What is going on with this forum lately???

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Jun 23, 2014
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Im just curious. I realize that every race ,ethnic ,group, and geographic location has some differences in culture and learned behavior. However, i believe that all women are basically the same. My question is; if black women dont respond to so called red pill alpha male behavior then what does work?
A combination of what's considered "Alpha" and "Beta".

So for example, Alpha traits for you to have would be having your financial house in order, driving a nice car, having a nice dress style, and having a good personality that makes her laugh.

Then on top of that, you want to bring Beta traits such as listening to her, having long convos with her, coming off as someone that she "could" depend on financially, or "could" depend on for other things related to her life that are non-sexual, as well as a guy that while he might have the options to be with multiple women....he would choose to be with her instead, thus reducing down her anxiety about "competition".

The all out Alpha shyt is TOO MUCH.

- 3 second approach rules are too much, black women will think you are thirsty or crazy.

- The don't call for a week rule is too much, they will forget who you are or think you are playing games.

- The neg hits don't work if they are too much, because many black women have lower self esteem.

- The quick NEXTING doesn't work, because black women are more complicated and require patience.

- "The high quality woman criteria" doesn't work, because many black women come from single parent households, have daddy issues, and other issues to where you are going to have to change that criteria when dealing with them.

- The coming off like a player or coming off like YOU ARE THE PRIZE, doesn't work, because she will think you are a massive player, it will trigger her internal self esteem issues, and she will pull back.

Now, this isn't all black women, but I would say this is the majority of them. Gaming techniques for Asian Women/Middle Class White Women who come from solid foundations and have healthy self esteems........are different than for Black Women who grew up in the inner city, had no Father in their life, and in many ways have no positive identity in mainstream America.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
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Anyone who has either lived enough real life or read enough of this forum should be aware of the possible pitfalls associated with women. It isn't rocket science. All you have to remember is to have self respect and don't give your power away. It's not that complicated.

The DJBible was just written by people, posters just like us. They aren't holy words, and they shouldn't be treated as such. Pook was a gifted writer, but don't delude yourself into thinking that everything he wrote was gold, because it wasn't.

You don't have to be a psychopath to be successful. You can be a psychopath and be successful with women. My problem is when people insist that you must be a psychopath to be successful with women.

Plate spinning is a beneficial dating strategy. I think every guy should try spinning plates at least once in their life. I used to spin plates, now I have a girlfriend. So I get called beta because I am now in a LTR and I don't believe in cheating. The problem isn't that guys promote plate spinning, the problem is that guys want to say it's the only option out there, and you must spin plates until the grave, or else you are some sort of pvssy.
As always zekko, forever the contrarian and serial misquoter....you just proved my point. I hope for your sake you're simply being disingenuous. But I'm calling you out anyway.

What poster who is taken seriously here actually said that you MUST be a psychopath in order to be successful with women?

What poster who is taken seriously here actually said that spinning plates is the ONLY way to live life and that ANYONE in an LTR is a pvssy?

Or are these simply imagined sleights that you've concocted in your head?

95% of the guys on this site who say they are Alpha are not actually Alpha.

A real alpha would never proclaim that he is one on an internet forum full of people he will never meet.
More attempts at painting the other side as caricatures. No substance of course. Can you point to a single person in this thread who has "proclaimed" they are an alpha. Direct quote. If not, then STFU.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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Tenacity, can't you see that alot of these hard rules are just really good starters for newbies?
Guys who are totally lost come here and are looking for direction. The DJ bible often deals in absolutes, because that's exactly what those lost souls need to get a head start.

Of course stuff like the "3 second rule" is bull**** if you look at it closely. So is much of basic training in the army. But the guys go through it, it gives them a perspective, gets them off the street, and forces them to adopt a learner's mindset.

I think this whole discussion about the universal truth of seduction is completely moot, there isn't one "theory of everything", so no need to bash other schools of thought. Poon King's posts may be one-dimensional, but it's exactly what alot of guys on here need from time to time.

"Be an *******" posts are just as valid as "don't be an *******", because they both work and provide learning.

