Is NYC just a horrible city for minorities?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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What you did there was discriminate against white males, so you negated your own sentence before you even finished it. And by the way, before you spout your black supremacist talking point, yes you can be racist. Racism has nothing to do with power.

And they're intelligent to do so. Smart people profile in different situations. It could save your life.

Women profiling black people has to do with black people committing a disproportionate amount of robbery, not racism. I profile Muslims at airports because Muslims commit 73% of airline hijackings. Guess what? I profile shifty, glassy eyed white dudes in movie theaters and around schools. The problem is you're paranoid about your race because you yourself are a racist.

And the bold was your second racist statement in one post.

A lie.

Minorities have had a red carpet rolled out for them for 60 years. Some minorities prove to not need it, and for others nothing is ever enough. Meanwhile, white males are wise to avoid certain sections on job applications that are designed to discriminate against them.

Hey @Danger , get a load of this one - a new resident anti white racist!
You're right. Hot white women love Indian guys and would dump their white BF just to get with one. My bad bro!


You're right. Hot white women love Indian guys and would dump their white BF just to get with one. My bad bro!
Allergic to facts? Couldn't answer any point I made, so you tried a little comedy and failed. Nicely done bro!
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You're right. Hot white women love Indian guys and would dump their white BF just to get with one. My bad bro!
And another thing tool, there is nothing - zero , zilch racist about preferring to date within your own race. I like white women most. Tenacity has been clear he only likes black girls. There's nothing wrong with this.

So until you start getting on black and Indian women for not dating white men in droves, shut your racist yap.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Does this just apply to black guys or to all minorities?
It applies to all men. If you are clean cut, have a good job, and a good physique, you will pull women of all races. Women's attraction crosses racial lines all the time. I know an Indian dude, lawyer, not even that tall (5'9) but he's built and he can't keep white chicks off him. I know a Muslim dude who pulls white chicks just the same.

I used to think I couldn't pull white chicks until I realized I wasn't trying. It's harder to pull white women online because they can screen easier by race. In person it is a whole different ballgame. Attraction isn't a choice. Put yourself out there, upgrade your wardrobe, finances, and physique and you have all the options you could want. Do you not see all the single women crawling around NYC?! It's loaded with em.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
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It applies to all men. If you are clean cut, have a good job, and a good physique, you will pull women of all races. Women's attraction crosses racial lines all the time. I know an Indian dude, lawyer, not even that tall (5'9) but he's built and he can't keep white chicks off him. I know a Muslim dude who pulls white chicks just the same.

I used to think I couldn't pull white chicks until I realized I wasn't trying. It's harder to pull white women online because they can screen easier by race. In person it is a whole different ballgame. Attraction isn't a choice. Put yourself out there, upgrade your wardrobe, finances, and physique and you have all the options you could want. Do you not see all the single women crawling around NYC?! It's loaded with em.
Indian and Muslim dudes pulling hot white girls in NYC, now I've heard it all!

Good on them though.

I agree with online dating though lately, I've been getting more white matches.


Don Juan
Jul 31, 2016
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NYC is becoming increasingly upper class as the city gets more expensive and a lot of neighborhoods are going through gentrification.

Another factor is a lot of people from the mid-west are moving in and bringing their culture with them. Its not the "mixing pot" it used to be in some ways. Still very diverse racially, but not as economically diverse as the 80's and 90's.

Still its one of the best cities for minorities IMO as long as you have something going for you. That's the thing in NYC. Its about money, power and status OR being a thug/bad boy/hipster/druggie/artist. The ratio in NYC is great though. More women than men. But most of these hoes are happy to share a 40 year old investment banker rather than date some nerd or average Joe. NYC is not a good city to be "normal" unless you've very good looking. You need to stand out in some way or b!tches think you're boring. NYC b!tches crave excitement. Most of them are hoes.

I often say that all women care about is what you can do for them. In NYC this is even more obvious and the women don't even try to hide it like in other cities. Being a minority is not an issue. Being boring is an issue.

Just spin plates. Its a great sport f*cking city.
You make me feel like complete ****.

I live in NYC all my life and the only relationship I've ever had was a long distance relationship. I feel intimidated by the girls here simply because they are too stuck up and have a hollywood mentality. You can get harshly rejected here as ive seen many time with so many different guys.

