What is going on with this forum lately???

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Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Well, I've dated every race of woman except Indian and being an alpha males works on ALL races of women.

Black girls are always chasing NBA and NFL players (at least the hot ones). If they loved beta males so much they would stick with Steve Urkel. So you're talking sh!t and your logic is false.

The real question is why you and Tenacity want to game insecure women with issues in the first place.

You can't be a beta male and say "being alpha doesn't work". How the f*ck would you know? LOL.
"Black girls are always chasing NBA and NFL players (at least the hot ones). Wow. If thats not over-generalizing on women then I dont know what is. Are white women always chasing Tennis players and Golfers? Ive dated all races too except for Indian as well, but you obv dont know a damn thing about black women besides maybe what you hear from the MEDIA. But the media's display of women with color is a whole diff topic. A topic I wouldnt even bother rapping about with you.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
"Black girls are always chasing NBA and NFL players (at least the hot ones). Wow. If thats not over-generalizing on women then I dont know what is. Are white women always chasing Tennis players and Golfers? Ive dated all races too except for Indian as well, but you obv dont know a damn thing about black women besides maybe what you hear from the MEDIA. But the media's display of women with color is a whole diff topic. A topic I wouldnt even bother rapping about with you.
So black girls don't chase NBA and NFL players? So do white women and other races. Its a fact. Last I checked these men all get laid a lot.

Bottom line is your claim that black women like betas is idiotic and 100% false. It is also a so-called "over generalization". Try again. You sound dumb.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
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The land of improvement
I can't believe that people are blaming the material in here that's based on real life experiences and observations because of their own weakness. It feels like some of you guys consider yourselfs inferior to those women because you are weak. You are weak because you cannot adapt the teachings in this forum to your everyday interactions and situations.

What's even more ridiculous ,you guys accept that being better does not work because it does not bring the result that you want. You are not strong enough to reach new heights. So you settle for your older self because this is where you feel confortable enough but the same shyt keeps on happening. And you blame others for your own incompetence.

Let me tell you. The material that is preached in here ,is mostly generalized because it describes a wide range of experiences ,situations and interactions. Based on that we can have an idea of how we can deal with such things but again in a generalized way. It's impossible everyone in here to give you the exact solution to your problem. As an individual ,you have to adjust the information to your needs and create from it the best result otherwise you are just a robot.

I'm not going to be specific because things get easily misinterpreted but one thing is clear, we all more or less have the same targets and that's what unites us . If you feel like some information isn't for you ,then you are free to do otherwise.


Again, I'm coming to the defense of my boy @Tenacity

Some of you guys putting him down talk a HUGE game for yourself. But we KNOW Tenacity has put up because he's shown us. This is a guy who has opened up and you've seen his progress. He's NOT a guy who complains but does nothing about it. He's a guy who came from nothing and got in shape, got advanced degrees, and saved up enough money to buy nice luxury items - who occasionally complains about a huge societal problem.

Tenacity is the embodiment of self improvement, and his posts are insightful, analytical and detailed. Who the **** cares if they're sometimes negative? There is NOTHING wrong with pointing out that the market is TOTALLY ****ED UP and there is no end in sight. It's not 20% anymore. You've got 5's striving for the top 2% of men, demanding celebrity status out of their men whose online dating profiles read like job interviews. Marriage is GONE and this is RELATIVELY NEW in our society. Just 2 generations ago, it was the BEDROCK of our society. And we were TAUGHT it meant something by the LAST generation for whom it meant anything, only for it to disappear in our young adult lives.

Tenacity has contributed lightyears more than some of you guys who just post "stop being a beta faggot, spin more plates" over and over again. He has laid out DETAILED plans of action for me whenever I've had a problem which were plausible and practical. I know, I know - having problems is beta. And you guys are in the Top 2% spinning 15 plates at a time. Wonderful. How about we create another forum where the silverbacks can go in there and talk shlt about betas all day, like a sweaty frat boy circle jerk?

And for the record, this forum is nothing like Loveshack. But some days it feels like the opposite extreme - the Roosh forums. Nothing but fake Alphas and keyboard warriors. A bunch of Matt Forney's writing about being super alpha.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
So black girls don't chase NBA and NFL players? So do white women and other races. Its a fact. Last I checked these men all get laid a lot.

