So your passion is making money, investing, and working out. That's great.
Here is another question: If you never find a "tag team partner" can you still enjoy making money, investing, and working out? OR are you doing these things in hopes of getting a tag team partner?
No, those three things are my passion because I personally enjoy doing them. I honestly love my career, love investing, and love my workout plan. They really have nothing to DO with getting women, even though, they increase aspects of my attraction which contribute to getting women.
If I never find the tag team partner, my life remains the way it is right now. Right now, everything is pretty much great (besides these damn stomach issues I keep having). Women would just remain as entertainment only (sex/companionship/plate spins) rather than having any structured 50/50, 60/40 or 70/30 tag team partnership agreement setup with one woman in particular.
Life is like a cake and women are like icing. The cake is still good without icing, but icing makes it a little better. However, if you cannot enjoy the cake without the icing.. then you might have to ask yourself if you enjoy the cake at all. Maybe the icing is all you really care about.
I got a better analogy for you Poon King. As a man, we should bake our own cake and create our own frosting. Right now, my life's cake is already baked and the frosting is already there.
The Tag Team Partner is an
ADDITIONAL CAKE that I get to eat off of....because the Tag Team Partner should come to me with her life's cake already baked and the frosting already there.
I go from having one cake to eat off having two cakes to eat off of.
But if I never find the tag team partner, I still have my cake and frosting in the form of my career, money, investing, workouts, plate spins, the ability to travel anywhere I want, the ability to go anywhere I want, and the ability to live life the way I want.
Here is a deeper question to ask
: If you found out you would never have sex again and never be with a woman again.. would you kill yourself? I have asked myself this question and the answer is an EASY "no". However.. if the answer for you is "yes" then you have lost the game.
Well, no because I wouldn't understand how that situation would ever come to pass? If I ever get into a situation where I can't acquire plates, I'll just buy some pvssy lol. If my dyck gets to the point where it's hard to get up, I'll get some Viagra. If I'm too old to fvck, I'll svck on a titty.
Women aren't going anywhere, so I'm not sure how I would ever be in a situation to where I would never be able to do anything sexual with them again? Now maybe if I become a vegetable or something then I guess so....but hell, I would have way bigger problems at that point which might have me killing myself for other reasons lol.