It seems like I'm just a bad apple, I'm literally in the best city to date and I'm here still trying to get some respect for myself and knowledge that I'm not even sure i'll ever use since my confidence wont allow me to pursue any girls here.

I feel stuck.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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You make me feel like complete ****.

I live in NYC all my life and the only relationship I've ever had was a long distance relationship. I feel intimidated by the girls here simply because they are too stuck up and have a hollywood mentality. You can get harshly rejected here as ive seen many time with so many different guys.

It seems like I'm just a bad apple, I'm literally in the best city to date and I'm here still trying to get some respect for myself and knowledge that I'm not even sure i'll ever use since my confidence wont allow me to pursue any girls here.

I feel stuck.
You need some puzzy. Build up your confidence and feed your needs enough that you don't need any of them. Over time these rejections won't bother you and you will actually break thru on some of these stuck up b1tches.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
You make me feel like complete ****.

I live in NYC all my life and the only relationship I've ever had was a long distance relationship. I feel intimidated by the girls here simply because they are too stuck up and have a hollywood mentality. You can get harshly rejected here as ive seen many time with so many different guys.

It seems like I'm just a bad apple, I'm literally in the best city to date and I'm here still trying to get some respect for myself and knowledge that I'm not even sure i'll ever use since my confidence wont allow me to pursue any girls here.

I feel stuck.
Then improve while spinning plates.

It's so simple it's infuriating to see guys reject the advice (you've been on this site login enough to know what you actually need to do) and then complain when their life circumstances remain the same.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
You make me feel like complete ****.

I live in NYC all my life and the only relationship I've ever had was a long distance relationship. I feel intimidated by the girls here simply because they are too stuck up and have a hollywood mentality. You can get harshly rejected here as ive seen many time with so many different guys.
NYC is a type-A alpha city. If you're on your beta **** you'll get eaten alive. Be direct and decisive at all times. **** or get off the ****ing pot. The next person is right next to you waiting for their shot.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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It applies to all men. If you are clean cut, have a good job, and a good physique, you will pull women of all races. Women's attraction crosses racial lines all the time. I know an Indian dude, lawyer, not even that tall (5'9) but he's built and he can't keep white chicks off him. I know a Muslim dude who pulls white chicks just the same.

I used to think I couldn't pull white chicks until I realized I wasn't trying. It's harder to pull white women online because they can screen easier by race. In person it is a whole different ballgame. Attraction isn't a choice. Put yourself out there, upgrade your wardrobe, finances, and physique and you have all the options you could want. Do you not see all the single women crawling around NYC?! It's loaded with em.
Some guys have it much harder though. I've been working out for 16 years and still am really skinny. In the meantime I know some black guys who eat McDonald's and don't work out and they are super buff. Getting laid is more about your genetics than anything else, but anyway. Knowing "some minority" who pulls doesn't prove anything. I could say I know some guy who was homeless and became a millionaire, but it will never happen to a majority of homeless people.

As I get older I realize the need for guys to know who they are and use targeted game. In NYC which is cutthroat competitive in everything you will have a hard time as a minority unless you're making 10 million a year on Wall Street. But women in the South on average are less racist and gold digging. I don't even like most women in NYC because they are just like what Poon King describes - gold digging drama queens. But southern women are much better behaved and less judgmental.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Some guys have it much harder though. I've been working out for 16 years and still am really skinny. In the meantime I know some black guys who eat McDonald's and don't work out and they are super buff. Getting laid is more about your genetics than anything else, but anyway. Knowing "some minority" who pulls doesn't prove anything. I could say I know some guy who was homeless and became a millionaire, but it will never happen to a majority of homeless people.
Anyone can gain weight. You need to eat more and lift more. I'm an ectomorph also, and gained 15 lbs of solid muscle in a year. No excuses.

As I get older I realize the need for guys to know who they are and use targeted game. In NYC which is cutthroat competitive in everything you will have a hard time as a minority unless you're making 10 million a year on Wall Street. But women in the South on average are less racist and gold digging. I don't even like most women in NYC because they are just like what Poon King describes - gold digging drama queens. But southern women are much better behaved and less judgmental.
This is a flat out false statement. For one, half the women under 35 in NYC are not even from NYC. It is a city of transplants. You're making up excuses.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
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I think
Some guys have it much harder though. I've been working out for 16 years and still am really skinny. In the meantime I know some black guys who eat McDonald's and don't work out and they are super buff. Getting laid is more about your genetics than anything else, but anyway. Knowing "some minority" who pulls doesn't prove anything. I could say I know some guy who was homeless and became a millionaire, but it will never happen to a majority of homeless people.