Attacks ad hominem are also useless, we're all just internet warriors on here - it will just make people stop reading your posts.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
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This forum is like every other. Some stuff will resonate with you, some stuff won't and may even piss you off. There are no absolute truths on here (or anywhere). Take the advice that works for you, because it won't all work for you.
Improve yourself because that is better than not improving yourself, but it might not get you laid.
Sleeping with lots of women and nexting at the first "red flag" might make you feel awesome and powerful or it might make your life feel meaningless and lonely and shallow.
****y and funny can work unless you are neither.
Cold approaching can work or it can make you doubt yourself or start to resent women.

I respect all the posters on here although I may disagree enormously with some of them. Their style or life chouces may not work or even appeal to me. I don't see that as a reason to have these pathetic little feuds or metaphorical penis waving.

Isn't it ok to have different ideas or beliefs or do we have to follow one ideology? If that ideology is ' all woman are bytches and only good for ****ing' then I am not interested. Any philosophy that dehumanises anyone and preaches hate, no thanks.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
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This is incarnation 1,000,000 of this type of post.

What I'm gonna write isn't directed specifically at @BeTheChange post, as aspects of his post have merit. it is directed at the 'the forum is Sh!t' type posts that crop up from time to time.

On this forum there is both good and bad. A lot of posters are improving and eventually will gain all they can off this site and leave, other posters improve and stay here and become moderators or provide valuable insight to people over many years.

There is bad on the forum and there is going to be posts/posters that you disagree with. It's up to the individual not to get personal and start flinging insults at one another. I think there is actually an ignore button on here, if someone irks you that much, ignore them.

No-one fits any mold perfectly, whether it be red pill, blue pill, alpha, beta or whatever. Defining people based on there postings on an anonymous forum and defining them as one thing is weak as fvck. I want everyone on here to be a Master DJ , calling someone a blue pill f4ggot and mocking them isn't progression.

DJing is highly situational, hence the advice 'read the material then GO OUT and apply it' some of you guys must spend hour after hour on here! Get out and live, there is no benefit to slinging insults with someone you don't know online.

@Tenacity I'm happy to PM you a picture of me. There is going to be posters who are compulsive liars on this site, but it is up to the individual to decide what advice has merit and who is legitimate. It's pretty clear to me who has actual success.
@Poon King is highly likely to be playherman, but he has toned down his style and provides valuable insight to a lot of members.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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What poster who is taken seriously here actually said that you MUST be a psychopath in order to be successful with women?

What poster who is taken seriously here actually said that spinning plates is the ONLY way to live life and that ANYONE in an LTR is a pvssy?
IF, as you say, no one has taken those positions, obviously you agree with what I was saying. Although apparently you didn't like the way I said it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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1. - 3 second approach rules are too much, black women will think you are thirsty or crazy.

2 - The don't call for a week rule is too much, they will forget who you are or think you are playing games.

3 - The neg hits don't work if they are too much, because many black women have lower self esteem.

4 - The quick NEXTING doesn't work, because black women are more complicated and require patience.

5 - "The high quality woman criteria" doesn't work, because many black women come from single parent households, have daddy issues, and other issues to where you are going to have to change that criteria when dealing with them.

6 - The coming off like a player or coming off like YOU ARE THE PRIZE, doesn't work, because she will think you are a massive player, it will trigger her internal self esteem issues, and she will pull back.
disclaimer before I start my response to this: I am black in real life. basically the theme of my response is this: there's more to the game than simply getting the woman, it's also about getting the right woman(in the sense of, not wasting time getting girls you can't stand or won't enjoy), with that in mind here we go:

1. that's for like night game, bars and clubs and such. in a busy club she probably won't notice how long you're in the place before you say hi, whereas in quiet coffee shop, she'll probably notice if you make a B-line for her as soon as you walk in. so you're half right.

2. that applies to all women, not calling for a week is generally way too long regardless of what woman you're dealing with.

