The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
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"She doesn't know what she wants"

Bullsh*t! She knows what she wants and it just isn't you.

Reading her pattern my thoughts are, its an on and off with another guy. That is the only reason she would behave that way.
I agree with this assessment. I look at my ex's behaviour and how she literally melts down after more than a week of NC. I think if a woman is literally spending months (and almost half a year in Cap's case) away from you before coming back there is not only another guy in the picture but she is very much into him. You may need to confront the reality that perhaps you were the sidedude and she may have finally worked things out with the other guy. I mean, it's been a year man.

Women, just dont wait that long if they actually give a crap.

I can't comment on how I'll feel after the 60 day challenge come September but I'll say this. Once the 60 days are up that's it. I'm out of here. Because honestly I think if you are still posting about your ex after that point you are doing yourself a disservice. After that "grief" you owe it to yourself to move on COMPLETELY. I mean come on. Is anyone here still talking about Daisy who rejected them in the cafeteria when they were 14? Exactly. And that's how it should be with your ex. Give yourself 60 days then move on. Properly.Discussing her after that point only becomes counterproductive and from what i'm seeing in this thread actually increases the oneitis and goddess like status in our minds whether we admit it or not.
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Senior Don Juan
May 25, 2016
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The University of Life
@dude99 @BeTheChange Agreed. I think this as well. There is someone else in the picture, I am pretty sure that is the only explanation. That said, she was incredibly into me. But I cannot think of any reason for the sudden changes of behavior. There was an ex who she was for three years and who she split with eight months before me, she said he was an unpredictable and moody a$$hole who never made any time for her and her adult sons hated him whereas they loved me. But she mentioned this guy several times (in bad way I hasten to add). Maybe he has been trying to hit on her or maybe they are back together. They can do what they want, I am not interested in her anymore.

BTW It has not been a year, it's been since end of March. Three break ups in 18 months, this being the longest of three months.

The solution is the same, no contact.

EDIT: I agree, I am off of this thread at the end of this month, it does no good to keep discussing it. I have actually met another lady with whom I have been on three dates with and we get on great!
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Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Is 30 days NC long enough to detach emotionally?
Emotional pain is temporary. It may last a month, six months, a year. But eventually, the pain will subside and strength/resolve will take its place. If you quit, however, the pain (of selling yourself out) can last a lifetime.
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Comp eliminator

Don Juan
May 27, 2016
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Today is my 60th day of no contact. A woman who was sick with cancer dumped me after all I did to try to help her including a substantial amount of money. Still wake up so mad i want to kill. My plan is to never contact or engage her in anyway still not over it but I'm working toward that goal


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2008
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Day 60

Instead of writing a dear diary of my thoughts and feelings throughout my 60 days of no contact, I thought it would be better to write some tips and some things I've learnt that will hopefully be helpful to other people dealing with their break-ups.

1. Sometimes a painful break-up is exactly what you need to make yourself realise how weak you really were
2. Never let any of your decisions be based on fear of loss
3. Don't try to figure out every little detail of what went wrong in the relationship...doing so is only delaying your healing process.. You will know what mistakes you made and what mistakes she made, learn from them and move on
5. You will have good days and you will also have days where you don't want to get out of bed - on these bad days force yourself to get up and get to the gym/socialise.. The further into NC you are, the less frequent those bad days become
6. If you bump into her, be brief yet polite then continue on with your day
7. Give yourself a few weeks to mourn, then get out there and start banging new girls - it's fun
8. I found writing in this thread very therapeutic.. Come on this thread or get a sheet of paper and write it all out, if you don't want to post it that's fine, just get it off your chest, you'll feel better
9. On that note, if you find yourself wanting to contact your ex, write out everything you want to say to her, read it a few times.. then throw it away.. don't contact her.
10. Lastly I'll leave you with one of my favourite red pill sayings (can't remember where I saw it) that says so much without saying much at all...''Always remember, she's not your girl, it's just your turn''


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2016
Reaction score
I'm on day 25. Pretty messed up because of my PMS but nevermind. I saw our picture today on accident and I realized 'man, I was really a perfect girlfriend' (of course, not completely perfect, but I did everything I could and that was a lot).

I am wondering how many of you have trust issues after being dumped? My girlfriend is a type of person who doesn't trust easily but when she does, she is completely yours. We really thought we were meant for each other and wanted to spend our lives together. I never thought she would leave because we knew how much it hurts (a lot of people in the past have hurt us).
I'm ok after our breakup but I don't really believe I'll ever be as optimistic about dating as after meeting her. I mean, no big deal... I'm gonna have a good career, friends, flat, etc. but I don't think I will be capable to completely let my guards down for someone as I did for her.


Senior Don Juan
May 17, 2006
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Just a thought meant in the most kind way, but I think you would do much better on a forum such as Love Shack.....


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I'm on day 25. Pretty messed up because of my PMS but nevermind. I saw our picture today on accident and I realized 'man, I was really a perfect girlfriend' (of course, not completely perfect, but I did everything I could and that was a lot).