As I get older I realize the need for guys to know who they are and use targeted game. In NYC which is cutthroat competitive in everything you will have a hard time as a minority unless you're making 10 million a year on Wall Street. But women in the South on average are less racist and gold digging. I don't even like most women in NYC because they are just like what Poon King describes - gold digging drama queens. But southern women are much better behaved and less judgmental.
Buy some weight gainer online. I worked out consistently for the first time this year and put on a good 20 lbs after hovering around 140 lbs for about a decade.

You are blaming your race so I am not sure that anyone can help you. I will say that it is counter-intuitive imo to think that the largest, highly liberal, most diverse city in the world is closed-minded and based off of race. Yes, there are people who are racist and stick to their race, but if there is anywhere where you are more likely to be seen as a real person and not a stereotype or a novelty, I'd have to say NYC is it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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I can't believe all this. I've lived in NYC 17 years and I think it's a great town for pulling chicks. Why? It's got every kind:

- Stuck-up gold diggers if you've got money
- Glamor wh0res if you're working in entertainment and have connections, or perform
- Sex & The City wannabes
- Young hipsters/artists
- Immigrants - get out of Manhattan and find a non-American with an accent. Latina, Polish, Russian, African, Caribbean, Asian, Indian...many of whom are far less bytchy
- College girls
- Club goers
- Bar flies
- Cougars
- Swingers
- Escorts

The great thing is it's a sea of people on every block. 8.5 million in city proper, 20 million metro. By comparison, if you live in Minnesota, there are about 5 million people in the state.

The key is finding your niche. I just don't do well with the first three on the list. Not my type and my game doesn't match up well with them. The next three, especially immigrants, are my forte and also what I like.

As for the OP's post, I'll agree it's somewhat easier for whites to pull whites. But I've seen couples of every combination. BUT, keep in mind, women consider socio-economics more than men. So a black or Indian guy will have to be working a plum job, dress well, speak the Queen's English, etc., to pull a white girl of similar or lesser stock. A poor black could date a poor grubby white, etc. Obviously we men don't care so much what a girl does for a living, short of the flesh trade. And I do think that Indian and Asian men have the hardest challenge dating outside their race, but in NYC there are so many people, it can happen if one tries.

Most Indian and some Asian men I see don't do themselves any favors with the way they dress and carry themselves. The nerd look - khakis, bad shirts, exposed crewneck undershirt, man purse. On the other hand I'm sure Aziz Ansari (actor) would have his pick of women.

The bottom line is NYC is a smorgasboard...not as "cutthroat" as people think. But you'll have better luck playing the percentages.
NYC is really big but I'm most familiar with Manhattan. There everyone seems to be in a rush and it is difficult to meet single women unless you're at a bar. Since it is so expensive the girls go for the rich white investment bankers.

I'm not saying it's bad for everyone. For good looking muscular guys who have money, they will love it cause they will have a different women in bed every night. Of course they will have a great time. But just like Poon King said women only care about what you can do for them, so I guess if you're not very good looking I guess you can beta buck there and get women.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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Omg. This is such a loser OP threat. I am sure it's the same guy using 3 account here.

Let's make it clear... I am a white male, business man. I've banged: indian,asian,arabs,persians, etc... jewish,christian,muslim,hindu..

The easiest lays were American girls.

I am from Canada... I tried hiting on my ethnicities.. sometimes I would get "you are not "arab/persian/libanese/turk/christian etc" from girls.

The truth is this: A male can attract any colours/religions/background if he got strong frame,humour,confidence.

Sure, there is more "white success" in certains places BECAUSE THERE IS MORE WHITE PEOPLE around.

You wanna be a man? Build your frame, build your confidance, build your pickup skills, get a place, a car, a career...but above all A PASSION.

Do you know how white girls love arabs guys? Especially French ones.

They love exotics.. like we all love to travel and live.

I am sick and tired of reading/seeing post about "your color is better than mine that's why I suck"

Be a man, stop complaining do something about it. Your ghetto mentality is killing you and wasting our time.

So what you gonna do about it?