Bottom line is your claim that black women like betas is idiotic and 100% false. It is also a so-called "over generalization". Try again. You sound dumb.
But you know damn well why you chose to say that black girls chase NBA and NFL players. Dont play dumb. And I never once said that black women like betas. I simply stated that some of the ppl on here claim ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA and a bunch of techniques and MOST of these so called "tehniques" dont work with BLACK WOMEN cuz they're a diff breed. Tenacity and every other black male on this forum knows exactly what Im talking about! You may be a very well respected poster when it comes to members crying about oneitis or NC, but some topics are CLEARLY out of your so called "expertise".


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
It depends what you want from this site.

There is a group of guys who want an open-ended conversation. They take some of the principles here on board, yet are still critically minded. They don't reject everything, neither do they accept everything.

Then there is another group who do seem to be indoctrinated to a certain extent. Perhaps that is just the nature of the internet, and the nature of our own nature... we need to believe in something. Perhaps this has something to do with the history of our recent culture, which has been heavily sectarian.

It just seems to me a very Don Juan principle to be open-minded, flexible, and critical in your opinions.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Here's the thing, people like Poon King, BeTheChange and others add their commentary/tips....and I add mine. When I'm adding my commentary/tips, if I think they said something I agree with, then I acknowledge that. If I think they said something that's "out there", I state my disagreement.

AT the end of the day, it's been my point of view that states that a guy should take the wealth of information on this board and create an individualized plan for his life. I've been the one saying that....not Poon King and not BeTheChange. They themselves have been promoting a religious-like cult full of various "beliefs" and "behaviors" that a guy HAS to have, or they call him cartoon names like beta male. That's what I have an issue with. You shouldn't be dictating what a guy should be on here, you should allow that guy to have his own individual style, direction, etc. without calling him these cartoon one-dimensional names.
Bro I think they are just trying to help you because they have seen everything and have experience. I've seen alot of crap out there too yet everything Poon and BeTheChange has said has hit me to the core. They are not trying make friends here and sing kumbaya, they are trying to instill some confidence in men.

If you have issue with it, attack the argument (not the person), or just move on.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Again, I'm coming to the defense of my boy @Tenacity

Some of you guys putting him down talk a HUGE game for yourself. But we KNOW Tenacity has put up because he's shown us. This is a guy who has opened up and you've seen his progress. He's NOT a guy who complains but does nothing about it. He's a guy who came from nothing and got in shape, got advanced degrees, and saved up enough money to buy nice luxury items - who occasionally complains about a huge societal problem.

Tenacity is the embodiment of self improvement, and his posts are insightful, analytical and detailed. Who the **** cares if they're sometimes negative? There is NOTHING wrong with pointing out that the market is TOTALLY ****ED UP and there is no end in sight. It's not 20% anymore. You've got 5's striving for the top 2% of men, demanding celebrity status out of their men whose online dating profiles read like job interviews. Marriage is GONE and this is RELATIVELY NEW in our society. Just 2 generations ago, it was the BEDROCK of our society. And we were TAUGHT it meant something by the LAST generation for whom it meant anything, only for it to disappear in our young adult lives.

Tenacity has contributed lightyears more than some of you guys who just post "stop being a beta faggot, spin more plates" over and over again. He has laid out DETAILED plans of action for me whenever I've had a problem which were plausible and practical. I know, I know - having problems is beta. And you guys are in the Top 2% spinning 15 plates at a time. Wonderful. How about we create another forum where the silverbacks can go in there and talk shlt about betas all day, like a sweaty frat boy circle jerk?

And for the record, this forum is nothing like Loveshack. But some days it feels like the opposite extreme - the Roosh forums. Nothing but fake Alphas and keyboard warriors. A bunch of Matt Forney's writing about being super alpha.
Excellent, fair, and balanced summary my friend. Nothing but the truth.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I would agree with the OP in part. There is far too much hypothesis and not nearly enough synthesis. That being said, nothing in the world is perfect and this forum is no different.

You can also see the guys who are insecure or embittered in their situation, or are here because they are actually too scared to go outside and talk to the women they want. They don't post field reports; rather they hump the keyboard all day, every day, posting pages and pages about unicorns and sweeping black and white generalisations about how all women are like this or that. They clearly don't get it. This is not game.

Talk is fcking cheap, lads. And b!tching about women is fcking weak.

