There's nothing wrong with love, or feeling love. If you don't feel any emotions you're probably dead. But men have to control their emotions, they can't be controlled by their emotions. Like Desdinova said, you shouldn't let your emotions run too hot, shouldn't let yourself be "head over heels", because that is probably a form of self delusion anyway.
Good point. The majority of men will always have to be betas. Everybody can't be leaders. Even if every man was scratching and clawing to get into that top 10%, by definition only one out of 10 will make it.
On the other hand, there is no reason a guy has to be a chump. I've always said, even betas should be able to handle their women. But this last generation or two seems to have forgotten their masculinity, for various reasons.
If you have taken the red pill so to speak, and you come out of it hating women because of it, then i have to really question if you truly understand what the red pill is in the first place.
Why would you hate something for being exactly what they are? My dog ****s on the floor. I scold him but do I hate his guts? No because he's
a ****ing dog. That's what dogs do. They **** on floors when they have to ****. He doesn't care that this is a place where people **** and watch TV and crawl on the floor and stuff like that, he has to ****, here's a hard surface, boom, **** on floor.
Saying you took the red pill, then saying that you hate women is like saying you took a dog training course on how to train your dog and understand your dog better, then at the end of it, despising your dog for ****ting on the floor when that's what he's genetically programmed to do. You didn't despise your dog when you wanted to learn more about it you just wanted him to not **** on the floor. now when dogs **** on the floor you despise them. That's akin to red pill think.
Zekko hit the nail on the head. The Red Pill has very little to do with women in the first place. Red Pill in it's simplest form is about male masculinity, finding it, accepting it , embracing it. Red pill is about seeing through the shenanigans when you see everyone on TV tripping over themselves to appease women and knowing you know what, if i don't agree with a woman or if you think a woman is an idiot, tell her. I saw a question one day on okcupid while ****ing around "which is worse, a starving child or an abused animal" and 3 of the 4 answers had equated a starving child with an abused animal. That's 100% blue pill women think ****. Really? An abused animal is probably going to eat eaten anyway lol. You'd think that's the ultimate abuse. So I can put an animal on a grill and eat it but i just can't not feed it lol? But no one at okcupid office had the spine to tell the woman who came up with the question that she was a ****ing idiot, so it gets put on the site.
Red Pill is understand that being conservative, smart, hard working, reliable
are not bad, unattractive, undesirable traits for a man to have. Red Pill is understanding that just because a woman isn't attracted to these traits, doesn't mean shes right, and to not let how group think or women think effect how you live and run your life.
Red Pill is understanding that the vast majority of people, let alone women have no ****ing clue what they want, who they are or what they want to do with their lives short or long term, and to not give your heart to a woman utnil you are 100% sure she's worth someone keeping around, and don't allow yourself to be shamed by blue pill think of being a player or a anything like that because now that the woman is done ****ing off her 20's she's ready to commit and dammit you should be to.
Red Pill is being 100% okay to tell a woman to sit her ass at home while I go out and work and **** feminism. i don't have to get in a **** measuring contest with my wife about who brings home more money and dinner , breakfast and lunch for that matter lol, are always on the table when i want it.
REd Pill is about understanding your role as a man. This isn't a ****ing democracy in the backbreaker household, I run **** There are some things you have say in, but my will in my house is the law. There is no compromising lol. I mean of course there is but there is **** you compromise on and **** you don't compromise on. ****ing is something we aren't compromising on lol we're going to ****. No we don't need to "talk about" our roles in the relationship if you don't like yours, leave. Because I do know what's best, because i'm a man and that's my job. I'm genetically engineered to run this **** and you're not.