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2008
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Southern California
Sure, there is more "white success" in certains places BECAUSE THERE IS MORE WHITE PEOPLE around.
Nope, wrong. I traveled to SE Asia, went to a local salsa club. The people who danced and actually had fun were local folks, guys and girls. The tourists lonely white dudes just sat there at the bar, drinking, didnt even talk, dance, or even tried to participate, just being white. In America, these guys would be boring and creepy as ****.

What did the local girls do after dancing? Went back to the stationary white dudes. Zero game.

Pretty sure its harder for the local guys to game their own women, while these white dudes just sit there. I dont envy them as I think many of these women are fugly, but you can see the preferential treatment.
May 26, 2013
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I hate both polarizing thoughts on this thread.

One is the race whining, at one point this victim mentality gets way too much. I mean yes, race definitely matters and as someone who used to whine about it a ton, I eventually got over it and stopped feeling so sorry for myself. Now I cannot deal with whiny brown guys for the life of me, mainly because them whining so much made me somewhat paranoid about race a while back.

Skinnyguy is whining about race but then complains that he is skinny, well **** genius, maybe the skinny part has to do with it too right? It's like 5'4 Asian guys blaming everything on race, yes lets pretend like 5'4 white guys are being treated like Brad Pitt. I mean there really is no helping these people sometimes, their victim mentality is so bad that even guys want to avoid hanging out with them for too long. These people are like black holes that suck the life out of the room and now everyone wants to get as far away from them as possible, it truly is frustrating to hear them spread their poison.

The other is the whole "just forget about your race, be alpha, and you'll get women" type of nonsense so many white guys throw around. Race does matter, hate it or love it, and as a minority the location you pick matters even more than it would for a white guy. I've been in areas where it was common to see guys of minority groups having success while in other areas, it was unheard of.

We just can't have a decent conversation about this sort of stuff sometimes because on the other side you have white guys who are either oblivious to the importance of race or don't really want guys of minority groups to have success in the game.
May 26, 2013
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I will share my experiences visiting NYC and knowing New Yorkers, just to stay relevant to the thread.

I do get the feeling that NYC might not be a good place for Asian and especially any kind of brown guy. The people I knew from up there would point out my race (Indian) the second they met me and tell me about how they visited India, love curry, and had an Indian friend in college. Never mind the fact that I was born in the USA!

A few guys I knew from up there seemed a bit shocked when I spent times with girls of other races, normally pointing out things like "I didn't know Indians dated interracial" or "you know girls don't really like Indians all that much man". A lot of these guys happened to be from minority groups themselves as well but some were also white.

The Indian and Asian girls I knew from the area also seemed to hate men of their own race, this isn't something I noticed in other parts of the country.

I got the impression that people up there just cared more about race than in other areas and wonder if it rubs off on the girls too. Like in other areas such as the south, west, and midwest; the people I met wanted to know me as a person first but with New Yorkers it was more "oh you're Indian, you're like every single Indian I ever knew!" type of mentality.

Hard to really get a good picture of how well an Indian guy can do there since most Indian guys are a far cry from high value. You have the FOBs who creep girls out with their game most of the time and then you have the westernized Indian guys who aren't all that special themselves; they're usually low self-esteem dudes whose confidence has been wrecked by overbearing Indian parents that will never be proud of them no matter what they do.

The one good thing about NYC here could be the countless amounts of transplants.

I would think that while local women would hate brown guys, a lot of women moving there from other parts of the country would be more down with it. Maybe try running game on them instead of your typical Manhattan socialite.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Local women in NYC don't hate brown or black guys. Step up your game and stop making excuses. I'm a short black guy and I have more options in NYC than I know what to do with


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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And another thing tool, there is nothing - zero , zilch racist about preferring to date within your own race. I like white women most. Tenacity has been clear he only likes black girls. There's nothing wrong with this.

So until you start getting on black and Indian women for not dating white men in droves, shut your racist yap.
personally i'd say that it depends on the why of the situation, it can be racist, but it isn't inherently racist.

for example, as a black guy i don't like black girls, but that's not because i have a thing against black people it's because most of the black girls i've ever met were really ugly, really bitchy or both, that doesn't mean that i would turn down rihanna or nikki minaj

so it's not racist unless you're like, turning down 9.5/10 asians to date 6/10 chubby white chicks