Conversely, you can also see the guys who are good with women, who aren't trolling and who do take this stuff on board because they post coherent field reports about successful encounters with women. They clearly get it. This is the game.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Bro I think they are just trying to help you because they have seen everything and have experience. I've seen alot of crap out there too yet everything Poon and BeTheChange has said has hit me to the core. .
I don't know much about BeTheChange yet, but I can tell you that one minute he says he's an elitist who only networks with high net worth individuals....then the guy says that he's really black and has had the same experiences that a Tenacity has had growing up in or near the inner city. So I don't know WHO the fvck this guy is.

However....I KNOW who Poon King is. And Poon King is a complete and utter fraud because he's not as "experienced" as he is claiming to be. Again, I love his writing style, but the substance he is providing is not his own, he is just regurgitating shyt he read or heard someone else state. I've known this for a WHILE now, but just didn't want to say anything about it. But since he wants to act like a complete and utter buffoon, it's time this guy is exposed.

Poon King has been posting here since December 22nd, 2012 under the name of PlayHer Man. In typical troll/fraud fashion, he makes his first post with a question to "warm up" the audience in his "Did I Get Played" thread. From there, literally a day later, he goes FULL FLEDGE into his soapbox theories on how literally any guy that doesn't agree with what he's saying is a "beta fag.got" or a "white knight". He's been doing the "beta fag.got" and "white knight" related theories/threads going on 4 years straight now.

Again, you don't have to take my word on it, just follow the links I've posted.

Poon King/Play Her Man is nothing but a keyboard warrior. There are no examples of this guy having any type of real SUCCESS in life in anything......no posts on it, no journals, no pictures of women, no pictures of cars, no pictures of himself, no detailed explanations of dates he's had.....nothing.

For further information, I quote his most recent response:

Black girls are always chasing NBA and NFL players (at least the hot ones).
This quote is all you need to SEE that Poon King is a fraud and does nothing but regurgitate shyt he's heard someone else say. This quote on black women, is the stupidest, most generic, bullshyt, anybody can ever fvcking post. It's like a white guy saying he hangs around "black people", but all he can tell you about black people is that they like fried chicken.

Poon King hasn't dated any black women, I doubt that he's dated ANY women. Want to prove me wrong Poon King/Play Her Man? Since you have so many plates, when you go out this week, post a photobucket this weekend of you and a chick. Also include a solo pic with a sign that says "Poon King" so we know it's you. I'm going out with a HB this week, I'll post a pic through a photobucket link on Saturday as well. I'll come back, bump this thread, and post it right here.

Deal? This isn't much to ask for, if you can't do this then you put the final stamp on my case that you're a fraud.

The biggest "beta fag.got" on this site is you....because the most BETA shyt a grown a.ss man could do is get up in front of other men and NOT be himself....but instead try to be somebody ELSE that he's not. Call Tenacity whatever the fvck you want, what you can't call me is a fraud, nor can you call me some fake keyboard warrior trying to be somebody that he's not.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
^LOL. Because someone can't be both poor, socially ambitious and black right?

I'm going to avoid throwing insults because I don't want this thread to get locked before it has run its course.

However your entire post is complete and utter verbal diarrhoea.

Whatever "positive contribution" you make to this forum is vastly outweighed by the nonsensical, obfuscation of even the most basis issues and the misquoting or outright fictional arguments that you subscribe to other posters here.

I don't post pictures that could give away my identity because it's a stupid thing to do. Firstly I don't need to seek approval from people on the internet. Tenacity does which is VERY clear from his posts and odd for a grown man in his thirties. And secondly, I did this when I was younger (22/23?) and more naïve and my gf at the time (I was writing detailed FRs of banging other women), found out who I was and proceeded to fvck with my world. Ended up having to delete my entire account. Not something I'd like to see repeated, especially given my posts have gotten a lot darker and more Machiavellian over the years.

With regards to field reports, I find that I tend to post more of them when I am giddy with the single life or because they are novel experiences (e.g. my posts just after breaking up with my long term girlfriend). Once you normalise the experiences you're no longer impressed anymore - you're used to it. And so the FRs stop. This is why you are more likely to see a FR from a newbie or someone still trying to master the game, than a seasoned veteran.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
There is a group of guys who want an open-ended conversation. They take some of the principles here on board, yet are still critically minded.
Yeah, but I bet even these guys weren't like that from the start.