I am wondering how many of you have trust issues after being dumped? My girlfriend is a type of person who doesn't trust easily but when she does, she is completely yours. We really thought we were meant for each other and wanted to spend our lives together. I never thought she would leave because we knew how much it hurts (a lot of people in the past have hurt us).
I'm ok after our breakup but I don't really believe I'll ever be as optimistic about dating as after meeting her. I mean, no big deal... I'm gonna have a good career, friends, flat, etc. but I don't think I will be capable to completely let my guards down for someone as I did for her.

Welcome. I just read the back story ( don't visit this thread too often ). 'Two fcking pineapples a day'....! Too funny. You know eating that much pineapple isn't good for a person. To be honest, she doesn't sound like she's in a great place and that will only start impacting (more) on you if you stayed together.

Obviously trust is an issue, especially when you're in love with someone. The secrets to your future lie within the DJ bible. The principles largely apply to everyone. As a gay woman, figure out if you are a fem or masculine energy, and what energy you like in a partner (if you haven't already).

It is perfectly possible to get over and meet others and be even happier. You have to truly believe it will happen though. As I always tell others, sometimes a person has to go through this process over a few times with different people before they become savvy enough to know what signs to look for, both good and bad. I certainly have been through a good three or four times, and it gets easier each time.

Don't go out immediately looking for the perfect replacement. I tend to meet people I really like every couple of years. Don't force things. You will meet someone better, but you must get better yourself in order for that to happen. But as we tell everyone on NC, no harm in spinning plates =)


New Member
Jul 4, 2016
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Still NC, she plays my snapchat stories but wouldnt message me after I didn't respond to the last one she sent.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
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Day 2

I WILL find a woman who is better than her.

Someone who is worthy of my respect and love. Someone who is worthy of being with the man I am and the better man that I will become.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Quite drunk right now and taking the advice that it's better to post here than text the ex. This will be a positive post.

Tonight I celebrate what was a great relationship. Yes it was unbelievably toxic, and I wouldn't wish some of the pain I experienced during the down times on my worst enemy. But despite that I had the greatest times with someone who became my best friend and who sincerely loved me and I her. We were two imperfect people who met at the wrong time but such is life.

I honestly wouldn't change a thing because I had to go through the experience to be the person I am going to be over the next few months. I remember being 20 and HONESTLY believing that I would NEVER find a woman (massive self esteem issues, dad walked out on my ma and treated me like sh*t my whole childhood) - even though I would get woman I would always put it down to "luck", "my mates", "she just likes black guys", etc. Never anything about me in a positive light. Even my ex has admitted I am incredibly centred, calm and confident (most of the time). In 6 years I have gone through the drastic and painful self improvement and shift in belief system (thanks Pook, Rollo Tomassi, sosuave and Sean Stephenson) necessary to correct my inner game. It just shows how far I've come that I can sit in my room and sincerely and without doubt believe that I am a CATCH. I BELIEVE THAT.

My one shame is that I am my father's son and a lot of the berating blows I took from him I have transferred to my ex. I accept this and I WILL get the therapy necessary to deal with this issue because honestly if not for this one issue I would be a GREAT boyfriend to ANY woman. But now is not the time for self analysis and regret as this will only disrupt the healing process. I will reach out to my ex ONE day and apologise for my sins (don't worry hers is a VERY lengthy list of naughties and I wrote it out and printed it on my wall to make sure I stick to NC). She didn't deserve such things however and the great (and completely unnecessary) debate will be would she have turned out to be a crazy vindictive psycho if not for me. What came first the chicken or the egg - some friends have observed that she always had it in her. Anyway, just thinking out loud.

Raise a glass to a life affirming experience and move on. Life is there to be lived. Don't let it pass you by.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
She didn't deserve such things however and the great (and completely unnecessary) debate will be would she have turned out to be a crazy vindictive psycho if not for me. What came first the chicken or the egg - some friends have observed that she always had it in her.
A healthy woman would never have resonated with you and would have left the very first time and never looked back. She was not that healthy woman. She has issues. You have issues. You came together to offer one another the opportunity to see greater potential and choose it. You are! That is something to be grateful for! Creating a life that exemplifies what you learned is where the proof lies.
Raise a glass to a life affirming experience and move on. Life is there to be lived. Don't let it pass you by.


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2016
Reaction score
Day 27.

@BeTheChange, good for you for posting here and not sending her drunk texts! You will get better and you truly are a catch, you just have to let time do it's thing.
I'm trying to survive my 4th serious break up and, honestly, I'm not feeling okay but I know I will get there someday. I survived previous break-ups, I continued living my life, became a better person after each girlfriend and it will happen this time too.
I don't know why, but I'm not getting better over time as I've expected. Yesterday, I found out my ex has a new girlfriend... I'm here thinking how it's just a rebound but after us being long-distance and now her finding someone in her city, I honestly think they will last. The girl is nothing like me - alternative looks, piercings, anime style (Nothing she could bring home to her grandma and introduce as a friend like she did with me. Her grandma fu*king fell in love with me!), doesn't go to college (unlike me, future med)...
They are all over each other now and it makes me doubt my worth but I know that's just my ego hurt. As soon as the clouds of emotions settle down, I'm gonna see what a catch I am.
I also decided to move to a bigger city next year after finishing college, I'm gonna start fresh and find my first job in a hospital. Currently, I cry almost every day, medicate myself with ice cream and romantic movies about breakups (Forgetting Sarah Marshall was great!), and studying for a big exam I have in September...
Never give up yourself guys. Never.

