So I've been on a couple dates with this chick. Had a pretty good time, she's decently cute. However, I think I have to next to her.
See, the problem is, whenever I text her to meet up, she usually takes 1-2 days to reply. I usually try asking a few days in advanced, because I am an extremely busy person between work and activities outside of work, so I'd like to work her into my schedule. This was fine for the first couple dates... there is no idle chit chat, I'd only contact her when I wanted to meet up, and eventually she would get back to me with days that were good for her and then I'd pick the day that would fit my schedule.
However.....we were supposed to meet up last week again when she canceled on me the morning of the day we were supposed to meet. She gave me an excuse, was extremely apologetic, and offered me to reschedule by saying that she was free the following two days. However, since this was last second, I was obviously busy those following days, and I told her so.
At that point, I pulled back. Normally, I'd next a girl who did this, but right now she is the only plate I'm spinning due to my limited time and she's mutual friends with a coworker, so I didn't want to totally close the door.
She texted me a few days after that on a Friday night, asking if I was free over the weekend. I told her that I was busy (which I I said, it's hard for me to do last-minute scheduling), but then gave her alternate dates.
And of course, a couple days later, no answer.
So I know the answer is to next her. She's probably dating other dudes and I'm low on the priority list obviously. I know she's eventually going to text me though....should I just outright ignore her? Or say something along the lines of "I see you're busy right now. Hit me up when you actually have a free day?" Be semi-confrontational or not? Like I said, complicating matters are the mutual friend and that I am not spinning many plates.
See, the problem is, whenever I text her to meet up, she usually takes 1-2 days to reply. I usually try asking a few days in advanced, because I am an extremely busy person between work and activities outside of work, so I'd like to work her into my schedule. This was fine for the first couple dates... there is no idle chit chat, I'd only contact her when I wanted to meet up, and eventually she would get back to me with days that were good for her and then I'd pick the day that would fit my schedule.
However.....we were supposed to meet up last week again when she canceled on me the morning of the day we were supposed to meet. She gave me an excuse, was extremely apologetic, and offered me to reschedule by saying that she was free the following two days. However, since this was last second, I was obviously busy those following days, and I told her so.
At that point, I pulled back. Normally, I'd next a girl who did this, but right now she is the only plate I'm spinning due to my limited time and she's mutual friends with a coworker, so I didn't want to totally close the door.
She texted me a few days after that on a Friday night, asking if I was free over the weekend. I told her that I was busy (which I I said, it's hard for me to do last-minute scheduling), but then gave her alternate dates.
And of course, a couple days later, no answer.
So I know the answer is to next her. She's probably dating other dudes and I'm low on the priority list obviously. I know she's eventually going to text me though....should I just outright ignore her? Or say something along the lines of "I see you're busy right now. Hit me up when you actually have a free day?" Be semi-confrontational or not? Like I said, complicating matters are the mutual friend and that I am not spinning many plates.