Speaking for myself, when I came on this board I sucked up all the PUA and redpill posts. I went out to clubs, even though I didn't like it much. I went out to the gym, even though I didn't like it at first.
I got some questionable experience, but point is I went out and walked the walk. I tried lots of game and saw some didn't work for me, but I've seen in work for others, and finally I've settled into my own style.

After all this time now I can filter the forum for what fits into my game, and be laid back about it. Even today I don't bash PUA advice, even though I dislike it, because I know it does work in its own superficial way.

Newbies got to understand that, no matter how good the advice, they have to put in work and experimentation before they have a right to discuss. There are too many unknowns, so you can't solve it by theory alone. This is, by the way, why going to the gym helps so much - it helps you develop a can-do attitude.

There are a few people here that do have experience and still post controversy - those are opinions that we can respectfully accept and discuss.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
^LOL. Because someone can't be both poor, socially ambitious and black right?

I'm going to avoid throwing insults because I don't want this thread to get locked before it has run its course.

However your entire post is complete and utter verbal diarrhoea.

Whatever "positive contribution" you make to this forum is vastly outweighed by the nonsensical, obfuscation of even the most basis issues and the misquoting or outright fictional arguments that you subscribe to other posters here.

I don't post pictures that could give away my identity because it's a stupid thing to do. Firstly I don't need to seek approval from people on the internet. Tenacity does which is VERY clear from his posts and odd for a grown man in his thirties. And secondly, I did this when I was younger (22/23?) and more naïve and my gf at the time (I was writing detailed FRs of banging other women), found out who I was and proceeded to fvck with my world. Ended up having to delete my entire account. Not something I'd like to see repeated, especially given my posts have gotten a lot darker and more Machiavellian over the years.

With regards to field reports, I find that I tend to post more of them when I am giddy with the single life or because they are novel experiences (e.g. my posts just after breaking up with my long term girlfriend). Once you normalise the experiences you're no longer impressed anymore - you're used to it. And so the FRs stop. This is why you are more likely to see a FR from a newbie or someone still trying to master the game, than a seasoned veteran.
- In regards to "proving yourself to people on the internet" isn't that exactly WTF you are doing by sprouting out you are an Alpha Male every 5 minutes? Aren't you trying to prove to anonymous people on the internet how "Alpha Male" you are and how "Beta Male" you are not? All I'm doing is CALLING you out on this by saying to open a photobucket link and post a pic of yourself and a chick you are with.

- When you post your picture on a PHOTOBUCKET link, there's absolutely no way any girl can track that through a Google search nor any other type of search. The only way she would track that was if she directly knew you posted on this site and searched through your threads. How the hell would a girl know to randomly search for a site called "So Suave" to randomly look through hundreds/thousands of threads to randomly find YOURS and say..."hmmmm, I think I know this guy?" Are you fvcking serious?

These are just lame excuses you are providing because you (like Poon King) are phony, fake, keyboard warriors. YOU said you were an Alpha Male, so either PROVE IT through showing some pics of you with a woman or STFU.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
- In regards to "proving yourself to people on the internet" isn't that exactly WTF you are doing by sprouting out you are an Alpha Male every 5 minutes? Aren't you trying to prove to anonymous people on the internet how "Alpha Male" you are and how "Beta Male" you are not? All I'm doing is CALLING you out on this by saying to open a photobucket link and post a pic of yourself and a chick you are with.

- When you post your picture on a PHOTOBUCKET link, there's absolutely no way any girl can track that through a Google search nor any other type of search. The only way she would track that was if she directly knew you posted on this site and searched through your threads. How the hell would a girl know to randomly search for a site called "So Suave" to randomly look through hundreds/thousands of threads to randomly find YOURS and say..."hmmmm, I think I know this guy?" Are you fvcking serious?

These are just lame excuses you are providing because you (like Poon King) are phony, fake, keyboard warriors. YOU said you were an Alpha Male, so either PROVE IT through showing some pics of you with a woman or STFU.
If you think we're all fakes then feel free to ignore our advice. That's what I do with yours.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
If you think we're all fakes then feel free to ignore our advice. That's what I do with yours.
I didn't say all, I'm specifically talking to you and Poon King right now.

And what you said is one of the main issues with the Manosphere. A guy can get up here, regurgitate all of the TALKING POINTS of the Manosphere/Red Pill community, and then IMMEDIATELY he is labeled by the community as "Alpha". What a load of bullshyt.