EDIT: I know I am doing the right thing here, not her. She jumped into a new relationship when she already has emotional problems, and I am here dealing with my emotions in a way to HEAL not RUN from them. She maybe won the battle but I will win the war. ;)
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Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Day 3

She's left for Germany today. She didn't come over to try and say goodbye, which surprised me. However the last time we spoke she did say she was over me as she could now see things clearly after another heated argument - which is odd as the previous day she was telling me how much she loved me. Hurts the ego but for the best, as seeing her today would have left us with distorted expectations.

Finally have the time and space to heal as there's no chance of us running into one another until mid August. Ignoring texts, calls and emails has always been easy for me. It's when she has come over to my place and begs to see me that I have had trouble resisting and so ended up relapsing. Thankfully that won't happen now and if she does reach out while she's in German (based on her demeanour the last time we spoke she may genuinely have no desire to) I will simply ignore her. That means 30 days of NC which should hopefully be enough to emotionally detach to some degree and keep NC up.

I've set myself 3 long term targets that need to be achieved before I break NC and ever contact her again:

1. Completion of the 60 day NC challenge
2. I have to be emotionally involved with another woman (not necessarily exclusive) - I owe it to myself to give someone else a try
3. I have to have started therapy and anger management


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2016
Reaction score
This is great, I'm gonna write mine too, my plan is to write here until I'm completely healed so I can help others with my example.
So the deadline for this is the end of September.

1. Complete 90 days of NC (already on 27/90)
2. Lose more weight (3-4 pounds)
3. Study as hard as I can for my exam
4. Completely get off antidepressants (I'm already half dose)

I think it's probably for the best not to start anything with someone new during this period, don't want to open old wounds and maybe mess someone up because I haven't cleared my head completely. But... I can have some fun, of course. ;)
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Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Just had a massive day of life admin, which has been delayed for the past few months due to me being an emotional mess with this on off relationship and also due to a very busy period at work. Finally have my head together and over the last two days have been very productive.

I just finished planning out my social calendar for the next few months and I am feeling super optimistic about the future.

I met my gf when I had just recently moved to one of the most expensive cities in the world. I was broke, had questionable dress sense and was just at the start of my training contract so was spending A LOT of what free time I had studying. Fast forward 3 years and I'm qualified, making good money, have my own side business, a solid amount saved and my own future in my hands.

For the first time in my life I have the time, money AND freedom to do all the things I've wanted to do. It's incredible how lazy relationships can make you. I'm FINALLY going to master another language, learn how to dance salsa and bed some phenomenal women on the way. Only way is up.


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2016
Reaction score
Does this thread apply if you are the one who did the dumping?!?
Can you tell us a little bit of your situation? Yes, it does. The no contact rule is actually doing something for yourself, to move on and heal after a breakup, when you realize there is no going back.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Does this thread apply if you are the one who did the dumping?!?
Most definitely. I was essentially the dumper in my case. How long were you with your ex for?

For those still feeling a little down for some reason this advert always helps to keep me upbeat as it puts things in perspective. People have struggles and they persevere so why can't you? There's your answer.



Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2012
Reaction score
Most definitely. I was essentially the dumper in my case. How long were you with your ex for?

For those still feeling a little down for some reason this advert always helps to keep me upbeat as it puts things in perspective. People have struggles and they persevere so why can't you? There's your answer.

My situation is one that is helpless, it was with a blond, a 2year relationship, I loved her, sexually, she did what I wanted, I am no saint, I looked at other younger girls as she is not the best looker, it had its ups and downs, finally, rustled up the bottle to dump her after she was really cruel, it has been 3 months, the first 2 weeks of the breakup she called and texted and wanted to get back together in a light hearted way. I responded but did not get back together as she was abusive and would not change her ways.

Around a month later I saw her holding hands with some tall fat bloke near our shopping area ( I was beaten up so bad I was jealous, I couldn't believe my eyes). I contacted her and went NC. 3 months later last week got 10missed calls, she was making a noise on Social Media, I was NC.

Recently I went on a date with a chick from my old work place, I thought it went well, she looked so happy, smiling drinking, touching, hugging, holding, enjoying her self, it were like I had found another, but wait....4days after the date no response (ghost).

I'm now even more beaten up, my phone rings, its my ex, I somehow summon the courage to not answer , however I text "Sorry I missed your call etc etc" ....I bloody broke NC!!! The pressure from my ghost date really beatme up, because we communicated before and she went ghost after the date.

I broke NC, such a mug!