guys.

Brown guys seem to have a very bad reputation in NYC and are just seen as the lowest of the low there. I think it might have to do with the fact that it is a heavily liberal area in terms of politics (we know the liberals don't exactly love brown people too much) which means a lot more women buying into the feminism talks, well, brown guys do come from cultures that feminists see as being the most oppressive towards women.

That said, I did meet a couple of Indian guys there who were dating Asian girls, black girls, and latinas. One I knew managed to have a good bit of luck with white girls from Europe who were staying in NYC and not too status conscious.

It can be done but there is definitely a lot of dislike towards brown men in the city.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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Brown guys seem to have a very bad reputation in NYC and are just seen as the lowest of the low there. I think it might have to do with the fact that it is a heavily liberal area in terms of politics (we know the liberals don't exactly love brown people too much) which means a lot more women buying into the feminism talks, well, brown guys do come from cultures that feminists see as being the most oppressive towards women.
no, conservatives don't like brown people

liberals are the ones who call you racist for not liking brown people(though many will be deeply hypocritical about it).


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Women who don't like me aren't even on my radar. Move on. There's 23 million people in Metro NYC, which means at least 12 million women. You couldn't date em all if you tried. Find a new chick. NYC is THE place for spinning plates.