It would seem to me that the community would require that a guy show he is putting the "Alpha" principles into action...such as showing him working on his body, getting his money right, actually dating chicks/spinning plates like he says, etc.

But no, to be "Alpha", all the fvck you have to do is regurgitate some bullshyt. Take Pook for example, the greatest Sosuave poster of all time right? Totally Alpha right? NOT one pic of this dude with a chick.....ever.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
But you know damn well why you chose to say that black girls chase NBA and NFL players. Dont play dumb. And I never once said that black women like betas. I simply stated that some of the ppl on here claim ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA and a bunch of techniques and MOST of these so called "tehniques" dont work with BLACK WOMEN cuz they're a diff breed. Tenacity and every other black male on this forum knows exactly what Im talking about! You may be a very well respected poster when it comes to members crying about oneitis or NC, but some topics are CLEARLY out of your so called "expertise".
I've dated middle class and upper middle class black women.

Haven't dated poor trashy women (of ANY race) because I have standards. Maybe that's the problem?

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
I don't know much about BeTheChange yet, but I can tell you that one minute he says he's an elitist who only networks with high net worth individuals....then the guy says that he's really black and has had the same experiences that a Tenacity has had growing up in or near the inner city. So I don't know WHO the fvck this guy is.

However....I KNOW who Poon King is. And Poon King is a complete and utter fraud because he's not as "experienced" as he is claiming to be. Again, I love his writing style, but the substance he is providing is not his own, he is just regurgitating shyt he read or heard someone else state. I've known this for a WHILE now, but just didn't want to say anything about it. But since he wants to act like a complete and utter buffoon, it's time this guy is exposed.

Poon King has been posting here since December 22nd, 2012 under the name of PlayHer Man. In typical troll/fraud fashion, he makes his first post with a question to "warm up" the audience in his "Did I Get Played" thread. From there, literally a day later, he goes FULL FLEDGE into his soapbox theories on how literally any guy that doesn't agree with what he's saying is a "beta fag.got" or a "white knight". He's been doing the "beta fag.got" and "white knight" related theories/threads going on 4 years straight now.

Again, you don't have to take my word on it, just follow the links I've posted.

Poon King/Play Her Man is nothing but a keyboard warrior. There are no examples of this guy having any type of real SUCCESS in life in anything......no posts on it, no journals, no pictures of women, no pictures of cars, no pictures of himself, no detailed explanations of dates he's had.....nothing.

For further information, I quote his most recent response:

This quote is all you need to SEE that Poon King is a fraud and does nothing but regurgitate shyt he's heard someone else say. This quote on black women, is the stupidest, most generic, bullshyt, anybody can ever fvcking post. It's like a white guy saying he hangs around "black people", but all he can tell you about black people is that they like fried chicken.

Poon King hasn't dated any black women, I doubt that he's dated ANY women. Want to prove me wrong Poon King/Play Her Man? Since you have so many plates, when you go out this week, post a photobucket this weekend of you and a chick. Also include a solo pic with a sign that says "Poon King" so we know it's you. I'm going out with a HB this week, I'll post a pic through a photobucket link on Saturday as well. I'll come back, bump this thread, and post it right here.

Deal? This isn't much to ask for, if you can't do this then you put the final stamp on my case that you're a fraud.

The biggest "beta fag.got" on this site is you....because the most BETA shyt a grown a.ss man could do is get up in front of other men and NOT be himself....but instead try to be somebody ELSE that he's not. Call Tenacity whatever the fvck you want, what you can't call me is a fraud, nor can you call me some fake keyboard warrior trying to be somebody that he's not.
This PMS episode you're having is embarrassing and EXTREMELY beta.

Again.. I've dated middle class and upper middle class BLACK women. Absolutely. I have NOT dated the loser trash you date. That is probably why my experience is different?

I know you WANT me to be a fraud because it would validate your faggot mindset and faggot lifestyle.

Cry more b!tch.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2013
Reaction score
Paradise or Hell - You choose
This PMS episode you're having is embarrassing and EXTREMELY beta.

Again.. I've dated middle class and upper middle class BLACK women. Absolutely. I have NOT dated the loser trash you date. That is probably why my experience is different?

I know you WANT me to be a fraud because it would validate your faggot mindset and faggot lifestyle.

Cry more b!tch.
Why are you using such offensive language? I mean there is no need to defend ur cheap ego that much if you are so sure about it, right?
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