3. once again, that applies to all women, ever seen the big bang theory?
negging is generally a terrible idea except under rather specific circumstances

4 & 5. didn't you get mad at poon king earlier for stereotyping black women?
For further information, I quote his most recent response:

Black girls are always chasing NBA and NFL players (at least the hot ones).
This quote is all you need to SEE that Poon King is a fraud and does nothing but regurgitate shyt he's heard someone else say. This quote on black women, is the stupidest, most generic, bullshyt, anybody can ever fvcking post. It's like a white guy saying he hangs around "black people", but all he can tell you about black people is that they like fried chicken.
to me, the way you made those 4th and 5th points kind of comes off like you're saying, whether intentionally or unintentionally, that black women are of a lower quality and require you to lower your standards and put up with more bull****, which is stereotyping at best.

but even if that's not your point and i'm merely misinterpreting the fact remains that your 4th and 5th point boil down to saying that black women are more work to get and deal with, but are they better? is there a benefit? are you just working harder for the sake of it? because if not it makes more sense to just not date a woman who puts you through BS, even if that means that you can't date most of the black women you talk to, better to be alone than miserable right?

6. and you want to date a woman with self esteem issues why? either way, there are plenty of women who wouldn't like it if you came off as overly player-ish, some of these women are used to being pumped and dumped, some of these women are just smart enough to avoid players in the first place, either way it'll benefit any man to know how to come off like someone who does well with women without seeming like a womanizer. always better to seem like you get laid too much than too little though.

in conclusion, 99% of those things are not black women issues, unless low self esteem, low quality, not liking bad game, etc. are black women issues and not just women issues


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
A combination of what's considered "Alpha" and "Beta".

So for example, Alpha traits for you to have would be having your financial house in order, driving a nice car, having a nice dress style, and having a good personality that makes her laugh.

Then on top of that, you want to bring Beta traits such as listening to her, having long convos with her, coming off as someone that she "could" depend on financially, or "could" depend on for other things related to her life that are non-sexual, as well as a guy that while he might have the options to be with multiple women....he would choose to be with her instead, thus reducing down her anxiety about "competition".

The all out Alpha shyt is TOO MUCH.

- 3 second approach rules are too much, black women will think you are thirsty or crazy.

- The don't call for a week rule is too much, they will forget who you are or think you are playing games.

- The neg hits don't work if they are too much, because many black women have lower self esteem.

- The quick NEXTING doesn't work, because black women are more complicated and require patience.

- "The high quality woman criteria" doesn't work, because many black women come from single parent households, have daddy issues, and other issues to where you are going to have to change that criteria when dealing with them.

- The coming off like a player or coming off like YOU ARE THE PRIZE, doesn't work, because she will think you are a massive player, it will trigger her internal self esteem issues, and she will pull back.

Now, this isn't all black women, but I would say this is the majority of them. Gaming techniques for Asian Women/Middle Class White Women who come from solid foundations and have healthy self esteems........are different than for Black Women who grew up in the inner city, had no Father in their life, and in many ways have no positive identity in mainstream America.
Uh, so being alpha AND beta? You should consider establishing which one it is.

If one exhibits those beta traits you stated, one should essentially accept SHE has control in the given relationship.

Women are the same. You describe black women as if one had to care for an individual with DS.

And what kind of individual would care about her self-esteem issues? If one is trying to game them, one should exploit their weaknesses. Is it one's fault she might have lingering effects of whatever kind of problem she has or used to have?

Race is not a pertinent factor in the way you are describing. Women are emotional creatures. Therefore, they still succumb to the very same tactics. Race does not make an individual "more emotional or less emotional".

Women are women.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Lol okay but pardon my pun sir.

How is it self-explanatory when there's no actual proof displayed? So for example, can I just SAY I'm a CPA and thus.....people hold me out as a CPA......without having to show you my CPA License and my resume showing years of experience as a Staff Accountant?
Even if you show your CPA License and years of experience as a Staff Accountant, who says its legitimate?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Tenacity, can't you see that alot of these hard rules are just really good starters for newbies?
Guys who are totally lost come here and are looking for direction. The DJ bible often deals in absolutes, because that's exactly what those lost souls need to get a head start.
This guy really gets it. Most of this stuff just acts as training wheels. Pook said that once you "graduated" all this stuff would seem to be ridiculous. There comes a time when you move beyond the beginner material.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
This guy really gets it. Most of this stuff just acts as training wheels. Pook said that once you "graduated" all this stuff would seem to be ridiculous. There comes a time when you move beyond the beginner material.
Pook also said "You cannot fully know the principles of this website until you leave it".


