im 24 years old and never had a girlfriend. Every time I go out, I always see couples everywhere and can't help but be a bit envious. The reason for my envy is that I have put so much effort into myself and put effort in going out alone and approaching women, and reading and studying a bit of pick up. Also facing countless rejections hoping that I would learn lessons and accumulating experience to carry into the next interaction. I do all these things and yet I see guys out there that don't put in any effort in themselves, behave awkward and not really have any great social skills and have no goals or ambitions in their lives, and yet they still get the girl and get laid. I'm career oriented, fitness focused, and spend my extra time working on improving my social skills and putting myself out there even when I don't feel like it and I always feel anxiety about going up to complete strangers and talk to them. Why is it that I go up to so many girls and get rejected by all of them and see and know guys that don't do anything to better themselves and yet, girls fall into their laps it seems. Please help!