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pook also said "You cannot fully know the principles of this website until you leave it".
Absolutely. Although I think his point was that you have to get off the computer and go out and put the principles into practice, get out into the real world and talk to women. Not so much that you had to leave here and never post again, although he did that. I guess he did anyway, unless he comes here under a different name :)


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Absolutely. Although I think his point was that you have to get off the computer and go out and put the principles into practice, get out into the real world and talk to women. Not so much that you had to leave here and never post again, although he did that. I guess he did anyway, unless he comes here under a different name :)
You got me. I am Pook.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Come to think of it, this may be why I have always found this place to be a bit silly and heavy handed, and you think I am a "contrarian", BeTheChange. I had almost a lifetime of experience with women when I came here (good and bad), so it's no surprise that I would come here and read the beginner/training wheel/unplugging material and think that it is a little ridiculous.

Most of the advice here is good, but it has to be tempered with real world experience for it to be fully realized. That's where you get what they call calibration. What I have always objected to is not any specific idea, but rather when people want to apply those ideas universally and rigidly. It is usually the newer posters who want to do this. That's where the dogma and group-think stuff comes from. I sometimes like to give another side so the newer kids don't invest too heavily into one idea and think that's the only way to live or the only perspective out there.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Ironic that you try to lower the value of new posters, after stating that you yourself had a multitude of experience before coming here in that same post. Once more, an argument how your opinions are more valid than others - based on illogical rationalizations
Deesade, it's obvious you and BeTheChange have a problem with me. That's okay, but I think you might be misreading my post just a bit. I wasn't trying to blow my own horn, my point was that I'm an old fart and when I was growing up we didn't even have the internet. My path to this place was backwards to the way most guys come here.

I know that you and I (and to a lesser extent, BeTheChange and I) differ philosophically, so I understand why you don't care for me. I believe in plate spinning, although I have no problem with relationships either, whereas I know you said you have never desired a relationship in your life. That said, I doubt that we are as far apart as you might think.

My thing is that I HATE group-think and dogma. I didn't make up the "training wheels" analogy, I was told that by veterans when I came here. IMO, the wealth of different opinions on this site are what make it interesting, not a single agenda and set of beliefs (which has changed over time anyway). It wasn't my intent to disrespect newcomers, rather I don't want to dumb down material for them by only presenting one side as a universal truth.

As I said in another post: "I have literally never went out with a woman that didn't subscribe to the behaviours that we all know and love/hate espoused by typical game theory.

The "not all women are like that" crowd are a foreign object. I have no idea where they are coming from at all."
See, here's where we differ. If I read you correctly, you are saying that all dating life can be summed up by game theory. I don't believe it is that simple. Game theory is okay, take the parts that work for you and discard the parts that don't. I agree with daddymonsterpoodle - we don't all have to follow one ideology. Probably best to just agree to disagree.

@Tenacity I'm happy to PM you a picture of me. There is going to be posters who are compulsive liars on this site, but it is up to the individual to decide what advice has merit and who is legitimate. It's pretty clear to me who has actual success.
I've already said I'm an average looking guy. Not sure what else anyone could gain by seeing a picture of me :)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2007
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Things like the 3-second rule, waiting x days to call, not letting on interest, negging, etc. are all training wheels. For the newer guys, sticking to these helps learn how to interact with women. Once one becomes more seasoned, one gains more finesse about nuances and context to the point where these things largely seem pointless.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Things like the 3-second rule, waiting x days to call, not letting on interest, negging, etc. are all training wheels. For the newer guys, sticking to these helps learn how to interact with women. Once one becomes more seasoned, one gains more finesse about nuances and context to the point where these things largely seem pointless.
Yes. And the advanced stage of game is really the simplest truth of them all -the realisation that it isn't about what you do so much as the mindset from which the actions originate from.

You could break every DJ rule in the book and still make women wet if you do so from a position of strength. And that comes from a concrete mindset and ironclad frame, not a summation of tips and tricks or even wealth, status and looks.
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